Xyience Founder Russell Pike Indicted for Tax Evasion


Russell Pike, the founder of Xyience, has been indicted on federal tax evasion charges. The charges are from the 2006 fiscal year, when Pike didn’t file a 1040 with the government. He reportedly made over 6.9 million dollars, in a sale of Xyience stock.

According to Unlimitedfightnews.com:

Pike was released on his own recognizance Wednesday evening in Las Vegas after being indicted by the IRS for Tax Evasion. The indictment comes on the heels of over a year of investigation led by IRS
Agent Adam Steiner

The charges stem from Fiscal year 2006, a year in which Xyience’s losses were staggering. According to the indictment, Pike “sold over 4,400,000 shares of his Xyience stock and received in excess of $6,900,000.00” that year. Though sources close to Pike report that he has been trying to work out the tax issues with attorneys and that the charges are trumped up, one fact is not in dispute: Pike never filed a 1040 for 2006.

If convicted, Pike could face a fine of up to $250,000 and up to 5 years in federal prison.

5 responses

  1. Scott S

    Just go down to zizzazz off Wigwam and Russell will be there…There will be a line down the street waiting for his ass!

    October 19, 2009 at 3:19 pm

  2. darlene

    Ruseel Pike is still ripping people off with his girlfriend Lindsey at Global Business Marketing it won’t be long before he is back in jail and the company is shut down!!!

    December 7, 2010 at 3:09 pm

  3. Surprised

    Surprised when I looked into this but he is a pretty good guy. Don’t believe everything you see online and I have never heard anyone say the product is not the best they have ever tried.

    March 5, 2011 at 2:34 am

  4. Mike

    Hey Surprised… I am still waiting for my ZizZazz investment to pay off… $20K down the drain.. no reply or return phone calls from Russell Pike, Ronald Solomon, Carol Brown or Amberly… If you know how to track them down, many folks would love to know…

    April 28, 2011 at 5:08 am

  5. Tricia

    Call the IRS and report those conmen. Ronald Solomon, is actively being pursued by the IRS and FBI for the millions he ripped off from his dead father’s estate. Carol Brown is a patsy for Pike and will also be arrested soon, as well as her husband.

    July 12, 2011 at 9:38 pm

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