Friday, January 30, 2009

Absolutism: good or bad?


  1. I think that the perfect example of both the positives and negatives of an absolutist society is Hitler. Hitler came to power in a very run down, beaten, exhausted Germany. His coming to power was the turning point for the country. They were so desperate to believe that their suffering would end that they would give complete power to this man. And he helped the pull them out of their economic slump and help them become one of the powerful countries again. On the other side, we all know what happens next. Hitler’s complete control eventually made Germany spiral back into the state i twas previously in. He had control of everything and no one would go against him, much like Louis XIV and the citizens of France.

    Some societies may benefit from this form of government, much like the Germans did at first. But in my opinion, giving one person too much power is a bad idea. It may seem like a good idea at first, but in the long run, as history shows, the people end up getting hurt. Egotism sets in and that’s when the power is completely taken from the people. The best kind of governemnt is when the people have some sort of say, even if that’s only a little. In an absolutist society, the people have no say whatsoever. Power goes to the human head, and once the ball gets rolling, so to say, it’s hard to stop it.

  2. I think that absolutist societies are more often then not are bad. In many different examples they lead to either war, or the falling of an empire/society. As mentioned in the above post, Hitler started and maintained an absolutist society that eventually ended in the decline in the German society. Giving complete control to one person may help bring a empire or society out of turmoil but the upswing will be brief. I feel that putting the control in the power of one person will eventually upset the common people and they will revolt. Louis XIV is an example when the people eventually were fed up with the control of a ruler they generally did not agree with. In the end of Louis XIV rule, the french society engaged in a war that was not supported by the general public, and although Louis XIV originally brought the french society back to a prosperous state, he eventually found a way to bring it back to where it was before his rule.

  3. Absolutism is a little bit of both good and bad. There were many things good with a society surrounded by absolutism. Many of them rose to power and flourished, however breif that rise may have been. That rise to power put their respective societies on the map. They also put lots of money towards the arts and brought us many of the excelent pieces of artwork and archetecture we have today. It also put a strong influence on the military. These are seen in the rulings of both Hitler in german society and Louis XIV in french society. They brought their empires to the top of the chain. An Absolutism society is also bad in the sense that living and working conditions for the average peasant workers were terrible. The rich got rich and the poor stayed poor. It provided little opportunity and made the average person in that society live in poverty. Another thing against this idea is the amount of time this type of control will continue to flourish. They didn't keep up the good work for more than 40 years usually. Some were overthrown once the people got tired of being controled by a tyrant. All in all, when it comes to the idea of Absolutism, you have to pick your poison on what your society really wants.

  4. lol heyyy I think I'm the newest comment I was working on some history work for my 7th grade history class lol all these comments r from 2009
