RomanMusic MP3's online

Up until now there was only some video footage of my music and The FUX website with some of their songs available. I didn't have recordings for current projects, but now under the MUSIC section you can hear me performing, as a solo act and with various bands and artists.
They're full length Mp3 files so they are downloadable...for FREE!

Band & Jam Changes

My schedule has thinned out a bit partly as a result of my hospital stay in August (see below) and partly because of an ailing economy. It seems every business is hurting. I am doing more solo work, less students, and dropped a project or two. I expect things to pick up, with even a FUX gig or two on the horizon.

On Wednesday Nigh'st Open Mic at The Perk I will now host every other Wednesday, with the alternative ones being hosted by Justin Wagner. I'm also no longer with Mad Dog but starting my own bands with some other talented, mature and experienced more local players ...probably under the Kind Of Blue moniker for now. And finally guitar instruction and private lessons are now open to private in-home lessons and 3 instead of 5 days a week in the music stores West End Music(Allentown) and Guitar Villa (Quakertown.)

Hospital Update

The reason I dropped of the radar in August was not heat exhaustion but liver failure. This particular type is known as Hepatic Encephalopathy and is caused by anything from drugs and alcohol to Tylenol abuse.

It causes the poorly or non-functioning liver to send ammonia to the brain, causing an altered level of consciousness, hallucinations and ultimately death. In my case it's probably treatable but there's more tests to be done before any doctor says "yeah, here's your way out."

Right now I feel great and playing is coming back but I am on a few meds to help me along. Failure to take these would risk me getting weirded out, like tripping again. Once I get stabilized I still may go through treatment for up to a year to cure some of the bad effects of my past drug abuse.

So the past can always catch up with you. It makes me sad and a little depressed that after building up a new life with my wonderful wife and great playing opportunities that it's all in jeopardy because of my past when I didn't give a damn. Just say NO kids! Fortunately,

the doctors said I can still burn all the guitars I want!



Tim from The FUX getting married!


With Tim on tour with The FUX, Sherwood Forest, Nottingham, England 2001

Tim! We're still playing together in NYC. Some of my favorite memories:

I met Tim at 2nd Av Bar in Beth PA around 1996. It was funny, on one end of the bar were The Fux and gang, punk rockers and such, on the other end were the owners-big muscle/karate guys. Tim walks in with purple hair and just goes safely to the very middle of the bar. "Hey man" I yelled over, "you belong down here!"

Tim was my first student. In my Bio I mention someone who went from knowing nothing to playing on stage with me in England within one year. That's Tim.

Tim was always very quiet and reserved. I was careful to not ask questions that could be answered as just a "yes" or a "no" or that's all I got.

As we played more in the US, UK, and other countries the confidence came. One of our drummers (Ron Wexler, in the UK phone booth on the front page) got Tim into grappling-a form of wrestling and karate.

Tim also had a great memory. I'd forget my own damn lyrics, he'd remember every venue we played, the bands that were on the bill, and most of their names. Total recall.

Tim took a lot of crap from me. I was ambitious and eager to work The FUX and did almost anything to get them gigs and he was right there and ready. Like we'd drive to shows with known bands and beg them to squeeze us in as a 4th act. Or we'd lose a gig while on the road and stop at a larger town and walk center city until someone pointed us to a punk venue to play at.

Life on the road is tough going and it is easy to get on each other's nerves, but Tim was always pretty cool and collected about it.

Well I'm real happy for you Tim and An (pronounced "On") and I still really enjoy the NYC jobs and no one will ever replace you. So I'll see you at the reception and in NYC on Sunday Nov 18. Oh yeah, we have a request for The FUX Fri Dec 14 at the Kung Fu Necktie in Philly! Until death do we part!

God Bless you two



Roman disappears into Emergency Room
ICU for most of August




Having a blast in May (NYC) with Joe Mac (right before he had a stroke!)

In August (on left at Grumpy's BBQ) barely able to hold it together after ICU.
Joe and I are both recovering quickly and well


I know there has been a lot of questions and rumors. Why did I disappear in August without a trace and how did I end up in a hospital? The story so far:

Basically it was about to be my most successful summer yet. I had almost every night booked from May through August. Festivals, jams, benefits, and much of it outdoors.

But they were also calling for heat waves for most of it. I was exhausted by June and told by a doctor to slow down. What? Say no to a job? That's crazy. So it's back to my next job like everyone else, trying to stay cool in between sets, setting up, tearing down, etc.

I've been drinking again for a few years, but no drugs or anything like that. But something weird started happening. It was like I was really on drugs, tripping and hallucinating. I felt fuzzy and my thinking was unclear. Sometimes I'd get in my car for some air conditioning, have a drink, get my breath, and would feel clear headed again. But then it was back to work. By now it was really turning into hard work just to concentrate at all.

It all came to a head in August. I knew something was wrong and my wife took me to the emergency room. Something was seriously wrong.

It wasn't just drinking. For that they detoxify you in a few days and cut you loose in a week. I was in in bed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for TWO WEEKS totally unconscience. Tubes and crap all over me. Then I was still there in the ICU over a week while conscience for testing.

My wife had to cancel my gigs, jobs, and students. So many of you tried to visit they restricted it to family only AND a password (all of a sudden everybody was 'family.") But thank you, all of you!

So it's complex kidney problems. Combined with the alcohol, heat, not eating or sleeping right, I was literally hallucinating. It took two more weeks to figure it out and start balancing my ...guts or whatever.

I feel good, I don't hurt or anything. Straight edge, like the FUX days.no booze or drugs. The med's I do take are not pain killers or anything like that. I'm getting clearer and more focused again, and it feels good.

Ready to rock like always. Slow down, make it count, lots of attitude. My chops are coming back more every day.

But there's tests to be done, answers to find, and some very close monitoring for me for a while. But I don't want this site to be my medical journal, so I'll end my sob story here. I just wanted you all to know it wasn't a drop-down drunk talking to you or a drug addict.

OK get out and enjoy life! Come out and see me ( you and your big family) and I'll tell ya some great hallucinations I had being unconscience for two weeks!




Hi everyone. Man it's good to be back. I MEAN it!


I'm sure there's lots of of questions and rumors circulating my mysterious absence so I'll try to be brief and stick to facts

1) I passed out TWICE. June and August. Both during outdoor shows in the middle of a heat-wave. The second time took an ambulance. (This makes a total of 5 times I went to the edge and looked down)

2) The diagnoses was internal bleeding, heat exhaustion, kidney and gastrointestinal complications, eating badly, sleeping badly, drinking plenty.

