Monday, November 8, 2010

Ssssh.....You Just Don't Do: Pregnant Bartender????????

So I haven’t blogged in a few days, but I have good reason. Saturday, my Big Cousin George married my now ‘Official’ big cousin Kim. So before I go any further, I want to congratulate them again as they embark on this new chapter in their lives, and I pray that the lord continues to bless their union. Love you guys.

Mr. & Mrs. Kim & George M. Glinsey IV

Now, on to a ‘juicier’ topic. My last couple of blogs haven’t necessarily been Sssh….you just don’t do. But I honestly believe in every topic, one can find some Sssh….you just don’t do. However, while at the new Mr. & Mrs. George M. Glinsey IV wedding, I witnessed some Sssh….you need to be beat in the face for doing. There was a pregnant bartender yall. Now let’s make no mistake about it, Glinsey’s don’t employ prego bartenders, however the banquet hall did. Foolishness!!!!! Imagine my surprise when I had to catch the attention of the 7+ month pregnant woman behind the bar to order my Malibu and Cranberry, which was $7 by the way. Surely, there must be some type of child endangerment law against this. I hate more than the next person to throw the race card, but one must question if this was a Black Bartender wouldn’t she be featured on Inside Edition? Ummm Food for Thought. But I guess you have to do what you have to do. Rest assured, I did put a dollar in the jar marked “My child’s college fund” where the TIP jar normally sits.

Nevertheless, when it comes to bartending, being 7 months pregnant and still working the bar is definitely some Sssh…You Just Don’t Do.


Mom of 2 said...

Child endangerment? Can you PLEASE explain exactly how this child is in any form of danger whatsoever?!

I was a bartender when I became pregnant with my first born, I kept my job until Delivery for a few reasons: A) People can't just FIRE you when you become pregnant, it is against the law. B) I made GREAT money and was able to save up enough to take an entire YEAR off of work without relying on welfare or any other forms of aid. C) My co-workers and boss were VERY supportive, one day I went crying to my boss and asked "who is going to want to be served by a pregnant lady?!" His response was something along the lines of "People will get upset if you drink, as they should and beyond that, everything they think is their problem, not ours"

There isn't a single thing wrong with continuing to serve people drinks while being pregnant.

MzSBGlinsey said...

1st thanks for your comment....And yes, you have raised some very valid points....However, as a consumer, it is very uncomfortable and honestly awkward to be served a drink from behind a bar by a pregnant woman. Just as I would be uncomfortable being served from behind a bar by an alcoholic or hypothetically speaking a minor. Now I completely believe in doing what you have to do to provide for your children, regardless of what that is, but even you yourself had hesitancy in remaining a bartender after you were showing. So it begs to question a dilemma of some sort. Wouldn't you agree?

Unknown said...

Lol... yeah I saw that and to was a bit uncomfortable... I made a comment to my husband & he said.. Shhhh she needs the money now more than ever... as he returned to the bar to refresh our drinks. Hey it is what it is... Like Mom of 2 said... Its better than being on welfare but to the bloggers point if Mom of 2's first thought was Who is going to want to be served by a pregnant lady.. then... well I'm just saying. But hey to each their own.