La Rue
General nonsense about things I like with absolutely no direction. Read my more dedicated fashion blog here.
“ Oscar The Grandiose
Second piece from the upcoming show “The Lovers, The Dreamers, And Me - A Jim Henson Tribute Exhibition.” at Gallery Nucleus.
This was the first idea I had for the show. It took me about 10 tries before I got it...
  1. sirmitchell:

    Oscar The Grandiose

    Second piece from the upcoming show “The Lovers, The Dreamers, And Me - A Jim Henson Tribute Exhibition.” at Gallery Nucleus.

    This was the first idea I had for the show. It took me about 10 tries before I got it right, but I was dead set on making it work.

  1. 29,155 notesTimestamp: Friday 2011/12/02 11:32:50Via: fakemikemitchellSource:
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