Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalm 139: 13-14

Although I have always loved this scripture, it's come to life in a new way for me. I have loved knitting for my grandchild long before I met him but seeing him wear the hats and cuddle in the blankets has brought a new joy to my knitting and to my understanding. I love putting together the imperfect stitches for my projects but God's perfect knitting is truly awesome. This little baby, knitted together so perfectly in my daughter's womb brings me joy, amazement and an indescribable gratitude.


Jackie said...

What a beautiful baby boy! You must be bustin' proud!

Annette said...

What a beautiful picture and little boy.

sandi said...

Beautiful blanket and grandson! It's so fun to share your excitement Grammy, you have truly been blessed.

Sue said...

What a beautiful subject for a photographer! You can feel the love in your picture.

Kymm said...

This has been an amazing and joyous journey, from the moment you got that call from Ashley to tell you she was pregnant to seeing Lincoln wrapped up in so much love. What an honor it's been to have been a small part of it.