Sion Build (AP)


I don’t have a “Main”, but you could say Sion is my best champion.

Summoner Spells

For Sion, I like to bring Flash and Ghost. Mobility is amazing for Sion because you need to be close to someone to hit them with your shield.


21 in utility helps with movement speed, cooldowns, and mp5. 21 in utility benefits Sion a lot.


For Quints I have movement speed because it helps when you can catch up to someone and shield/stun them.

For yellows and blues I have mana per 5/lvl because Sion is a farming machine. You need to have mana to constantly blow up minion waves.

For reds I have magic pen because they help. Early game your skills could do close to true damage because with enough magic pen you could cancel out their magic resist at level 1.


I like to start with a dorans ring because it helps with early game burst. Before I finish sorcerer shoes, I like to get boots of speed and blasting wand or needless large rod first. Getting one of those early on can help you clear waves fast for farm. I finish sorcerer shoes before finishing Rabadon’s.

My build is: Sorcerer shoes, Rabadon’s deathcap, Lich Bane, Void Staff, and Situational tank items.

Please do not buy sheen early on like bad Sion’s do. Sheen does not benefit you early on like it does for AD Sion. When I build Lich Bane, I usually build the sheen after the blasting wand. You don’t need other AP items after void staff besides maybe Zhonya’s hourglass because with Void Staff you have a lot of Magic Pen.



At level 1 I start with Q for an early game gank. Level 2 I get W and level 3 I get E. After that I max W, then Q, then E. I only grab R at level 6 because you won’t need it much for AP sion, but having it at level 1 will be pretty good. Maxing E before R is good because having more AD adds on to your Lich Bane auto attack damage. Maxing W first is better than maxing Q first because W does more damage and it is AoE damage. Also, maxing Q first does not make your stun last longer so it’s better to max W.


I’ve carried pretty much carried all my games with Sion because it is easy to farm. Even if your team is losing, you can farm easily because you clear waves with your W.

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