Free Self Hypnosis CD – Guided Meditation.

April 16, 2009

Free Self Hypnosis CD – Guided Meditation. This self hypnosis / guided meditation will help you peacefully and congruently BE YOU. Take time to complete this self hypnosis session. Namaste.
Free Self Hypnosis CD – Guided Meditation.

Use Self Hypnosis (Guided Meditation) to tune into the beat your own inner wisdom. Doing so enables you to more peacefully and congruently walk your own path to the betterment of yourself and all those with whom you walk. This self hypnosis / guided meditation will help you BE YOU. Take ten minutes out for yourself to find out how this self hypnosis segment of a session may work for you. Namaste.
TO RECEIVE THE COMPLETE PODCAST DOWNLOAD, Sign up for the Mala Hypnotherapy Newsletter – its absolutely FREE.

35 Responses to “Free Self Hypnosis CD – Guided Meditation.”

  1. Robin Hart Says:

    I am a Clinical Hypnotherapist in the USA. I really enjoyed listening to your Self Hypnosis CD – Guided Meditation journey. How do you create the images for the YouTube? Is there a special program that you use? I appreciate your support and input. Feel free to visit my website to get your Free Relaxation Hypnosis MP3 at:
    Robin Hart, Ch.t,NLP,RET

    • Hi, thanks for you kind words and enquiry. I’ll check out your Relaxation Hypnosis in a minute. Regarding the technological side I am lucky enough to have cyber techno man living under my roof with me who has a keen interest in that area. So I really don’t know. He already had the effect as he has used that one before and we just put the words in there ourselves. You don’t need to know a lot, but as I am finding out, just a little can achieve a lot!
      Love and Light

  2. Lexi Says:

    Thanks for the article, I loved it. I’m going to show all my friends

  3. I tried many of these products and they actually all teach you how to self hypnotize.

    • Carmel Says:

      They indeed do – in fact ALL hypnosis is Self Hypnosis and if any Hypnotherapist or Stage Hypnotist tells you otherwise then they aren’t admitting to you that without your consent and permission you will not experience the altered state of awareness we know as the hypnotic state.

      Our success is only as good as your desire to succeed at the changes YOU want to make!

      Thanks for commenting, wishing you love and laughter.


  4. Karl Fukeda Says:

    WOW. I feel the difference.

  5. Robin Hart Says:

    Hi Carmel,
    Thanks for your response. Could you ask your significant other if he can recommend a software? I love sharing ideas with one another so we can spread the power of hypnosis. If there is anything I can do to support your work please let me know.

    Robin Hart, CH.t,NLP,M.RET

  6. Very useful – will share it with others – many thanks

  7. Carmel Says:

    Thank you! It is written in a way general enough that should benefit anyone wanting to settle into their own skin with greater comfort and confidence. You can get the full MP3 download version at my website for free.

  8. A very effective and soothing excercise which automatically prompts you enter into this super state again and again for all the benefits you desire.
    THANK YOU-Brig SSSidhu

  9. Amazing video – thank you! I have book marked your page and I am going to listen to it before bedtime – feel nicely relaxed now! 🙂

    • Great. Keep it up, its amazing the results we can experience after a few short weeks… most people notice changes within a few days. But with consistant repitition the sub conscious mind begins to reprogram itself to achieve our goals more easily and contentedly.

  10. william smith Says:

    Everyday people are reporting their wonderful experiences on health benefits of Yoga, the transformation of being, taking you beyond the here and now. In one wonderful session of Yoga, people get to practice a number of things, some Yoga poses (asanas) breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation and chanting. In Yoga you get to learn basic terms like Mudras, Bandhas and Chakras. Best of all, Yoga is fun and relaxing while, at the same time, being delectably challenging to beginners.Derived from the Sanskrit root “Yujir Yogey” meaning to unite, to yoke, to join, to put together, Yoga is not about mind over body. On the other hand, Yoga is about developing harmony between them. In Yoga, you use your mind to perceive (diagnose) and guide (heal) your body. Never control, let alone force it!

    • Yoga certainly is my centering activity. Without it the wobbles in life are way more challenging. I highly recommend it for everybody, what ever your fitness level, there is a level of yoga that you can do. There’s a nice surprise in yoga too… it comes when you realize that the asana postures are the trick to get you in the door of yoga. Once you are in the door, it opens up to a whole way of experiencing life that gives you the tools to live it from a place of centeredness, a place that can really only be “experienced” for just talking about it ends up sounding like a load of new age mumble?! Namaste.

  11. Robin Hart Says:

    As a hypnotherapist myself I am very impressed with this Video and would like to learn how to create one myself.I have a free relaxation Mp3 on my site and would love to be able to make it more experiential with visuals as well. If anyone can give me advise I would appreciate it.
    Robin Hart, CH.t,NLP.M.RET

  12. Hypnosis mp3 Says:

    Hi all. Check out the FREE hypnosis recordings available at – no signup or anything. Commercial quality. Have been sold online but no cost at this site.

  13. Good entry I just Love it, Keep posting more like this! Tech Videos

  14. Hypnosis is a deep sleep-like state of relaxation, which assists you to focus inwardly. You can overcome unwanted behaviours, difficulties, habits, and self-imposed limitations by accessing the sub-conscious mind.

    • Thats right and with the use of hypnosis you can find that deeper space within that can help deepen spiritual and meditative practice also. I see it as a stepping stone that helps to resolves our conditioning in a positive manner as we evolve our consciousness.

  15. zynga chips Says:

    i was beginning to suppose i would probably be the sole person which thought about this, at the very least at present i discover im not nutty 🙂 i’ll make sure to see a handful of various other threads right after i get a bit of caffeine in me, it’s not easy to read without my coffee, I was up late last night enjoying myspace poker and after having a few ales i wound up losing all my zynga poker chips cheers 🙂

  16. Steve Says:


    I really enjoyed the meditation and would love to receive the free MP3 download, to be able to listen to it each night.

    I am happy to receive the eNewsletter and hope I have just done that by ticking the box below.

    Many thanks for exercising your powerful calling

    • Hi there Steve…. To receive the full MP3 download, you need to visit and sign up for the newsletter there. You will then receive a confirmation e-mail that you need to click the link on to confirm you want to receive newsletters from Mala Hypnotherapy. Once you have done that you will then receive your free download.

      Enjoy the changes that come to enhance your life.

      with love and grace

  17. rishi Says:

    dear friend,
    i am hearing your hypnosis guide every day it has benefit into my life,thanks very much for your support to all, dear friend i have a request that i want you to make a suggesion in my script in your voice. will you help me?

  18. hypnosis cd Says:

    thank you for a very constructive and well written article. Self-hypnosis is easy to learn and can really make a difference to your quality of life. The benefits of a good hypnosis relaxation session roll over into your everyday life and you could find yourself feeling much calmer generally.

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