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Recent Activities

Development, revision and withdrawal of JIS

Based on JISC recommendations, 79 new standards were published, 349 standards were revised, 57 standards were withdrawn and 2,038 standards were confirmed in 2023FY. As of March 31, 2024, there are 10,966 active JIS.

Harmonization of JIS with international standards

Japan has stepped up efforts to harmonize JIS with international standards since the World Trade Organization (WTO)/Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) came into force in January 1995.

Consistency between JIS and International Standards
Total number of JIS 10,966 standards
Number of JIS with corresponding international standards   6,318 standards
JIS identical to international standards (IDT) 38%
JIS modified from international standards (MOD) 60%
JIS not equivalent to international standards (NEQ) 2%

(Figures as of Mar. 31, 2024)
(Note 1)
The degree of correspondence of the standards with international standards (IDT, MOD, NEQ) is in accordance with the definition of ISO/IEC Guide 21-1.
(Note 2)
The rate of harmonization is measured based on the "percentage of JIS with corresponding international standards."

References to JIS in technical regulations

As of March 31, 2024, there are 8,330 citations of JIS in 202 Japanese laws and regulations.

Major Japanese laws and regulations referencing JIS
Name of laws and regulations Number of JIS References
Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices (former Pharmaceutical Affairs Act) 1,337
Measurement Act 758
Fire Service Act 666
Building Standards Act 654
Industrial Safety and Health Act 487
Food Sanitation Act 389

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