3) Fortunately the gigs and jams where full of friends ready to cover with even some MD's offering to help (me AND the jam) Thanks!

5) My weight and health are now slowly recovering and I will continue the jams in September for now and start accepting students in October

6) and very important to me: I'm not the only one in this mess. I now owe over $5000 and I even have my own insurance. What about all these others right behind me who would loose everything?

Well I think I have some some good ideas and solutions and I welcome you to talk to me about them

OK see see you all soon, I have some great stories for ya!

Matt "Ain' t Dead Yet" Roman





April 2012


Hi everyone! NEWS!

My "Roman Alone" jobs are getting noticed. I'll have a demo and sample of it on site soon. I'm really not quite "alone," I have my trusty sidekick "Trigger" - a Boss Loop station, to help me as a background rhythm guitarist. But only for one overdub at most.

I play a lot of songs I learned over the years, but as instrumentals, which could be anything from Miles to Hendrix. Either way they're recognizable songs to enjoy or just have as background music to ignore and enjoy a fine dinner while talking at a whisper to your loved one.


Watch for my Roman Alone gigs in fine dining restaurants and cafe's in Bucks county.

On the totally other side of the spectrum, The (OMG) FUX.

First a quick explanation. The band was named "The Fux" just to NOT be playable on radio, pronounced without embarrassment, or printed in press. As the initial joke became successful it was changed to various PC friendly options: FUX,, File Under X, The FUX, etc.

My most cathartic, violent, straight edge, hard core punk attitude manifested itself in this band. Although it meant being banned from local establishments in the Lehigh Valley who simply didn't get it, The FUX show opened up doors all across the country and even Europe.

The FUX toured from 1996 to 2010, produced a demo tape, vinyl record, 3 full CD's, and appeared on countless compilations. Eventually The FUX morphed into Roman & The Heard as we got lives, real jobs, and personnel changed. I gave up touring to sit happy and local in NYC, hanging once a month or so at Otto's Shrunken Head with a lot of the old CBGB's crowd. (Don't know that name? Shame on you! Google it.)

But now see the original bad boy power trio of Scott "Bearclaw" Kelly, Tim "Timid" Sostak, and myself, your humble narrator, perform two shows with other up and coming original energetic acts in Quakertown, PA and Perkasie, PA. Wow, just like the old days!

Why there? I live there! Even better, The Eagle Hotel in Quakertown is the newest scene for crazy original music. They sponsor the punk rock jam every 1st and 3rd Tuesday. And The Perk is also catering to the new local live music scene, from jam bands to whatever is entertaining.

Poster for a Fux show in Milan, Italy. A huge building that was once an insane asylum.
Half of it was still operating, they other half was punk rock shows!
Yikes! Which is worse?!?

Find out more, it don't cost nothin. Go to the FUX website, link available on my front page. And watch for various old school FUX posters at the bottom.

Teaching: I have been asked to participate in the new Allentown Pa School of Rock which is taking over the teaching program at Dave Phillips. At this point I don't know enough about their methods but have pros and cons about it. It begins in May with an open house the last two Sundays of April. My student schedule there will remain in tact throughout May.

Next in the teaching category is D-Town Guitar in Doylestown. I'm there on Monday now and may expand. It's an awesome boutique store with vintage and custom stuff like I have never seen. I'm like a kid in a candy shop! As a music store salesman once told me "it's a good thing I'm not rich or I'd be so broke!"

Last but not least JAMS! I teach guitar and put my money where my mouth is. Learn with me, play with me.
Tuesdays: 1st & 3rd at The Eagle Hotel, insane anything goes jams, Quakertown.
Last Tuesday Jazz and Blues Jam at The Washington House, Sellersville.
Every Wednesday Open Mic at The Perk, Perkasie, bands also welcome.
Every Thursday rock out with blues and fusion at Grumpy's BBQ Jam, Mechanicsville, Pa

Oh yeah! NYC Sunday April 22. Roman & The Heard. No May show. MAYBE one in June. Join me, Timid, Jean and Joe for an ass-kicking set of crazy rock, punk, and blues that's practically illegal. Well some of it is.

Good luck and God Bless! Music is the path to salvation and serenity. Anyway it worked for me.


With my wonderful Ellie on the way to Times Square
after playing CBGB's "Last New Year's Eve Party Ever"






March 2012

Great rockin at Otto's Shrunken Head NYC. This month was Sunday March 11.
Next month is Sunday April 22. No show in May.
Reserve your ride now! Read more about Otto's below

Hi Everybody!

Whew! The Holidays along with January and February flew by. I was nice and busy! Thanks for all who helped, I'm grateful. It's good to write up some NEWS again.



I've temporarily stopped teaching in Phillipsburg, NJ at Dave Phillips due to time, travel, and low attendance. I still teach at their Allentown location. BUT I'm teaching in a new guitar store, D-town Guitars & Skateboards, in Doylestown, PA. D-town is a vintage & boutique collectors dream! Beautiful gear, amps, effects, and Rob is super laid back and cool. I'm there only on Mondays, so anyone interested in Bucks/New Hope/Doylestown area reserve a time slot now! D-town Guitars


MAD DOG is rolling along nicely with some actual management. My solo jobs have been extremely well received. But the big story on Action News is THE FUX!?! You may have noticed some old FUX pictures on the site. Original members Tim "Timid" Sostak, Scott "Bearclaw" Kelly and myself recently got back together and played at the Perk under my NYC alias Roman & The Heard but it was so fun and successful we were asked to do more. Watch for The FUX! in May at The Perk and The Eagle Hotel.
The FUX!


Speaking of the EAGLE HOTEL... wow! This is the new punk rock & original music scene in the Lehigh Valley/Bucks areas. "Mighty Joe Young" Covell spearheads original weekend bands there and is the House Drummer for my Tuesday Night Trauma Punk Rock Jam. It's only on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, but Matt Rittenhouse (Punkabilly's, Fury Fight) runs the alternate Tuesdays as an acoustic alternative. Man these Tuesdays are exciting. Join Joe, Suavek and myself with as much gear, pedals, and volume as you want! This is the place to let loose man, we play loud and TURN IT UP. Up and coming bands-this is the night to rehearse your set.
Eagle Hotel Info
Don't forget Wednesday Open Mic at the Perk
and Thursday rockin' and blues at Grumpy's Roadside BBQ

NYC & Otto's Shrunken Head.

