Looking for Things Uniquely Retro, Well You Have Come To The Right Place!

Classic Kit Cat Clock

In Gift Ideas, Kit Cat Clock, Retro Gifts, Unique Gifts on August 14, 2009 at 12:04 pm
Kit Cat Clock

Do you ever feel like you’re a throwback, and not just one of those throwbacks from the 1960s, we’re talking much much further back! Check out this Classic Kit Cat Clock from Art Deco, American Classic era of the 1930s.

Watch as the cat’s tail swings back and forth while his eyes do the same. It will be like the jolly kitty is always watching you!

The first Kit Cat Clock was manufactured in 1932 and has subsequently lent itself as an iconic symbol of kitchens in pop culture for the years to follow. Created by the California Clock Company in Portland, Oregon the clock still looks similar today to what it looked like when it first came about.

The classic Kit Cat Clock is black colored. The original design only had 2 paws, but newer versions have added 2 more as well as a classy, sophisticated bow tie to our favorite little kitty clock.

The Kit Cat Clocks have been running off of batteries since the 1980s.

The Classic Kit Cat Clock is a perfect addition to any kitchen, living room, dining room, office or bedroom. It keeps you on your toes at all times while making you laugh whenever you look at it. It’s cute and sleek all at once, and we have never met anyone who didn’t like the Kit Cat Clock.

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