If we want the world to change in a significant way we first have to look at our own evolution and consciousness.  In the same manner, if we want to experience that deep seated sense of balance and wellbeing throughout our mind, body, heart and soul, we must also look at our capacity to develop and grow in a spiritually integrated sense. Such a look at the Self will embark one upon their path to Expanded Consciousness and an Integrated Life Purpose. 

Through the use of Hypnotherapy anyone, be it with a minor intrigue or an intense and passionate interest, can quickly and profoundly rediscover the purpose with which they came into this life. Such a discovery can transform ones life from a place of blocked, stagnation to one of vitality and shine in an average of three sessions. This is an area of exploration open to all seeking profound transformation and change at a deep spiritual level.

Working at this level we permanently transform our sense of Self so that we transcend our negative behaviours and attitudes to the benefit of not only ourselves, but those around us… and the Universe in general.

I approach my work with a holistic outlook that takes into consideration all aspects of mind, body, heart and soul. My goal is to help my clients bridge the gap between these areas of life so that one experiences the peaceful comfort of inner congruency.

Quality of life is enhanced by having a healthy sense of who we are and what we came here to do. My approach is unique in that it combines analytical hypnosis with a deep understanding of spiritual growth and development. In this way my clients find a stronger desire to live their inner truth through their own inner wisdom to the benefit of health, wealth, happiness and peace. The bigger picture is a positive effect for all. 

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