I'm still in NYC at Otto's Shrunken Head but only once a month and I still offer to let others tag along or follow me up. I know the ins and outs, it's an easy parking spot, some beautiful parks, and historical sights within walking distance of the club. It's an early and short Sunday Night set so we like to get up early to enjoy the day then drift over to the club. And Otto's is real friendly to anyone I bring in the door. See famous washed up celebrities and aging rockers! You can't have more fun in NYC much cheaper than hanging with my gang Roman & The Heard. Stop missing out!
Otto's Shrunken Head Wind Down Sunday presented by Frank Wood

Just hangin'...Thompkins Square Park around the corner from Otto's

A brief history about Otto's Shrunken Head,
The Fux, Frank Wood, and Roman & The Heard

What's the big deal? Why do I go on and on about this NYC dive? There's millions of them! Because it's MORE than a just a dive!

When the FUX first played Otto's in 2001 we didn't get it. It was a Tiki Bar with a back room and we rolled in with Marshall stacks. Frank Wood is a NYC native who worked security for Bill Graham and knew Hendrix, Miles, all of them back in the day. (And he got a story about all of them for ya.)

When the FUX first met Frank Wood he was running jams for original music in NYC anywhere he could-Chinatown, Brooklyn, Upper, Lower, East Side, West Side, anywhere. Eventually the places closed or failed. Frank dug The FUX and booked us in his joints and eventually gave us a tour to Florida. A total blast but another story.

Anyway, "Wood" eventually got Otto's as a Sunday night hang that has stayed running for years now. That's quite a feat in NYC or anywhere these days. Not even the legendary CBGB's managed to continue. Otto's and Frank Wood's Wind Down Sundays are now home to the many NYC greats that are looking for a place to hang, rehearse their new acts, or see new acts. I've met players from Blondie, Talking Heads, Television and played with guys that worked with Jimi Hendrix, Johnny Thunders, and The Stooges.

We're all just hangin' at The Head. I had The FUX there for years but eventually some of these people were sitting in regularly. It wasn't the FUX anymore. It was renamed Roman & The Heard by Electro-Harmonix mad scientist Allan Otto (no relation to Otto's) who saw us one time and was totally impressed. Since then it has evolved into some regular performers, all of great pasts.

I'm telling ya don't ignore the opportunity. It can disappear at any moment. As Frank Wood said "I see bigger places than this go down all the time.'

OK everybody I sure hope to see all of you somewhere sometime and soon! Thanks for listening!






2012! SCARY!


Happy New Years Everybody!

It's the time of year when we reflect on the past one, think of the new one, what went good, what went bad, what can change. Of course it's typically the time when you make a "resolution" to change SOMETHING for the better.

I'm grateful for a lot of new opportunities I had this year. I had some great unusual gigs: pool parties, with the Jewish band Schlock Rock, entertaining the famous Isgro's Bakery Christmas party in Philly's Italian Maret.

And some plain just-super-cool gigs, opening for Ray Manzerek with Kind Of Blue, opening for Popa Chubby with The Heard, bringing The Heard, essentially The FUX, to The Perk. Wow! Never thought I'd see that day! And of course all the monthly NYC gigs at Otto's: despite the low pay (I lose money by the time I get home) it's so much fun and experience.

There were some new jam opportunities too, some good (The Eagle) some bad (The Firehouse, which has now been closed.) Grumpy's is having it tough too but we didn't fold. For the future I'm excited about the Eagle because it's so loose and crazy...it reminds me of a former notorious FUX haunt in Beth called 2nd Av, where we kind of "cut our teeth."

On the other hand the economy tanked. Student registration is down (but picking up) Some of my regular jams I've had to take pay cuts to provide my bands regular gigs. I'm doing solo acts, which I never thought was possible.

But things change. Change is the only thing that's constant. So here's to a New Year, and new changes! Of course, they come in and good and bad, so let's "JAM" our way thru it!

Thanks, and have a great New Year!





Grumpy's Jam on Thursday Nights Struggling

The late great Charles Fambrough on bass (Jazz Messengers) was a frequent visitor for
the great food, good atmosphere and good jams.

Fri Oct 14

I love this jam. The food is slammin' and the attitude is great. It provides an outlet for jamming that includes not just blues, but rock, jazz, country, reggae, fusion and anything we can think of. There's lots of creative improvisation but also chart reading as well. Kids to adults practicing or just learning or totally impressing.

And the attendance has been OK, moderate, not really bad, in fact with too many more the night gets a little longer than preferred. But sadly that doesn't justify the outcome.

Grumpy pulled me aside Thursday before the jam and said we aren't making ends meet. We're close, but more often he operates at a loss now. It's the economy, they used to do better. Everyone is struggling. But like so many jams that open and sooner or later close Grumpy's is in the same predicament after so many years.

He suggested doing it maybe once a month, and also informed me that we cannot do the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (our most popular night for school students) because they've hired a better drawing band.

Some of the kids that played here are pro's now, and they were here playing with the big dogs

The problem is that even though there's a nice draw, there's very low sales. I know that doesn't apply to all, but let's face it: musicians aren't going to jams to get smashed. It's not a tailgate party. They want to perform well. And the kitchen more or less closes (10 pm) just after we get rolling (9:30)

But if everyone just sips a beer or a coke (I've known some people to even bring their own bottle of water!) it won't continue.

So I am asking everyone for help. Just a little. The band is going to take a pay cut to keep it going weekly. I'll run the jam a little more efficiently and I promise if you have a long wait (I can't get everyone done by 11) just remind me next time and you'll go first.

I'm asking anyone who's ever enjoyed my crazy eclectic jam to show up a little more often and get some take home food if you don't want to drink. Hey if you DO want Grumpy's great authentic ribs once a week or so get them on Thursday night and be entertained too! You can also help by forwarding this plea and website to other friends and jammers.

Spread the word. Keep this great Thursday night social scene alive! Help me get some more musicians, beginner or professional. Don't come alone, bring friends with you when you come. After all, it cost nothing to go in and participate, and I'm not asking for donations for some benefit or something....it benefits YOU...your playing progress...your belly's progress! And it benefits live, creative, good times for all.

Grumpy's will continue weekly for a bit and hope that we can all justify the time, cost, and effort to keep the gear going, the house band interested and run the staff.

At this point I want to thank my band who are excellent in talent and attitude: Suavek Zaniensienko and Keith McGonigle . Also anyone else who has shared the stage with me, especially the rotating drummers. Also Val at the bar who is also trying to generate support for this night. And of course all of you reading this and participating in any way. Thank you!


