About Us

As the pace of change continues to increase and the world becomes a more and more complicated place, focus is crucial. Only organisations that play to their strengths will survive and prosper in today's highly competitive market place.

Which is exactly where Optus Customer Solutions and Services - Customer Service Center (CS&S-CSC) can help you - by allowing you to focus on your core business. It is a tailored telecommunications management system that can cover everything from a handset on the desk, right through to sophisticated data networks.

We specifically design our services to suit each customer's individual requirements. We take the time to thoroughly understand your business and how telecommunications fit into your organisation. We then plan a comprehensive telecommunications management service that achieves your objectives, together with a rigorous implementation plan to ensure you move to the new arrangement without disruption.

In essence, our service allows you to hand over the 'day-to-day' management of your telecommunications requirements to us while you retain overall control. It enables you to free up your time to deal with the real management issues that all too often get submerged in the detail of running your networks.

And, to make sure we do the job properly, we commit to a range of service levels and key performance indicators that match the priorities of your business. We even insist that our service is made subject to penalty clauses if we ever fail to deliver against them.

Optus benefit from the global strength and expertise of our majority shareholder Singtel. SingTel has established operations in 22 cities in 14 countries and territories across the globe. Turnover and net profit for the SingTel group in 2000/2001 were US$2.71 billion and US$1.28 billion respectively. Listed on the Singapore Exchange since November 1993, SingTel is Singapore's largest company and one of Asia's largest in terms of market capitalisation with a heritage of over 120 years.