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This Just In…..Oldest Living Min Pin On Earth

June 15, 2010

Some of you may not know that this month was a special time in the Lemons’ household – Chewy turned 13, furthering the common belief that he will, in fact, be the oldest living Miniature Pincher on earth.  Though he is definitely more grey, and doesn’t quite dash up the stairs like he used to he still has an amazingly playful spirit.  Being that he still enjoys a good toy and a friendly game of hide the elephant (which is not what it sounds like, perverts) we make sure to stock the house with plenty of fun dog items.  Here is a line-up of Chewy’s “usual suspects”; they are a sorted bunch for sure.

First, there is Kitty Rope who has a squeaker in his head.  Then, The Alien, who for some reason ends up outside or in the kitchen most of the time.  The Patriotic Elephant is his new 13th birthday toy, demonstrated by the fact that he still has his stuffing and eye balls.  This toy also shows Chewy’s political party allegiance (I’m just saying).  The Christmas Chicken is one of my favorites; he makes this awful sound that is especially alarming at 3:00 AM when you are trying to find your way to the toilet.  And finally there is Chewy’s twin.  He is the exact opposite of Chewy’s colors and he has no eyes, and no stuffing, so mostly he just lies in a heap – much like Chad during football season.

So there you have it.  Chewy is clearly spoiled but you know what, why shouldn’t he be.  He is like 108 years old in dog years and has been the most loyal, sweet, adorable, precious angel dog every minute.  Except that one time on the rug.  Oh, and the incident with the kitchen trash.  And that poor bunny rabbit a few days back.

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