Liberalscum Buster

June 8, 2008

Evidence exists to prove Arizona Senator John McCain is a traitor

Filed under: BARACK OBAMA, Bush, hillary clinton, John McCain, life, mideast, news, politics, war — gasdocpol @ 7:39 pm

By Pat Shannan | American Free Press | Feb 18, 2008, Issue 7

Negative information written over the years about John McCain by those who know him best is immense, and it all is surfacing again with his run for the White House. Many of his peers, particularly POWs from the “Hanoi Hilton” (Hoa Loa Prison) and current fellow senators, are repulsed by the ideas of a McCain presidency.

Senators say he’s nuts, and former POWs call him a traitor; and the evidence is mounting that both may be right.

Most fellow senators discuss his shortcomings only in private, of course, but a large number believe him to be psychologically unstable. Some, such as former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), and Sens. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Dick Shelby (R-Ala.) have related the times McCain screamed four-letter obscenities in their faces in the Senate cloakroom.

“The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine,” said Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Miss.). Another who preferred to remain unnamed said, “The man is unhinged. He is frighteningly unfit to be commander-in-chief.”

Jack Wheeler is a Republican insider described as “extremely well connected and a fascinating geopolitical analyst credited with being one of the architects of the Reagan Doctrine.” Wheeler has reported that the Clintons have discovered “a deep and dark skeletal secret in McCain’s glorified past” and some Republicans fear it will be used to blackmail him.

The Clintons have been talking with a former Soviet translator who was present at interrogations at several North Vietnam prisons because his father was in charge of the Hanoi Hilton, under the direction of the Soviet armed forces. One of these prisoners was McCain, shot down, wounded and captured on Oct. 26, 1967. The following July, McCain’s father, Adm. J.S. McCain, was made commander of all military forces in the Vietnam theater. Upon learning this, the Vietnamese offered to release the younger McCain.

McCain has always claimed he refused, demanding that all American POWs captured before him be released first. He thus remained a prisoner when he could have gone home, and was subjected to constant brutal beatings and torture for years. That is McCain’s story, which is supported by some fellow prisoners.

Yet the offer of release would have to have been approved by the Soviet overseers of the North Vietnamese, and the translator does not recall any such offer being made. McCain’s rejection of early release may have caused the offer to be dropped before high-level discussion.

According to the translator, McCain made an “accommodation” with his captors, and, in exchange, the translator’s father saw to it that he was provided with an apartment in Hanoi and the services of two prostitutes. Upon returning to his prison cell, he would say he had been held in solitary confinement.

“That may be why so many of his fellow prisoners said later they saw so little of him at Hoa Loa Prison,” Wheeler suggested.

The interrogations themselves were conducted and translated by Vietnamese who spoke some English. After each interrogation session, which for many prisoners included torture, the Vietnamese interrogator would write a report of the session in Vietnamese, according to Wheeler.

“These reports had to be translated into Russian,” he says, “and the bright teenager living in the compound in Hanoi had become fluent in Vietnamese, and ended up translating may of the reports and interrogators’ notes.”

He says the translator’s records still exist and are held by the CIA, and this is how life-long CIA asset Bill Clinton learned of them.

“The release of such evidence would destroy McCain. The threat of its release could force McCain to take a fall, blow the election and lose on purpose,” Wheeler said

The small group of senators and congressmen who have been briefed on this have been unable to confirm with the CIA any details of its document swap with the GRU beyond an admission that such a swap “may have happened.” They are nervous about pursuing the matter any further.

Meanwhile, the Clintons are not nervous. “They are utterly ruthless, and have buddies at Langley all to happy to help them,” says Wheeler

Dennis Johnson, a graduate of Officer Candidate School, was brought into Hanoi with a broken leg that was never treated. He saw McCain only a few times but heard much about his clean clothes, being showered and clean-shaven and always with a few NVA officers during his stint at the “Hilton.”

“He received special treatment and was sent to the hospital days after he arrived because he agreed to cooperate, and yes, he did give radio broadcasts for the NVA, not only to North Vietnam but broadcast over the camp speakers,” Johnson said. “None of the other prisoners wanted anything to do with him because of these issues. It makes me sick to hear him called a war hero. He was worse than Fonda, for she was just an idiot, but McCain was supposed to be one of us.”

McCain was kept at the Hanoi Hilton from December 1969 until his release, along with all the remaining POWs, in March of 1973. During this time, the young teenager translated all the Vietnamese interrogators’ notes and reports regarding McCain.

In November of 1991, when Tracy Usry, the former chief investigator for the minority staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, testified before the Select Committee, he said the Soviets interrogated U.S. prisoners of war in Vietnam. McCain, incensed, rudely interrupted Usry several times, yelling that “none of the returned U.S. POWs released by Vietnam was ever interrogated by the Soviets.” However, the evidence shows that McCain was lying and had first-hand knowledge that the charge was true, unless he had been programmed to forget it. If this were the case, he can honestly wear the title of “Manchurian Candidate” bestowed upon him by other POWs.

Col. Bui Tin, a former senior colonel in the North Vietnamese army, testified, after Usry, that because of his high position in the Communist Party during the war, he had the authority to read all documents and secret telegrams from the politburo pertaining to American prisoners of war. He said that not only did the Soviets interrogate some American prisoners of war, but that they treated the Americans very badly.

Bui Tin also offered the committee his own records concerning his personal interrogations of American POWs, making McCain look foolish. Undaunted, McCain then stunned onlookers by moving to the witness table and warmly embracing an enemy official responsible for the torture of American POWs.

McCain’s fellow POWs were aghast at this display and one wondered if the gesture was not really saying to Tin, “Please don’t give them my records.”

Shortly thereafter, Usry, a distinguished Vietnam veteran, and all the other members of the minority staff that had participated in POW/MIA investigations, were abruptly fired. Wheeler said it was at McCain’s urging.

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