Boxes for Ornaments : Gift Boxes from Greeting Cards, Photos, Postcards and Card Stock

Every year as I am crafting ornaments to send near and far I am also pondering how I am going to package them. Some years I knew that I could easily slip them into a greeting card. Other years found me wandering the aisles of the grocery store looking for just the right sized boxes. (By Christmas Day my cupboards might hold a box of loose light bulbs, or loose envelopes of pectin.)

In 2004 my annual gift ornaments were Mill Hill Diamond ornaments. As I was stitching them I was thinking that they were just a wee bit too thick to slip into a greeting card. Then it occurred to me that I could easily fold a greeting card to accommodate the ornament. (My quilting ruler made this a very quick project.) That year my gift boxes were made from a 4" by 6" greeting card. They looked like this:

 photo flatbox.jpg

My illustrated (pdf) instructions for these boxes (that open at one end like a cereal box) can be seen or downloaded from this link: Flat Box from Greeting Card.

In 2005 my annual ornaments were Smocked Ornaments made from remnants from one of my Mom's square dancing skirts. In keeping with the recycling theme I folded boxes from recycled 5" by 7" Christmas cards. (Note that two sides of these boxes will show the back of the card.) These boxes looked like this:

 photo 2005boxes25.jpg>

My illustrated (pdf) instructions for these boxes can be seen or downloaded from this link: Boxes from Greeting Cards.

In 2006 my annual ornaments were Washi (decoupage) Eggs. In keeping with the "dairy" theme I fashioned greeting card boxes into a milk carton shape. They looked like this:

 photo 2006box.jpg

(No instructions for these as they are the same as the 2005 boxes with two of the top flaps up.)

In 2007 I stitched some ornaments that needed a flat box. This time they were just the right size to make a candy box type box from a 5 x 7 inch greeting card. They looked like this:

 photo full.jpg

I didn't make any instructions for these boxes because I found a tutorial for similar ones at:

It later occurred to me that photographs and postcards would make a great tops for this type of box. Here is one I whipped up from a postcard. (The bottom is made from a card stock rectangle that is cut slightly smaller than the postcard.)

 photo scoredandcut.jpg

Note that in order to show all of the inscription I placed the tabs on the outside of this box.

 photo top1.jpg

In 2008 I stitched 15 sided three dimensional ornaments. I knew that these ornaments would be too big for a greeting card box and I wanted to make a box that would keep the tassels from getting bent. I ended up folding five sided boxes from 8 1/2" x 11" card stock. They looked like this:

 photo boxpics-1.jpg

My illustrated (pdf) instructions for these boxes can be seen or downloaded via this link: Five Sided Boxes.

In 2010 I used three sided boxes, that were really more of a wrap than a box, for some three sided ornaments. I made the prototype (second from the top in the photo below) using a recycled greeting card but made the rest using sheets of card stock.

 photo 4boxes.jpg

The tutorials for making these boxes can be found on this blog page.

 photo satinribbon.jpg

In 2011 I made my gift boxes from grey marbled card stock. Each piece of 12 x 12 inch card stock yielded two boxes.

 photo first6boxes.jpg

I used the same style of box again in 2012 ...

 photo 625.png

and in 2016.

 photo 141.jpg

The tutorials for making these boxes can be found on this blog page.

In 2014 I wanted to make candy box style boxes that were 1 1/2" deep. My cards weren't quite big enough so I folded the front of the card to make a box top that is 3/4" deep and back of the card to make a box bottom that is 3/4" deep. Then I inserted a 1 1/2" strip of folded cardstock inside the box bottom to make it taller.

 photo 966.jpg

2019  As I wrote above I have often slipped flat ornaments into greeting cards, and then envelopes, but when the ornaments are padded it makes for a bit of a lumpy package. Sometime I have inserted rectangles of bubble wrap, with ornament shaped apertures, into the cards but this year I used some foamcore strips to fashion the greeting cards into shallow hinged boxes.

 photo 932.jpg

 photo 935.jpg

 photo 954.jpg

I posted a tutorial for these boxes on this page.

Bonus Tutorials

I also found a tutorial to make a pillow style box from a greeting card. Click on the photo to see the tutorial.


Here is a pdf for another template for a pillow style box. (You can shrink/ resize it with a photocopier.)

And I found a tutorial to make a triangular box from a greeting card. Click on the photo below to visit that tutorial.

For more tutorials and some printable boxes see the following pinterest album.

 photo smallpinwheel-11.jpg
Pinwheel 2008 to 2019


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