Thanks for your time and support,






Jams For September 2011

The Firehouse Grill
217 Broadway, S. Bethlehem, PA
A jam starts here in September -GREAT House Band! And you will play with them!
Tuesdays 7-10pm
Starting Sept 6th

Hi everyone! Well the summer may be almost over but the party isn't! There's a few new jam things happening this September and they're all open to the public and are free.


Sat. Sept. 3rd

Drewstock is a charity event that is being held in Wind Gap this year. There are several stages and many bands and artists. My NYC band The Heard will venture outside the city (NYC) for only the second time (the first was last May when they opened for Popa Chubby at the Sellersville Theater) and perform a 6 pm set. More info is online at http://www.drewstock.com/


Jim Gill's Annual Bash
Sun. Sept. 4th

Jim Gill has a party at the end of every summer and he asked me to help with gear and host the jam. It's free, there's food and drink and jamming all day. Jim lives at 1561 State Rd in Coopersburg PA 18036. Bring a chair! We'll start it around 1 pm I think.


The Firehouse Grill Jam
Tues. Sept. 6th

This started as a one time thing during Musikfest but when the owners saw Sauvek (Todd Wolfe bassist), Chicago Joe Mac (EVERY heavy cat in Chicago sideman), Pat Allen (Mad Dog & Blues Night Out drummer) and myself having such fun he booked the act to start a regular jam on Tuesday nights. Hey I said SURE! Plus it's early, from 7-10 pm. Cool joint, great vibe I assure you, relax and have fun.

This House Band is SMOKIN'! And that's who you play with! We all hang tight for you to be with the best cats in the house. If you want to play with top notch cats....guys I call for NYC gigs, show up and meet them. They're great people. Very cool. Make ME sound good! Make YOU sound good! Make it ALL sound good! God bless them.

OK see you Tues Sept 6th. Help us make this successful for us all!
The Firehouse Grill is located at 217 Broadway, Beth PA.
Firehouse Grill Info


Benny's Annual Block Party Bash
Sat. Sept. 17th

This is another annual event that used to be a big Allentown Block Party. It benefited the local Rugby Club, their coach, and the kids.

As it grew in size so did some neighborhood problems so this year the whole thing is moved to The Main Gate/Fairground Grill (Tessie's Restaraunt) at The Allentown Fairgrounds. It will take up two levels, one for an open mic and another for an entire band to host a jam. OMG how can you not find something to do! Play! Jam! Eat! Yell!

The Fairground Grill is located at 17th & Liberty. Fairgrounds links


Well that about does it for now. Of course don't forget the regular Wednesday Night Open Mic at The Perk and the Thursday Night BBQ Jam at Grumpy's.

Thanks for reading everyone! Enjoy the rest of the summer and then let's jam!

Roman (with my wife Ellie...Dominican Republic...sweet!)



Happy Mothers Day!!

That's MY mom!! 1959
She's in Heaven with my Dad and the Angels now.

From left: Pauline Roman, me up front (eating with long hair and a band-aid on my head already) at one-two years old.
Behind me my sister Marsha, brothers Dan and Jim, my sister Carol Lee (Clea) RIP

My mom raised six kids while my dad worked his entire life at PPL in Allentown.
She took her first job (if you don't count raising a house with six kids a job) after his retirement when she was 55!

Mom, I sure made it hard for you.
I appreciate your patience and understanding, and I'm sorry for breaking your heart so often.
I miss you and Dad, but I know you're happy.

Hey, you did a GOOD job!

I Love You

Thanks, Your son Matt





The New Heroes

Johnny Heff was a NYC firefighter that lost his life on 9/11. But I first knew him as part of a great original rockin' band from NYC.

I first saw The BULLYS at 2nd Ave in Bethlehem, PA. Rich Gensiak was bringing in all kinds of cool, original and wild acts from locals to bands on the road (often living day to day out of a van.) The list is incredible, anyone have one?

Johnny left a shirt there, a Boot Hill Harley shirt or something, and I told him I'd return it to him one day. And The FUX eventually found our way up to NYC shows with The BULLYS later on but the shirt never made it. I apologized and he said I could have it, but actually it was quite horrible to hang on to. Ripped, full of holes, smelly...couldn't wash it or it would totally fall apart. He must have lived a whole tour in it.

Anyway just when we thought it was going to be a regular cool scene with us & The BULLYS and playing NYC disaster hit. I still have a hat that I bought the week before right down the street from a shop that is no more as a result. (It's that cowboy hat you see me wearing in a lot of the FUX photos.)

The next couple of years there were lots of benefits for victims and the NYC Hard Core honored theirs. I'll never forget seeing those majestic towers on all those gigs we went to in NYC, and I'll never forget going going back there the following year to the anniversary benefit and seeing those two huge towers of light, shooting straight up to space.

Both an incredible sight. In my opinion both outdid the Statue of Liberty, but Miss Liberty certainly had more history...until now.

Yeah Johnny, I didn't know back then at 2nd Av you were one of the Heroes. Thank you for it meaning life itself. I hope you and God are rockin', we'll do our best to take it from here.

More about Johnny Heff
The BULLYS-Johnny



May 1, 2011

It was March 14, 2001. I was in a bar. Not to drink, not even to pick up chicks, I was there to watch great local blues talent, people I aspired to be like. The band playing consisted of Craig Thatcher, Mike Dugan, the late great Al Guerra on bass. They were kicking ass and I was totally focused.

All of a sudden a girl ran up behind me, kissed me on the lips, and ran away before I could even see her! Awwww man!

Two weeks later she came up to me and introduced herself as Ellen. That woman is now my wife! We celebrate our anniversary this month, May 19th! Happy Anniversary Ellie!

Celebrating our 2nd Anniversary in the Dominican Republic

In other news, the debut of Carl & The Perc-U-Laters went well and they will start booking the Bucks County area. They return to The Perk June 17

This month also also sees the debut of my NYC act Roman & The Heard at The Sellersville Theater opening for NY native and national blues guitarist Popa Chubby. That's Thursday night, May 26

Before that date though I'm honored to be opening for Ray Manzerek of The Doors. Kind Of Blue will play an instrumental set. Saturday May 21.

Both opening acts are a short 30 minute set that starts at 8pm.

Sellersville Theater 1894 with
Ray Manzarek (of The Doors) & Roy Rogers Sat May 21
Popa Chubby  Thursday May 26
24 W Temple Ave & Main St/Bethlehem Pike (off Rte 309)
Box office: 215/257-5808 www.ST94.com

Don't forget the The Wednesday open mic at the Perk and the Thursday BBQ Jam at Grumpy's. (I'll have a substitute on the May 26 date). Last but not least: the Last Tuesday Jazz/Blues Jam at The Washington House May 31st!

