Dear law professors, I take my words back. LOL

here, [download links]

*TL from gSS' script

Credits to SDX for sharing these. ^^

Single will be released on March 4, 2009. No full song until then. ^^

Single release update! ^^

Song List

1. trust you 1. Trust you
2. Brand New World
4. Trust you – Gundam 00 Version –
5. Trust you-instrumental –Source:

This song is good great, though this is the first pop song in Gundam 00’s list of J-rock OPs and EDs. I’m really wondering what kind of ED animation comes with it. The song is pop, dramatic and it’s for a shounen-mecha anime… would the ED be gayish? lol jo dan I’m still downloading the new ED’s video [slow net. >.>]


I just watched the video for the OP [courtesy of SDX ^^] and it’s awesome~ it’s dramatic — fits the mood of the song. fu~ no gayness, BTW. XD

It starts with histrionic Gundam-in-their-grave vistas

[click the images to enlarge]

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then, some scenes which are obviously continuations of the  season 2’s first ED, Prototype, plus a Louise-Saji moment.

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From a windy field for drying clothes [lol. see Lockon pic above and It’s Lockon x Anew fu~] to scattered “war-torn”  clothes and [finally] young Setsuna watching the wreck of his beloved Gundam.

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