Garen Build


People think that Garen has been nerfed too hard and he’s completely useless. He’s not useless at all and with my build you will completely dominate.

Summoner Spells

I like to bring Ignite and Ghost. Ghost is self explanatory. Movement speed + Garen = profit. You might think I’m really weird for bringing Ignite, but listen up. Don’t you hate using your ult on someone and leaving them with like 10 hp? If you ignite them and ult, it will take care of that problem. It also helps for early game damage.


I like to take 21 in offense because his W makes him take 20% less damage at rank 1. 21 in offense also makes his spin crazily strong early-mid game. It gives extra crit damage and more armor pen so he will be really strong. I take 9 in utility for the EXP boost.


For Quints, I like to get 3 movement speed ones to help you catch up to people with your spin.

For Yellows, I like armor. I don’t really like getting dodge because dodge is a lot more situational than armor. Armor reduces the damage of physical damage skills. Dodge would be useless against “AD Casters”

For Blues, I like magic resist to be more tanky against magic damage champions

For Reds, I get armor pen to make the spin strong.


My build is pretty unique. This is sort of a “Solo Queue Build” because you can’t really be your main tank early game with my build.

I start off with boots and 3 pots because movement speed is really good with the spin.

I usually finish the game off with Boots of Swiftness, Sunfire Cape, Infinity Edge, Force of Nature, Guardian Angel, (Situational Item)

I get Boots of Swiftness because the more movement speed you have, the more you can stay on top of someone and keep damaging them with spin and Sunfire cape.

Sunfire Cape is an amazing item for Garen since his damage comes mostly from staying on top of someone.

You might be thinking that I’m an idiot for buying Infinity Edge. Infinity Edge works really well on Garen because it gives him damage, crit, and crit damage. His spin can crit so this is the PERFECT item for Garen if you want to do a lot of damage. People usually like to build Garen full tank, but not me. I like to add some spice and get Infinity Edge and do A LOT of damage.

Force of Nature is good because it makes you more tanky, more hp regen, and movement speed. Again, movement speed is awesome for Garen.

Guardian Angel is pretty much good on everyone. Armor, MR, revive.

For situational item, I mean situational as in an Armor item or MR item. Build an armor item against a physical damage team or MR item against a magic damage team.

Late game you could sell the infinity edge and get another one of those situational items because later in the game you probably won’t be able to do much damage to tanks and squishies won’t be that squishy anymore. In my opinion, late game Garen is good for tanking, silencing, and finishing the kill.



At level 1 I get E, level 2, Q, level 3 E, level 4, W, then I max E, then Q, then W while getting R whenever I can. Many people max W after E because some people take Q as just a skill for chasing. Maxing Q 2nd will add to your damage output so I like to get it before W. As you an probably tell, I love playing high damage Garen.


Garen is very underrated because people think he has been nerfed too hard. With this build you could destroy people early-mid game. With this build you’ll be surprised how much damage Garen can do.

    • Mert
    • July 6th, 2011

    At last a great build.i have been using tank Garen.Tower diving was piece of caske.i was diving in 5 enemy.but not dmg…that was really bad.only my ulti was doing something.but now.i am tough and i do great damage.i usually go for ghostblade for CDR, cric and armor pen.goes perfect with garens Q skill and infinitty.plz..if you get more build.update this are only one that have done a realy great tough-dps build

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