OK I'm off to do some yard work. Enjoy the new month and springtime weather and thanks for reading and supporting live music.

I'll see you at an outdoor patio maybe!






April - May Romanmusic NEWS

My new band in Perkasie...The Perk-U-Laters! What else?

Wed Apr 18

As many of you know I'm out of the Mad Dog camp (let's use the official "creative differences" cliche') and just in time: look at that bunch of happy faces! They are Carl & The Perk-U-Laters, from Perkasie...playing at The Perk of course. I don't know how we thought of that name.

Anyway, they are Carl Lichter-rythym & vocals, Matt Roman-guitar, Keith Reichard-drums, and Justine Gardner-bass. They will debut at the end of the month Friday April 29 at The Perk, Perkasie, and Saturday April 30 at the Ravens Nest, Quakertown. Below: Glue Factory, opening for us at The Perk

Glue Factory at their first gig. This will be their second.

There's more:

Throughout the rest of the month are the jams and open mic's, and don't forget a solo BYOB smooth jazz/blues this Friday from 6-9 at The C&C Cafe in Perkasie. They have a nice outdoor patio, perfect for sippin' your gin 'n juice if it's nice weather.

Then there's Easter Sunday with our monthly sacred pilgrimage to Otto's Shrunken Head in NYC. Roman & The Heard isn't exactly praise and worship, but I am on my knees doing just that pretty regularly, of course for all the wrong reasons. I'm pleased to say that Chicago Joe Mac has been pretty regular on these trips, adding even more great guitar to show. Say your prayers and jump in the van!

Praise and worship!

Finally I want to call your attention to next month at The Sellersville Theater. I'm doing two opening acts, first with the Kind Of Blue Trio opening for Ray Manzerek of The Doors.See Ray Manzerek Links.That's Saturday May 21. Advance tickets are a good idea.

The following week I'm bringing the official Roman & The Heard trio in from NYC to open up for NY friend Popa Chubby, a screaming wailing guitarist. Again, buying your tickets now gets you a guaranteed better seat. Look: Popa Chubby Links

So there ya have it: The Perk-U-Laters, Roman & The Heard, Kind Of Blue, all coming to a town near you!

See you around!

Joe Mac and Suavek join Roman & The Heard at Hank's Saloon in Brooklyn, NY earlier in the month.
Hidden is Jean Carno on drums.


Sunday April 3

Highlights began on the very first day, with The Heard playing at Hank's Saloon in Brooklyn. A great show, and what do you expect, there was a great team of musicians joining me: Chicago session guitarist Joe Mac, Suavek Zaniensienko on bass, Jean Carno on drums. The placed filled up as we played and they asked for an encore!

The month continues it's regular course of jams and some weekend performances, including Kind Of Blue at The Perk in Perkasie, PA, and The Heard again in NYC, at Otto's Shrunken Head.

But the big news of the month is on the last day, when a new band I'm in debuts at The Perk. It was formed around a great singer who had become a regular and popular favorite at the Wednesday Night Jams there. When I proposed the line-up to the manager they booked us right away, without even a name! So I'll give that some thought and get back to you with details and a band photo or something.

Thanks for coming to support my efforts and live music everyone...and getting entertainment along with it! Have a great month as the weather changes.

Using the Tip Bucket for slide in Hank's





Sounds like it will be messy weatherwise, but meanwhile I'll brief you on some upcoming events for this month of February 2011.

1st week of Feb:

Weather permitting, the Perk Open Mic Wed Feb. 2nd and Grumpy's BBQ Improv Jam Thursday Feb. 3. Then Friday Feb. 4 Mad Dog & Blues Night Out play a new venue in Wilmington DE, The Blue Parrot. We're all looking forward to it, it seems like a great venue and home to many very respectable acts. I am willing to drive if anyone can accompany me, otherwise I'll go down in the Dog-moblie. But if you're interested in a free ride down and back, let me know!

2nd week:

There's the Wednesday Night Perk Open Mic Feb 9 and Thursday Grumpy's BBQ Jam Feb 10 , but Friday Feb. 11 the C&C Cafe on Market St in Perkasie starts Valentines Day weekend! I do a solo performance at a quaint little BYOB diner. It's early, 6-9, so begin your night out here with your Valentine and your favorite wine. Then it's Saturday Feb 12 at Grumpy's to do (you won't believe this) Tom Petty songs! YES! See me at Grumpy's again backing up Billy Under's group "Free Falling." After recovery it's a St. Valentines Day Massacre Sunday Feb 13 in NYC with Roman & The Heard . YEAH! You've "Heard" about some of these shows I hope, or least you can see from pictures that it's no "mamby-pamby" stuff...come along with us. The van pulls up to The Washington House, Sellersville, on Sunday around noonish (maybe closer to 1pm.) Reservations for a van seat required! Call or email me and enjoy the ride! Can't beat that, NYC and back!

3rd week:

Wednesday Feb 16 and Thursday Feb 17 jamming and rocking as usual at The Perk and Grumpy's

4th week:

Tuesday Feb 22, and every LAST Tuesday it's a Jazz/blues jam at The Washington House. These very informal nights of fun have been very successful in the small barroom since I started them 4 years ago. If you want to actually sit at one of the 5 tables available you will want to reserve it. Then...oh yeah! The Wednesday Open Mic Feb 23 at The Perk and Thursday Grumpy's BBQ Jam Feb 24 as usual.

Did I cover everything? Did I even spell right? Contact me for any questions, and check the schedule for links to the venues and so forth. Happy Valentines Day to all my good friends!






Hello winter, and 2011!

Well there's a snow storm on the way, the holidays are over, and there's some news to report.

Last February: so much snow I couldn't use a flash!

The biggest news this month would be Mad Dog & Blues Night Out signing a contract with Mary Pierce Entertainment. That's good news for MD&BNO because we need someone managing the phones and getting us more work. And who doesn't?

Me and my boss on a warmer day

The deal started with a photo shoot (not the one above) and a quick video for MySpace and Facebook. So watch for new MD dates and stay tuned.

Speaking of Facebook, I recently was hacked into and my name was used to send links out to my friends. A weight loss link and a video link containing a virus was sent. Facebook contacted me saying there may have been an "unauthorized attempt" or something like that. They even showed where it had been attempted, somewhere near Scranton.

A friend of mine correctly assumed it wasn't me by the fact that I never send links, and that the post was from 7am. He knows I'd NEVER be up at 7 am on Facebook!

So watch carefully, similar incidents have come to my attention. Facebook is very prone to this, but I've gotten weight-loss crap on my regular Email from people I know to never have anything to do with that.

