8th Grade American Studies

Week Twenty-Nine (March 21st – March 25th)

Monday: No School

Tuesday: Review – the Legislative Branch

Wednesday: QUIZ!  The Legislative Branch

Thursday: “Night at the Museum 2”

Friday: “Night at the Museum 2” – Mrs. Jecha’s Last Day

Week Twenty-Eight (March 14th – March 18th)

Monday: Qualifications of Legislators – Begin “Help Wanted” poster

Tuesday: “Help Wanted” Poster

Wednesday: English – Holocaust Museum Field Trip

Thursday: Powers of Congress Notes/Worksheet

Friday: CNN Student News/Powers of Congress

Week Twenty-Seven (March 7th – March 11th)

Monday: Introduction to the Legislative Branch

Tuesday: Introduction to the Legislative Branch

Wednesday: Virtual Tour of DC

Thursday: Virtual Tour of DC

Friday: Virtual Tour of DC

Week Twenty-Six (February 28th – March 4th)

Monday: QUIZ!!!  Division of Powers/Amending the Constitution

Tuesday: Review – Articles/6 Principles

Wednesday: Review – Division of Powers/Amending the Constitution


Week Twenty-Five (February 21st – February 25th)

Monday: Amending the Constitution Amending the Constitution (Power Point) AmendingtheConstitutionNotes

Tuesday: The Amendments (We talked about the Budget Battle for most of the hour…)

Wednesday: The Amendments

Thursday: Review – Division of Powers

Friday: Review – The Amendments/Amending the Constitution

Week Twenty-Four (February 14th – February 18th)

Monday: The Divison of Powers The Division of Powers (Power Point) DivisionofPowersNotes

Tuesday: Finish the Division of Powers – Introduce Project DivisionofPowersActivity

Wednesday: Work on Division of Powers Project

Thursday: Work on Division of Powers Project

Friday: Division of Powers Project Due Today!!  CNN Student News.  Begin discussion about amendments.

Week Twenty-Three (February 7th – February 11th)

Monday: Review Federalism.  FederalismActivity

Tuesday: Begin Separation of Powers/Checks and Balances

Wednesday: Judical Review – Constitutional or Unconstitutional? (Due Thursday)

Thursday: Review Organization of the Constitution/6 Principles of Government. (Due Friday)

Friday: QUIZ!!  CNN Student News

Week Twenty-Two (January 31st – February 4th) – UPDATED

Monday: Notes – PowerPoint “Organization of the Constitution” The United States Constitution

Tuesday: Constitution Scavenger Hunt!

Wednesday: Snow Day!!

Thursday: Complete Constitution Scavenger Hunt!  Which Article Is It?  (Mini Quiz – Not Graded!)

Friday: CNN Student News – Federalism lesson.

Week Twenty-One (January 24th – 28th):

Monday: Exam Schedule.  Watching “National Treasure 2”

Tuesday: Exam Schedule.  Watching “National Treasure 2” or Constitutional Scavenger Hunt

Wednesday: No school!!

Thursday: State of the Union Bingo!

Friday: Begin Constitution Unit!  Focus on the Preamble.  CNN Student News. PreambleWorksheet

Week Twenty (January 17th – 21st):

Monday: Review for Articles of Confederation/Constitutional Convention Quiz

Tuesday: Review for Articles of Confederation/Constitutional Convention Quiz

Wednesday: Articles of Confederation/Constitutional Convention Quiz!!  CNN Student News (if time allows!)

Thursday: Introduction to the Preamble, School House Rock PreambleWorksheet

Friday: Exam Schedule – Watching “National Treasure 2”

Week Nineteen (January 10th-14th):

Monday: Compromises of the Constitutional Convention

Tuesday: Anti-Federalists vs. Federalists, Handout Essay Assignment ToSignPositionPaper

Wednesday: Review Anti-Federalists vs. Federalists (Power Point) AntiFederalists_Federalists

Thursday: Begin work on essay assignment in class with computers.

Friday: CNN Student News, work on essay assignment with computers

Week Eighteen:

Monday: Welcome back! CNN Student News, Introduction the Articles of Confederation (Due Tuesday)

Tuesday: Primary vs. Secondary Sources, Primary Sources Analysis of the AoC (Due Wednesday)

Wednesday: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation (Due Thursday)

Thursday: Notes on Articles of Confederation/Intro to the Constiutional Convention

Friday: Current Events (Huck Finn), CNN Student News

Weeks Fourteen – Seventeen: Mrs. Leonhardt is back!

