Raw Food is Spiritual Nutrition

September 18, 2009

What we put in our body has a huge influence on how well our mind works. Mind and Body are ONE which means they work together and effect each others balance. So not only are our precious human bodies, but also is our evolutionary process, therefore affected by how we eat.

With this in mind, I’ve been introducing more and more raw food to my diet and monitoring the difference in my energy, the way my body feels and the clarity and positivity of my mind…. The less sugar and the more raw food, the greater I have found energy, clarity and optimism to be – and therefore the greater my ability to remain balanced in the face of challenge and change during the Spiritual Practice of life.

What’s becoming apparent to me, as I read books like Spiritual Nutrition by Gabriel Cousens, is the density of the food I used to eat. Even though I had long since moved to gluten free breads and baked, steamed or lightly stir fried foods with the likes of rice instead of potatoes or pasta, I was still feeling sluggish and heavy when I woke up in the mornings and often felt as if I were dragging my body through the mud on a continual basis. My head was very rarely clear, even though I hadn’t touched alcohol in months, and my energy levels were just basically low and lethargic.

Considering I was one of the healthiest eating people that I know, this didn’t make sense. What I’ve come to appreciate now, is that as I eat for Spiritual Nutrition, and live with an attitude of gratitude, my energy and vitality, not to mention outlook on life, is entirely different than before.

For example… if I eat refined, processed sugary stuff (we cannot call this food, for it is actually an addictive, health debilitating drug – see the documentary by Nancy Appleton called Sweet Suicide) and cooked grains with processed foods from a can or some sort of msg and preservative containing package, then I am more likely to perceive things negatively and become emotionally upset and negative. I am less likely to be motivated to get on my yoga mat or meditation cushion. And I am more likely to want to engage in activities that do not aid my spiritual growth. Now I could use all this as a test to my balance and spiritual growth – but really, there are enough variables out there that I have no control over, why make things even harder on ourselves than they already are?!

So if I seek extra sweetness from fresh fruit and love from within, while focusing on that which is good and right in my life, then my heart is happy and my soul is singing and life seems to flow with a vitality and confidence that was absent when refined sugar and heavy cooked foods were key components to my diet.

I am fast becoming convinced that eating in this way is a key element to Universal happiness and sustainable living – not to mention a far more spiritually congruent way of eating. We cannot continue to live in a world with such discontentment and pain, let alone the level of unconscious consumerism with which we live today and expect for things to improve. We need to make some changes and what we put in our refrigerators seems, to me, to be a good place to start.

By adding more and more raw foods into my diet means I naturally and easily eliminate the need for cooking the food I eat, while increasing my awareness of what I put in my refrigerator. In time I will get all my food from the ground upon which I live, but for now I must forage mostly in the supermarkets. If there are two of the same product, one wrapped in plastic and one loose, I’ll now buy the loose one in an attempt to reduce the amount of plastic we consume. I rarely go down the middle isles of the supermarket these days – there is very little in those isles apart from sugar/hard drugs and processed, dead stuff that just cannot be called food!

Eating in this way not only increases vitality and optimism, but also increases our immunity and health. I’m noticing huge differences from my complexion to my energy to my outlook on life. Couple this with good quality sleep and you have a the key elements to a well balanced psyche and a happy heart.

Until next time, Namaste.

7 Responses to “Raw Food is Spiritual Nutrition”

  1. karim Says:

    Very thoughtfull post on creative visualization.It should be very much helpfull

    Karim –
    Positive thinking

  2. warren jones Says:

    This is a very interesting article and I think that your readers may be interested in another article I wrote on fear which describes where fear comes from and how it manifests in the body – it may prove useful to those who are looking to overcome their fears and conquor them once and for all. It can be read on: http://www.warren-jones.co.uk/The-Fight-or-Flight-Response/B35.htm

  3. Daniel Says:

    I thought already about many things to change my life in a better direction but I have to say that I didn’t really thought about eating at least not in the spiritual direction.


    • It is amazing the differences that occur in the mind when we eat consciously. A calmer more tranquil mind is definately one that is not hyped up on lots of meat, caffeine, garlic, sugar, wheat etc…. these things can all be eaten in moderation, although I mostly choose not too in favour of a more peaceful mind. So when I do eat these kinds of foods now I certainly notice changes in my thought patterns, in my centering and in my general experience and perception of daily life – all of which effect my spiritual evolution. Meditation is also an obvious choice for a spiritual progress. Google the works of Gabriel Cousens for some research on this topic if you’re further interested. And thanks for posting.

  4. Very useful info, your writing is very unique.

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