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Cookie cutter christmas issues... same as everyone else's.

I am not even remotely ready for Christmas. Well, maybe remotely ready. I've done some shopping, and I have presents for some. I, of course, have my wrapping paper. Yesterday I bought a rolling pin so I could make sugar cookies. But it's not good enough, kids, not nearly because ... I DON'T HAVE ANY COOKIE CUTTERS!!!

Anyhoo, today I'm cleaning. No sense in going out shopping on a Sunday if you don't have to. And we all know how much I hate cleaning. So much that I have to tell you guys I'm cleaning so everyone knows how brave I am.

Brave little soldier.


Comments closed on older entries, whenever I get around to it, to avoid spam.

It's bad when it's a tossup between cleaning and shopping. Places are packed around here!

I like to tell people I'm cleaning too, because it's a Big Deal around here. Seriously, I am the anti-clean person. So yeah. I do it just to brag.

Ps. I went shopping at walmart tonight because it's open 24/7 right now. Don't go shopping Sunday night - there's no stock!

I guess you could have been playing a video game instead of cleaning so kudos to you! :)

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