Category Archives: Ads

AdWords Ad Rotation – Let’s Go Round Again: Or Not…

With more changes than an amateur theatre production’s wardrobe, Google have unleashed another shift in how your account functions. This time, it’s the turn of ad rotation, or to be more specific, a newfound lack of rotation.

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If Only It Were Simple!

Here at PPC Rescue, we constantly bang on about how AdWords is only part of the secret to gaining a healthy conversion rate, a simple gear in the vast engine of online marketing solutions – and we can prove it. … Continue reading

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Google Now Review Paused Adverts Too!

You know those paused adverts that you have squirreled away in myriad campaigns, redundant or only used at certain times of the year? Google’s going to trawl for them and give them go-ahead or thumbs down regardless of their status.

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