Be careful and watch out! See you at the Jams: Every Wednesday open mic, every Thursday full band jam!



" I want to thank God, Allah, my mom and dad, my parole officers,
and my wife who has stood by me, and the Byrds and the bees and blah, blah blah..."

With my lovely wife Ellie and a really cool looking glass-prism-name-etched-in-glass-with-date-thing LVMA Award.

12th Annual Lehigh Valley Music Awards 2010!!

Wow! I can't believe it's been 12 years! And it's turned into a gala event. I mean like....the social event of the musical community in the Lehigh Valley. Other people are copying it. Everybody wants one in their town. (Montgomery/Bucks County has jumped on the bandwagon, scroll down to see their very first one this past November)

The first ones were rough...laughed at and ridiculed (unless you won an award, then it wasn't SO ridiculous.) I was in since the very first one, which was so full of unorganized glitches that they asked my band to accept liquor instead of playing time. I still have awards from the very first ones that are literally a piece of paper with glitter stickers on them!


LVMA award 2002:
A CD style thing

LVMA Award 2004:
Sparkle stickers!

LVMA 2006:
Moving up to professional designs

LVMA 2003: The FUX perform at the Sterling and create all kinds of bad press (that equals "good" in punk rock)
A comment on destruction: wreck your OWN gear and take responsibility for any other damages.

LVMA 2010:

There was a professional photographer and backdrop present for anybody.
Watch for pix on their site:

Vinnie Lopez (Bruce Springsteen drummer)
Just one of the special guests

Vinnie's links

The Unicorn Salute: A quirky joke made by founder Bruce Ian that we all decided to try to make tradition.

The award I recieved and the blurb from the program (Yeah! A PROGRAM!)

20 Year Veterans Award Recipient

Matt Roman - Back in the '80's when the Funhouse in Bethlehem opened as a "comedy/original music only" club Matt Roman (a.k.a. Roman) was playing there. His picture is still there on their wall.

The 90's saw Roman overcome personal demons to start the FUX, a punk band that played the US, UK, and Europe.

The new century ushered him into jazz, rock, blues and teaching. He got students involved in the blues jams and still has them performing with him at his local jams.

Having studied and played with jazz and blues giants since then he gained the respect of many in the Lehigh/Bucks county community, even major players in NYC.

Roman now plays NYC to Philly with his own band KIND OF BLUE and tours with MAD DOG & BLUES NIGHT OUT. He occasionally fills in with some local and NYC players and can be seen weekly running jams and open mic's at Grumpy's and The Perk






Otto's Shrunken Head Closes Because Of Fire

An actual shrunken head? Just one of thousands of freaky stuff to discover at Otto's

Otto's Shrunken Head, home of the new breed of original NYC rock, punk, weirdo freako music for many years, has shut down due to a fire in the back room. The front room will reopen but the band room will take longer. Meanwhile the party has shifted to Times Square, at Port 41. http://www.myspace.com/port41

U PUKE, U CLEAN $20 Impressive NYC bar etiquette

I first played Otto's in 2000 but when CBGB's closed and then the Continental, two premier original rock venues that regularly featured the Ramones, Blondie, Iggy Pop and The Talking Heads among many others, the creative and eclectic scene had to find other venues to hang in.

Otto's was a relaxed tiki bar with a good vibe and no attitude. A lot of the old CB's gang frequents it. There's no cover charge, reasonable drinks, and a nice personnel. Frank Wood started gathering great original acts there every Sunday night and I played once a month there for the past 4 or 5 years

Hanging with the Wood. Everyone likes good Wood

Well now we have to go somewhere else, but Hey! Times Square baby! The parking will suck, but around this time of year, the Holidays, I'm always up there anyway. It's magical I tell ya!

If you've never seen Times Square at Christmas time you'll want to go. The Big Tree and ice-skaters in Rockefeller Center, the real Marcy's as seen in Miracle On 34th St and site of the famous Maycy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Ice skaters and the Big Tree, snuggling my baby in the winter air under the tree, Maycy's top floor after the gig ( 2 am?) buying our traditional Maycy's NYC Christmas Tree ornament before heading home

Want to go? I may have room! No parking or driving headaches for you! Contact me and reserve a seat. I'm going up Sunday Nov 7 and Sunday Dec 19 (when Macy's is open around the clock!)

See you there, Ho Ho Ho




October/November Stuff:

Getting a Lehigh Valley Music Award from DJ A.J. Fritz, 2004
Dressed appropriately: a Buckwheat tie and an FUX sticker

Vote: Music Awards!


Twelve years ago in the Lehigh Valley a Music Awards program was established to pay some kind of tribute and acknowledgement to the people involved in the growing musical community.

Sweeping the LVMA Rock/Punk Categories in 2003

It's continued success has spread into Bucks/Montgomery Counties where I now live and perform, so this year I will be on the ballot and will perform there too. It's always a great time! I encourage you to attend if you're in the lovely New Hope area and of course vote for any artists on the ballot you know. You can also "write in" another nomination in various categories if you don't see their name listed. Remember, this is a new Awards group and I'm sure there are plenty of great people in the Bucks/Montgomery County area that deserve recognition!

Go to



Here's the original email from the founding father Ian Bruce!

who: Montgomery Bucks Music Awards
what: Voting begins
when: NOW, ends October 28th
where: www.mobucksmusicawards.org
why: To promote & honor & reward Bux-Mont Musicians and music related persons.

Contact person: ian bruce 570-818-4100 or musicnominations@aol.com


Montgomery Bucks Music Awards Voting NOW

    Music Lovers of Montgomery & Bucks Counties can
cast their votes for the Musicians who entertain them
and for their favorite venue, radio station and many more categories on www.mobucksmusicawards.org
starting on NOW and ending on October 28th.

One vote per person, the ballot will not allow anyone to vote more than one time.
The MBMA has two ballots, one for fans - THE FAN BALLOT and one for Musicians, music related businesses and music media - THE MUSIC BIZ BALLOT, the Music Biz Ballot is for Musicians to honor their peers and the music businesses and venues that help them. Persons who vote on the Music Biz Ballot may also vote on the Fan Ballot.

Several awards are named after musicians who have passed away Robert Hazard, Jamison Smoothdog, John Fisher, Jeff Calhoun...The Founder's Award is being presented to Mike Vagnoni, publisher of Out On The Town, for his decades of service to the community, musicians, venues & charities.

