Kalamazoo Area Emmaus  for the development of Christian leaders


Application for:       [  ]  Men's Walk     [  ]  Women's Walk   Spring [ ]  Fall [ ]  Year _______


Applicant Information    (To be filled out by applicant - Please fill in ALL blanks)  - Please print


Name:  _____________________________________    (as preferred on name tag)____________________

Address:     _______________________________          Telephone: (home) (____)_____-_______

City:__________________     State:____ Zip:_______                     

Birth date: ___/___/____        Age: _____                    E-Mail address  ____________________________

 Employer: _________________________________  Occupation ________________________________

Church now attending: ________________________ Pastor: ____________________________________

Church Address _____________________________ Pastors  Phone (____)______-__________

Church City _______________________________   Zip________________

Marital Status;  Married [ ]   Single [ ]    Divorced [ ]    Widowed [ ]    Separated [ ]

If married, has spouse attended a Walk? [  ] yes  [ ] no  If not, has spouse registered for a Walk?_____________


Religious or community organizations you are active in:





Do you have any health problems or physical handicap that may affect your attendance or may require special

accommodations? [ ] yes   [ ] no If YES, please specify:


Special diet/medication? [ ]yes  [ ] no  If yes, please specify: ___________________________________


Please circle answers to questions  (Talk with your sponsor if "N" is circled)

Has the Walk to Emmaus been explained to you?    .     .     .     .      .       .        .       .       .      .      .     . Y   N


Has the follow-up program of Emmaus Groups and the post-Emmaus meeting been explained?       .      . Y   N


Have you ever participated in a three day week-end before?     .     .     .           .           .           .            . Y   N

  If "Yes", what was it called?


State briefly why you wish to be involved in this weekend and what you expect from it:



 Emergency contact:_____________________________________  Phone: (______ ) ______- __________


Signature: ___________________________________________


Your cost for the Emmaus weekend is $80 if received by the registrar more than 4 weeks before the walk; four weeks or less and the cost is $100 for the weekend. Pre-registration deposit of $30 is required to reserve a place for you. 

Deposit (non-refundable) will be applied toward your cost.  Make checks payable to Kalamazoo Area Emmaus

Please give this application and your check to your sponsor when completed.


Sponsor Information and Contract

Note: The Kalamazoo Area Emmaus Board has decided that no more than 4 people from one church per Walk will be accepted until one month before the weekend.  Then, if there is space available, 2 more may be accepted if there are no conflicts.  Completed applications (pilgrim and sponsor sections) will be processed in the order they are received.  Registration is now open.


Name:_______________________________      Phone:  (home) (_____)______-______________

Address: _____________________________                  (work) (_____)______-______________

City:_________________________________     e-mail:  _________________________________

State: _____  Zip: _________                          Church Attending:   ___________________________


Where did you take your Walk to Emmaus: ___________________________ When?___________


Including this one, how many pilgrims have you sponsored in the last 12 months? (max of 2 per year) _______


 Have you attended Sponsorship Training? . . Y  N   How long have you known your pilgrim? _______________ 


Are you in an Emmaus 4th Day group? .      .     .  Y   N      Are you praying for your pilgrim?  Y   N


What spiritual, emotional and physical challenges has your pilgrim experienced in the last year?




Why do you feel this person would make a good pilgrim:




The desired answer for the following questions is "Yes." If not, follow through with the intent.

Explain any "N" or  "N/A" responses.


