Trisha – Her Drunk and Clubbing Photos

I’m sure you have heard news on Trisha getting drunk and creating rackets in clubs and so on. but have you seen pictures of her in her shaky state? Take a look. Stunning to say the least!



P.S.  Getting drunk and having a little partying is not a bad thing but to actually get caught by media and appear on the net? You got to know your limits gal or did your friends sold your photo? Either way, bad judgement for a celebrity.

~ by million2b on December 17, 2008.

6 Responses to “Trisha – Her Drunk and Clubbing Photos”

  1. i like u , i like drinking

  2. it’s really bad why media always focus on celeb’s life wat’s wrong in that may of people drink.

  3. I don’t care.If she wants to drink. let her do that. I love Trisha…….. don’t make her unhappy by creating issues like this.

  4. I Don’t Think Its So Bad Cosz It Shows Her How She Casually And Its Betta Photos Than Being Taken BLOODY NAKED !

  5. cool pic

  6. god….i dint expect dis frm trisha…. i thot she wud be a decent actress …. guess i was wrong…. !!! so bad…

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