For more information please contact ian bruce at 570-818-4100 or at musicnominations@aol.com
The MBMA is produced by MAPPS< a 501 c3 non-profit corporation that also produces www.wiaipa.org and www.lehighvalleymusicawards.org and www.communitylvmc.org

The MBMA will be hosted by Triumph Brewing Company in New Hope, PA on November 8th at 7pm. Confirmed performers are Jim Steager, Paul Kurrey, RUNA, Kind of BLUE, Gracy's Trip and The Large Flowerheads. Presenters include Gregory Gaughan of WBZC, Gloria Domina of Women in Art in PA, singer-songwriter Paul Kurrey and others.

Sponsors include Signal Sound Studios, Hawkeye Country Tavern, Bucks County Drum Company, Martin Guitar,
DeVoe's Music Stores...


This year's LVMA has a special award for several of us old players just for lasting so long!
It's a nice gesture and a great idea...I'd like to see it at the new MBMA awards
Go to http://www.lehighvalleymusicawards.org/LVMA_Awards.htm







Hey! That's me and killer grrrl drummer Jean in NYC! Playing thru a provided Marshall stack! Yeah! Rock like it's supposed to be heard! Man what a great time. Once a month I make a trip to see old friends in NYC for a knock-down drag-out one - set - only show. Anyone who can fit in my van is welcome, we go up early, I show you some sites, and then we rock in a really hip and cool joint, Otto's Shrunken Head.

I hope you can join us! Or follow along and bring your own friends. They won't get hurt, they'll think your hip and they'll talk about it forever!

Pay attention to the monthly listings, and the December one around Christmas time is not to be missed! We hit Rockefeller Center for the Big Tree, Macy's (THE Macy's..."Miracle On 34th" St Macy's!) after hours for our traditional tree ornaments, and that's not even going into the fall and Thanksgiving Day shows. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile I'll try my best to entertain you in my local PA spots, The Perk Open Mic every Wednesday, Grumpy's Fusion Jam every Thursday, dates with Mad Dog Moyer and Kind Of Blue throughout the upcoming months. Just check my SCHEDULE and find a town near you!

Another pic from the last NYC show:

Pat (Mad Dog & Blues Night Out), Tim (The FUX, Power Valve), Ellie (my WIFE!!!XOXO) inside McSorely's before the show


Hey! Happy Halloween!






Revenge of The FUX !!

The Fux in England, 2003

Roman & The Heard, NYC, last July

Hi everyone!

Have you've noticed I posted a few of the photos from my old FUX days throughout the site?
Man those were wild and fun action filled sets! Bloody even!
The FUX show was what started the eating-the-burning-guitar gimmick, and it took us all over the US, UK, and some countries in Europe.
I learned a lot about music, the business, other countries, their people and cultures, etc.

One of the rougher, but not uncommon, FUX shows.
2nd Av, Bethlehem, PA
I got health insurance after that one, before going to Europe


I don't do much as "The FUX" anymore, mainly because I'm busy with other projects that are more ...acceptable! And lucrative! And SAFER! But from the FUX I learned a lot about showmanship and entertainment (not to be confused with talent, education, or technical proficiency) and it carried on to my other performances. And now maybe The FUX are back...here's why.


Any chance I got to bring some of the FUX show to a legitimate rock or blues audience I did. I actually did a wedding with the FUX act as a grand finale for Dylan Guerrero &Family by request. They also got smooth jazz for supper first, then a set of rock and blues.
One of the best opportunities was Musikfest 2008 where I had top notch jazz cats catching any musical curve ball I could throw at them! I knew this was the perfect chance to use the ultimate FUX trump card: The Burning Guitar!

Kind Of Blue at Musikfest, Bethlehem, PA, 2008
One guitar on fire against another, both plugged in,
and panning left to right in stereo.

Two camera's showed it on local cable... I've never been allowed to play there again.

Man the jazz guys with me were wide-eyed and in heaven. They had never seen anything like it. The sets we did were already awesome, we were rockin, doing blues, and nailing the jazz shit like motherfuckers. Now they had a show. They'll never see THAT again in their lounge acts. Anyway, I had some fans there that knew what to expect, but the band didn't! I just told them before I went on "...if I do something crazy like light my guitar on fire, DON'T STOP PLAYING..."


Well now I play NYC regularly as Roman & The Heard, one Sunday a month, one set at 7:30, at Otto's Shrunken Head. And it's been great. The FUX have played New York since the Europe days. CBGBs, The Continental, Trash Bar. Then Frank Wood in NYC started booking The FUX from Brooklyn to Miami.

The past two years I had the honor of playing with blues legend Bobby Radcliff. Guitar and sometimes bass when neccassary.
He started appearing at my sets just for fun because he lived around the corner.

Learning REAL Chicago blues from a master.
Bobby Radcliff on the left, me with a Stooges shirt.
Otto's Shrunken Head 2009

Playing bass for Bobby at B.B. King's, Times Square, NYC, May 2010


He no longer lives so close by, so I returned to guitar duties at Otto's and started getting crazy. We have a great regular drummer there, Jersey Girl Jean Carno, but needed a bass player. I had crazy Otto (no relation) from Electro Harmonix bringing all kinds of cool new gadgets for some shows, but now I have my old FUX commrade on bass, "Timid" Tim Sostak for the next couple of shows.
And we're starting to do some of the FUX arrangements.

Tim last July in NYC wearing a Sunderland jersey he got in England...a big mistake at the time since we were on tour with ,their biggest rivals, a band from Newcastle
Jean last July willing and able to pound the shit out of something...thank God she has drums in front of her
2 out of 3 FUX agree!
Me, Jean, Timid. Otto's, June 2010

It brought back a lot of great vibes for me and Tim and consequently some real sparks and energy. I hope you can make one of the Roman & The Heard shows at Otto's in NYC. I leave from Perkasie PA but often have room to pick up people along the way. Come if you want, or make a point to visit NYC on the day of the month we're there. I promise you a set you won't see anywhere else. The people are real cool at Otto's too...no attitudes. And there's lots of old school CBGB's regulars, people from The Talking Heads, Television, Blondie, Patti Smith.

Come out and see!!





Happy 4th of July everybody!!

Well, another year of independence from the Royal Crown is under our young nations belt so it's time for me to tell my annual July 4th story. And it involves England too, so it's appropriate.

Back when I was working my punk band The FUX we agreed to do a tour of England with the Newcastle/Nottingham band PANIC. In return we arranged a tour for them over here.

The tour went well and led to more tours of the UK and Europe, but now it was time to bring the lads over here to see the USA, home of Hollywood, skyscrapers, hot rods and bikini's. Pool parties, decadence, overeating and waste. Of course we all know that's just in the movies. We went to pick them up at the airport in NYC. By coincidence it was the July 4th weekend.