If married, have you discussed the Walk to Emmaus with both your pilgrim and spouse? .   .      .Y   N   N/A

If the spouse is a believer and is not interested in attending, has the couple taken 6-9 months

      to pray, discuss and consider the invitation for both of them to attend? .       .           .           .Y   N   N/A

If spouse is not attending, is he/she agreeable to the pilgrim attending?.   .           .           .           .Y   N   N/A

Have you explained the post-weekend meetings to your pilgrim? .    .     .           .           .           .Y   N   N/A

Will you assist your pilgrim in joining a fourth day group?     .     .     .     .           .           .           .Y   N   N/A

Will you bring your pilgrim to the Emmaus site? .     .     .     .     .     .     .           .           .           .Y   N   N/A

Can you care for your pilgrim's family during the weekend?  .     .     .     .           .           .           .Y   N   N/A

Are you aware of the importance of minimal contact with your pilgrim during

      the weekend, especially if the pilgrim is your spouse?     .     .     .     .           .           .           .Y   N   N/A

"N" or "N/A" reasons:_______________________________________________________________________



By signing this application, you are accepting and agreeing to uphold the responsibilities set forth in the accompanying sponsors

covenant.  Make sure both sides of this application are filled out completely before sending. Incomplete applications my be returned.


___________________________________                          _______________

Sponsor Signature                                                                    Date


Mail to: Deb Litchfield, 1615 N. 5th St. Apt 170, Niles MI 49120 


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Sponsor Covenant

Before the application is signed:
[ ] Understand that sponsorship requires a commitment in time and effort that begins before the Walk

     and continues after the Walk has taken place. Attend Sponsorship Training if you haven't had it.
[ ] Pray for God's guidance in selecting individuals or couples for you to sponsor.
[ ] Meet with your chosen pilgrim(s) and his/her spouse (if married) to discuss the Walk to Emmaus and

    post-Walk Emmaus activities. Every effort should be made to encourage BOTH husband and wife to attend

    the Walk. If one is not interested but is a believer, you should back off for 6-9 months to give the couple a

    chance to pray, discuss and consider the invitation. If, after that time, one still refuses, then sponsor the one

    who wants to attend if the spouse is agreeable.

Before the Walk:
[ ] Pray for the spiritual growth of your pilgrim, for his/her family, and for the success of the Walk.
[ ] Contact the community "72 Hour Prayer Vigil" board member and commit for a prayer time slot.
[ ] Collect 8-12 personal agape letters from the pilgrim's close family, friends, and pastor. These should be

    marked with an "F" on the envelopes to signify "family and friends."
[ ] Consider making general agape to share with all of the pilgrims on the weekend.

During the Walk:
[ ] Pray for the spiritual growth of your pilgrim, for his/her family, and for the success of the Walk.
[ ] Take your pilgrim to the Walk site and help to register him/her. If your pilgrim wishes to drive alone, be

     at the site to welcome him/her.
[ ] Attend Sponsor's Hour which occurs immediately following the fellowship time on Thursday night. If you

     cannot attend, please see that you have someone at Sponsor's Hour to pray for your pilgrim, or give a brief,

      written prayer to the person responsible for Sponsor's Hour to be read in your absence.
[ ] Leave personal agape letters at the site Thursday night if possible.
[ ] Assist the pilgrim's spouse at home (e.g. baby-sitting, companionship for a meal, etc.)
[ ] Attend Saturday night Community Gathering ( 8:00 pm ) and Candlelight service at 8:30 p.m.
[ ] Attend Closing services Sunday afternoon at 3:30 p.m.
[ ] Take your pilgrim home if possible. S/he will appreciate someone who understands his or her excitement or


After the Walk:
[ ] Continue to pray for your pilgrim and be available to discuss what s/he discovered on the weekend

     after s/he has had time to reflect upon the events.
[ ] Attend the first Community Gathering after the Walk with your pilgrim.
[ ] Assist your pilgrim in finding a reunion group and encourage him/her to attend.
[ ] Help your pilgrim understand how s/he may participate in upcoming Walks as a sponsor or team member.

     If s/he has not done so, encourage him/her to complete the volunteer sign-up sheet distributed in the

     packets and forward it to: Rocky Starland, 17669 Blue Star Hwy, South Haven, MI 49090

By completing and signing the Sponsor Information and Covenant sheet, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to uphold your responsibilities as stated above.
Save this sheet as a reminder.