Monday, April 19, 2010

A visit to Asha Daan, Missionaries of Charity

We, the Zealots, T-07 Batch of ILP, had visited the Nirmala Shishu Bhavan at Palayam, Trivandrum, during our ILP training, which was a part of the Missionaries of Charity, begun by Mother Teresa. The visit happened to be on Diwali 09, so we had got lot of sweets and crackers for the kids there. The visit turned out to be a successful one and had a mind blowing impact on all of us.

During the last week of March 2010, from no where, one fine morning, one of our batch mates, called for a group chat and left a word saying that, it had been a long time since we had made such an event happen and must arrange such an event at everyone’s place. Making up my mind, I collected the details of Missionaries of Charity at Mumbai, spoke to the Mother, collected all the necessary details and left a mail to my entire team asking about their suggestions. There was great response from my team. The second week of March was the collection period and we could make it up to Rs. 7400, in the form of cash and food coupons. We fixed our visit on 17th of April and asked one of our team mates, Reena mam, to get all the necessary stuff from Big Bazaar, as the coupons could be used only there. It was Prasad, Deepti, Kavitha, Deepak, Ujjal and me who finally made it upto Asha Daan on Saturday.

Asha Daan, is located at Byculla, Mumbai. It has around 400 inmates including kids in the age group of 2 to 8, HIV+ women with their kids, destitute women and men. The kids here are mostly physically and mentally challenged. The people who serve them are mostly from Bihar and Orissa, who had left their homes because of some problem or the other. There are around 12 nuns and rest all are supposed to be Orphans. The kids are absolutely challenged that they have to be fed all the meals for the day.

We had got baby food, oil, sugar, rice, dal and phenyl as per the request made by the Mother. We had got some cake too hoping to make up their craving for it. The excess cash of Rs 2000 was donated in the name of TCS, Powai to Asha Daan.

Below is a note that was seen at the entrance of the orphanage:

“Welcome to Asha Daan. Dear visitors and friends, we cherish you spending your time with us. Do not just hand down to us eatables, our appetite for lunch may be ruined. Give whatever you brought for us to the person in charge. And God bless you. We thank you for not taking photos, but you probably leave with our imprint in your heart. Do not show us pity, we are happy. If you doubt, then just ask us “Kaise hai?” and what you will hear will cheer you. Then, if you have come as a visitor, you will leave as a friend. Please come again. We love to keep in touch.”

It is really very moving to see the inmates answer “I am fine” when we ask them how they were. We are indeed very gifted. But most of us, including me, do not know the value of our lives. Lets live life king size with love, affection and contentment..!


  1. I once visited Ashadaan and I have one clear memory in which a nun was talking to this young boy and the interaction between the two was filled with sheer delight and love. It was endearing to watch the nun playfully yet lovingly talk with the boy. The boy just wouldn't let go of the nurse's hand!

    I was sad to hear that the boy passed away two years after that and can't even imagine what the nun must have gone through.

    I hope everyone sustains the support of this organization that is rejuvenating in its genuine love for humanity!

  2. Our Parishioners from Saint Theresa's church bandra west visited this place today....God bless the sisters and all those who are taking care of such people words to express..

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Visited Ashadan several times in 1985, when I used to attend the Alcoholic Anonymous Meetings next to their home. Used to spend some time with those lovely children and vowed someday to help them if I could. Next year for my 25th Silver Wedding (2020), I will be able to do the same and pray that day comes soon.
