Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Expressions I Hate, AGAIN

The expression 'touch base'

As in, 'Let's touch base on this matter later' or 'I'll touch base with John'.

I hate it mostly because it's classic corporate speak. It has no use in real every day life. If it somehow does appear, it's either
a) force of habit (excusable) or
b) an attempt to sound more educated/important/dignified (horrific)

Anyhow. There's no real reason to choose these two words. It's an inflated way of saying 'talk about' or 'reach out to'. Who 'touches base'? Is yet another everyday expression relating to baseball? Don't people 'tag the base'?

Ugh. This reminds me of the pandemic 'All Your Base Are Belong to Us' back in high school. (Anyone else remember that?!?!)

Anyhow. I guess I don't really want to know the origin of this expression. I just watn to bitch about it. I'd ask if anyone else out there feels the way I do, but I googled 'the expression touch base' and one of the first responses was: 'when people use the expression touch base, do you have the urge to crack them in the chops?'

Does anyone like this expression? Anyone else find him or herself unfortunately using it from time to time?


Marcia said...
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Marcia said...

I'll get back to you on this one.

emily said...

i'll agree with marcia. we need to TOUCH BASE on this post.

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