December 2011 Newsletter

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  • Name tag
  • Block party block
  • Show-and-Tell
  • Food for potluck
    (officers also drinks)
  • Gift for gift exchange
  • Canned goods for food pantry


When this newsletter arrives, we will all be getting ready for Christmas and the New Year. I have enjoyed being President of the guild and look forward to the new slate of officers taking over in January.   Our new president, Jane Lamb will do a wonderful job and lets all give her our help and support.  So everyone have a Merry Christmas and get all our UFOs done before the New Year starts.

Marty Staten


  • Shirley Lewis: December 15
  • Michelle Rodriguez: December 15


December 5 is the date of our next meeting. We will have a pot luck dinner…please bring a dish to share. We always seem to have a good variety of food without assigning something, so bring what you wish. Officers should also bring drinks. I have the plates, cups, etc.

Our program will be a gift exchange. If you would like to participate, please bring a wrapped gift valued at $10. The gift should be quilting related. That could include things such as Thangles (triangles on a roll), cutting tools, books, decorative items, patterns, fabric, etc. Use your imagination for something fun or different. I will read a story and we will pass to the left and/or right while we sit in a circle.

In the spirit of the season, we will be collecting canned goods and non-perishable items for the food pantry.

We will also have installation of officers for 2012.

Shirley Lewis


Nine of us had a great time at our Fall Retreat the end of October. The Spring Retreat will be May 18th – 20th at Victorian House Retreat in Weatherford. If you are interested in going, I need your deposit as soon as possible. Ten people are currently signed up and the maximum is twelve. If more than twelve are interested in attending, I will start a waiting list in case someone cannot come after they have signed up.

Michelle Rodriguez


Beginning balance … 1234.25
Ending balance … 1234.25


  • President Marty Staten called the meeting to order with 16 members and 1 visitor, Dianna Darbey, present.
  • The minutes of the October meeting were approved with one correction – Nancy taught one of the classes, not Margaret.
  • Grace reported no activity with our bank account. The balance is still $1,234.25.
  • We have one birthday this month, Janice Overton on November 23rd. Janice was not present but will get to pick her fat quarter next meeting.
  • Michelle Rodriguez reported that there will be no more workshops this year. She also announced that there are already 8 people signed up for our May retreat to be held in Weatherford on May 18, 19, & 20, 2012. Nine ladies attended the retreat in October and a wonderful time was reported by all.
  • Michelle also reported that the star block project was very successful with Moda receiving many more blocks than they anticipated.
  • Grace has given 4 more of our string quilts to Soldiers’ Angels and will give the quilts to different groups as they are turned in to her.
  • Debi and Sue Taylor made the blockk of the month and will decide who gets them. Next month’s block is the Texas star and Debi also hopes to have instructions for assembly of the blocks into a top at the December meeting.
  • Shirley, representing the nominating committee, presented the slate of officers for 2012:
  • President – Jane Lamb
  • 1st VP – Michelle Rodriguez
  • 2nd VP – Elisabeth McMahon
  • Secretary – Sue Heard
  • Treasurer – Debi Cypert
  • The slate was elected by acclamation.
  • Door prizes were won by Shirley, Nancy, and Lillie.
  • Those participating in show and tell were Michelle, Sue Heard, Margaret, Elisabeth, and Sue Taylor.
  • Next month we will have our traditional Christmas pot luck with officers also bringing drinks. We will install the 2012 officers and then play ‘pass the present’. Everyone is urged to bring non-perishable food for the GP Food and Clothing Co-op.
  • Following our program – the naming of quilt blocks – the meeting was adjourned.

Sue Heard


Pattern starts on page 3 of the newsletter.

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