Week Thirteen:

Monday: The Seven Years War

Tuesday: Mrs. Leonhardt Returns!!

Wednesday – Friday: NO SCHOOL!!!  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!  🙂

Week Twelve:

Monday: Review!  Study guide due Tuesday!

Tuesday: Colonial America QUIZ!!!

Wednesday: WKCE Testing

Thursday: WKCE Testing

Friday: NO SCHOOL!!  🙂

Week Eleven:

Monday: “The New World”

Tuesday: 13 Colonies – Why were they Founded?  (Map Work) Due Wednesday!

Wednesday: A Concise and Short Overview of Colonial America… American Colonial History Power PointAmerican Colonial History Notes

Thursday: Complete power point presentation, notes

Friday: Road to Revolution Video, begin work on study guide Colonies Study Guide

Week Ten:

Monday: Review forms of government! Intro to Government Study Guide Assignment: Complete study guide!

Tuesday: Introduction to Government Quiz! Quick overview of the midterm election.  (If there’s time)

Wednesday: Election Results!  Introduction to Colonial America.

Thursday:  Introduction to Jamestown (historyisfun.org),  Life in England – the 1600s (Life in England Reading) Due Friday!

Friday: CNN Student News, Review of Life in England, “We the People” Reading

Week Nine:

Monday: Complete “Forms of Government” worksheet.  We will go over this in class!  Assignment: Turn in “Forms of Government”

Tuesday: CNN Student News, complete forms of government

Week Eight:

Monday: Introduction to government.  Why do we have it?  Why do we need it?  What do we already know?  What do we want to know?

Tuesday: Introduction to government terms.  Introduction to Government Power Point, Introduction to Government Notes

Wednesday: What is the difference between liberals and conservatives?

Thursday: The Political Spectrum.

Friday: CNN Student News, Review of the political spectrum

Week Seven:

All content is due on Monday, October 11th!

We will be presenting projects all week!

Week Six:

We will be working on the regional projects all week.



Week Five:

Monday: Review physical characteristics.  Begin CNN program “Planet in Peril” for the discussion on human and environmental interaction.

Tuesday: Continue/finish “Planet in Peril” Assignment: Study for Quiz!!

Wednesday: QUIZ!!!  (Physical Characteristics of the United States)  Discuss movement in the United States.  Assignment: Complete choropelth map.  Statistics and Blank Map.

Thursday: Continue discussion about movement, discuss the different regions of the United States Assignment: Watch/Read the News!

Friday: CNN Student News, Current Events, Handout 5 Themes of the United States Region Project

Week Four:

Monday: “Counting the County”, Finish state/capitals. Assignment: Complete “Counting the County”

Tuesday: Review the states, “Counting the County”, Using tables to compare places in the United States

Wednesday: QUIZ!  States and their capitals!!

Thursday: Review Population, physical characteristics

Friday: Current Events, physical characteristics (Study Guide was handed out)

Week Three:

Monday: Complete political map of the United States, begin discussing physical characteristics.

Tuesday: Work on the physical features of the United States. Assignment: Read “The Census”

Wednesday: Review “The Census”, review the significance of the census.

Thursday: Q1_8thGradeLocationReview Review for quiz.   Assignment: Study for the quiz!!  Watch/read the news.

Friday: Quiz!!  Talk about current events, CNN Student News, Constitution Day Activity

Week Two:

Tuesday: Overview of the 5 Themes, begin reviewing the states/capitals, the 5 themes and the United States.  In-Class Activity: “How does the United States fit into the 5 themes?” (It will become homework if it is not finished in class)

Wednesday: Review of longitude and latitude and using coordinates to find a location. Q1_LongandLat (Notes) Q1_Longitude_and_Latitude (Power Point) In-class Activity: Locating U.S. Cities using longitude and latitude

Thursday: Using political and physical maps of the United States.  In-class Activity: Mapping the United States: Physical and Political maps.  Assignment: Watch/Read the news.

Friday: CNN Student News, September 11th Activity

Week One:

Wednesday: Welcome back!  8th Grade Social Studies Syllabus overview, pre-test (Don’t worry, it’s not graded!)  Assignment: Turn in the parent signature sheet by Friday

Thursday: Review the 5 Themes of Geography.  Q1_FiveThemes (Power Point) Q1_FiveThemes (Worksheet)  Assignment: Watch/read the news for a current events discussion on Friday.

Friday: Current events, CNN Student News, complete review of 5 themes of geography

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