Church Leaders


You're Not Superman

QuoteWe try to look smarter or more successful or more spiritual than we are. We try to answer questions we don’t understand. But it is a heavy burden, trying to be Superman when we’re grown up.

There is another way to help people out instead of trying to be the Superpeople we aren’t. The primary reason Jesus calls us to servanthood is not just because other people need our service. It is because of what happens to us when we serve.

We must embrace limitations. That is whence strength comes. God is not chewing his fingernails over whether or not we are going to serve in a ‘super-manner.’

We must minister out of weakness. The reason we help others is not because we are strong and they need us; it is because if we don’t help them, we will end up a hopeless relic.

Why does AA insist on anonymity? The purpose is not only that people can attend AA meetings without being exposed to the outside world as alcoholics; there is the added reason that no one is allowed to use AA as a vehicle to fame. The founders realized the fatal lure of celebrity. The only way to life was to remain a fellowship of drunks helping each other.

That is the kind of servanthood Jesus calls us to—a society of sinners helping each other.

Excerpted and adapted from The Life You’ve Always Wanted, by John Ortberg, Zondervan, 2006

fast facts
The average formerly churched adult in the U.S. has not attended church regularly for 14 years.

Each year, parents in the U.S. adopt about 20,000 children from around the world.

Pornography is estimated to be a $57 billion a year industry.

The Department of Health and Human Services estimates the percentage of people 65 and older will increase from 12.4% in ‘06 to 20% of the U.S. population by 2030.

30% of all the homeless adults in the United States spent time in foster care.

59% of people who discontinue attending a church do so because of changes in their life situation.

12% stopped attending because “the church was run by a clique that discouraged involvement.”

Only 1 in 10 Web users watch TV shows on the Web.

83% of boomers have kids, but 34% of those are now “empty nesters.”

Surveys indicate that the average age of exposure to pornography is now 9 years old.

Christian Nation

Cross67% of Americans characterize the U.S. a Christian nation, down slightly from 71% in 3/06. In ’96, only 60% held this view.

Pew Research Center, Data Trends 11/1/06

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Reality Better?

MediaA Parents Television Council (PTC) study finds reality shows are among the cleanest options on TV for children, in that many scripted shows contain high levels of sex, violence, and profanity. PTC labeled 6 of the top 20 shows “most suitable”: Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, NBC Sunday Night Football, Deal or No Deal, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, and American Inventor. Rankings are based on the frequency and explicitness of foul language, sexual content, and violence along with consideration of time slot, target audience, themes, and plotlines.

CR Online 11/9/06

Key Consumer Cultural Distinctives

DiscConsumers expect to control access to content (Internet) and play a bigger role in the development and sharing of information (MySpace). Yet their desire to be unique goes hand in hand with their need to be part of a community. 30 is the new 20: 30-somethings spent their 20s finding out what they want to spend their life doing. They’ve redefined the traditional process into adulthood. They’ve delayed marriage and childbearing, but it doesn’t mean they won’t do both. Retirement: Defied: Most boomers consider themselves 7 years younger than their true age. This group set out to change the world, so they do not expect to give up the driver’s seat just because they’re aging.

Target marketing 11/06

Less Certain

CrossThe Harris poll finds an increase in Americans between ’03 and ’06 who are not “absolutely certain” God exists, from 34 % to 42 %. Those who are certain include 93% of born again Christians, 76% of Protestants, 64% of Catholics, and 30% of Jews. Just under a third, including more than half of born-agains, believe God has control over events on earth.

CR Online 11/6/06

College Education Pays

MoneyA bachelor’s degree is worth about $23,000 a year, finds a Census Bureau report. College grad earnings averaged $51,554 in ‘04, the most recent data available, vs. $28,645 for adults with high school diplomas. High school dropouts earned just $19,169 and those with advanced degrees brought in $78,093.

AP 10/26/06

India Newspapers

MediaWhile U.S. publishing struggles for growth, it is astonishingly vibrant in India. According to a National Readership Studies Council survey, 203.6 million people there read a newspaper every day, up 6% this year.

Media Daily News 11/2/06

Market Research

DiscWant to know what consumers think? Go online. Internet-based questionnaires will account for nearly 33% of ’06 U.S. spending on market-research surveys, according to Inside Research. Marketers get their results quicker and cheaper. Because two-thirds of Americans age 15 and older now use the internet and the rapid adoption of broadband, there is a shift away from phone and mail research. Marketers have been able to cut costs 15%-20% by moving mail surveys online and about 30% by shifting from phone surveys to online.

Advertising Age 7/17/06

Teen Childbearing

GraphTeen Childbearing has declined since the early 90s, but still cost U.S. taxpayers $9.1 billion in ‘04. Children of teen moms have higher health care, foster care, and incarceration costs than those of older parents, claims a National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy report. Teen births declined from 62 per 1,000 in ‘91 to 41 in ’04, primarily due to abstinence and contraception. The abortion rate dropped from 37 per 1,000 teen girls in ‘91 to 22 in ‘02, the most recent data available. Still, the U.S. teen birth rate is 4 to 5 times the rate in much of Europe and more than twice that of Canada. Compared with women who have a first child at 20 or 21, teen girls are more than twice as likely to have a child placed in foster care, to be reported for child abuse or neglect, and to have a son sent to prison. Their kids are far more likely to drop out of high school and their daughters to become teen mothers themselves.

USA Today 10/29/06

Virtual Love

Child60% of respondents to a poll said they would marry someone they met through a Christian singles site, if they knew it was the right person. 10/06

Presidential Devos

InfoAccording to John Lind, President of the Presidential Prayer Team, President George W. Bush uses Experiencing God Day-by-Day by Henry and Richard Blackaby, B&H, for his personal daily devotions at the White House.

From The Publishers Desk 10/06

God Talks

CrossA new Beliefnet/Spiritual Cinema Circle survey finds 97% of people talk to God and 91% say God talks back in ways like the sound of their thoughts to mystical signs and revelations; from angelic visitations to visits with friends.

Religion News Service 10/24/06

Amazon Power

DiscJeff Bezos wants Amazon to run your business, at least the technical and logistical parts, using the technologies and operations that power the online store. He aims to transform Amazon into a kind of 21st century digital utility. It’s as if Wal-Mart decided to offer its supply chain and logistics systems to outsiders. Amazon is starting to rent out just about everything it uses to run its own business, from rack space in its 10 million square feet of warehouses to spare computing capacity, and data storage on its disk drives.

Business Week 11/13/06


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Church Leaders
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