The boys were wide-eyed and astonished. They marveled at the bridges on NYC (they never rebuilt most of the ones destroyed in WW II) and were most excited to buy Converse sneakers and eat at Taco Bell. But the funniest thing of all was EVERYONE WAS PARTYING!!

As we went through our typical FUX circuit of NYC (CBGB's) Buffalo, Chicago, Nashville, Atlanta, other tiny towns and eventually home, all they saw were hot rods on the highway, flags waving, fireworks, and pool parties. Of course everyone was having a picnic and celebrating. They couldn't believe it. IT WAS JUST LIKE THE MOVIES!!

We had to tell them it's not like this everyday, but they didn't believe us. Even our music stores far exceeded their small countries variety and selection, and to add insult to injury, even Marshall amplifiers, made in the UK, were cheaper here than over there! They now officially hated us and cried when they had to go home.

Well that's my story. Enjoy your holiday, and your country. I know there's plenty of problems with it, but if it really gets to you, go buy a Marshall Amp!

See you at the pool!






On Wednesday June 2nd
I WAS TO BEGIN an Every Other Wednesday open mic The Perk, from 9-12, in my home town of Perkasie, PA. But when we realized it was a Flyers Stanley Cup game we decided to move it up a week. The Every Other Wednesday still stands as listed on my schedule, so I'll be doing two Wednesdays in a row, but still three altogether this month:

Wed June 9
Wed June 16
Wed June 30

I'll honor the acoustic players that have been coming but I'll accommodate anything. I'll have a couple amps in addition to the PA for y'all to sing and play through. Everyone gets to play. Everyone gets in on it. Everyone have fun tonite. Everyone wang chung tonight.

Thursday June 3rd
is the Allentown area's Grumpy's BBQ Jam where we mix up a real gumbo of rock, blues, fusion, and honest- to-God power jamming. I'm serious, we're making a scene there. And you don't gotta know sh#&! You come in ready to improvise and my band will open up doors that no other jam in the area can pull off.

Friday June 4th
I'll be with Mad Dog Moyer & Blue Night Out opening up at The Pig Pen in Allentown. We play an early show, from 7-10 pm, then the party bands come on. Come out if you're an early party person, get in early and get home...or stay without the cover!

Saturday June 5th

It's a BIRTDAY PARTY at The Perk!!!
And Me!
And my brother!
And EVERYONE else too!

That's right! Saturday June 5th we celebrate EVERYONE'S birthday. I'll have a card for you and we're all having snacks, wings, cake, balloons, (other surprises I don't know about) and Kind Of Blue will play a birthday song just for....all of us!

I don't care when your birthday is, we'll all celebrate together on that night!

Sunday....hmmmm, nothing! Well, lets go swimming!

Need directions? Info? go to the SCHEDULE and get the links!!








BB Kings, NYC, Friday May 7 with The Bobby Radcliff Band



Monday May 10

The BB King's gig went great! I came with charts for 5 of Bobby Radcliff's CD's and a main List with every song and it's key. "Wow! This is practically my whole catalogue. Can I have this?" "Sure Bobby, I ran off two."

But not only was this an important bass debut for me, it was an endurance test. We played from 8 pm to 2 am. Grueling. Got home at 5 am. I had to go back to NYC Sunday to do my regular Otto's Shrunken Head gig, and man, what a cakewalk that feels like now. I poured out energy knowing I only had to do one great set.

The scene outside loading in at BB's around 3 pm, 42nd between 7th & 8th

Enough of the past. Some highlights:

Mad Dog at Grumpy's on Saturday May 15. Uber blues and ribs wit' greens. C'mon, you can't argue with that!

Saturday May 22nd. I'm back in Bucks County at the Montgomery Mall's TGIF with my boys Kind Of Blue, layin' down cool jazz in the first set and throwing some classic rock covers to end the night. Dig it, then rock.


At The Perk I will begin hosting their Every Other Wednesday Jam. It begins Wed June 3rd. Acoustic solo, duo, electric bands, anything. I will accommodate!

KOB at The Perk on Saturday June 5. It happens to be my birthday (Argghhh!) so we'll be a little looser and crazier. Traditionally my brother Jim and I celebrate ours together. Come and get some free food and cake. Sit in on a birthday tune.

Sunday June 13 Mad Dog will compete in the Lehigh Valley Blues Network's Memphis Challenge. James Supra was last year's winner. Good for you James! Hope to follow in your footsteps.

Who cares? From there I'm high-tailing it up to NYC for another Otto's Shrunken Head gig, this time with FUX bass man Tim "Timid" Sostak and Jean "NYC" Carno on drums. Want to see what it's all about? Meet me along Rt. 78 AND JUMP IN THE VAN!

Last but not least Jean Carno, the heavy hitting chick on drums with me at Otto's will have Bobby Radcliff and I support her in one of her favorite NJ bars BLVD Bar & Grill at the end of the month. Details on The SCHEDULE.

Blues, Rock, Fusion, playing guitar, bass, solo's, duo's, trio's, more!! Check The SCHEDULE, get the details and directions, and see some variety!

Thanks Kids !!



Saturday May 1st

Why would anyone drive for hours up to NYC, fight traffic, pay tolls, and play in bars that smell like 50 year old beer and piss for no money? Because that's COOL!!!

I guess it's cooler than doing all the same stuff in a tiny town where no one will notice you. Just not as cheap. For me, the people I meet are worth the time and money...easily.

This weekend, Friday May 7, I'll be the bass sub with Chicago/NY blues legend Bobby Radcliff at BB Kings. Bobby started jamming with me at Otto's Shrunken Head. Gave me some lessons in the history of real blues first hand. We became friends, and he needs a bass player.

And speaking of real blues, Saturday I'll be back in the Allentown PA area with Mad Dog and Blues Night Out. West End Youth Center. See him now. Mad Dog hits the road at the end of the month, playing JM Randalls in Viginia. He's out there selling his first new CD in quite a few years...and I'M ON IT. So BUY IT!

Sunday I'm back up in NYC at Otto's Shrunken Head, where it all started! Join me! As my good friend Fred would say "Get off the couch!"


Before I go a head's up for June. The Perk will have me run their open mic nite every other Wednesday starting June 2nd, filling in for the summer for John from The Mango Men who's on tour.

I'll not only be happy to accommodate all the acoustic regulars, but will encourage electric soloists and complete bands too. I'll bring two amps for guitars and y'all bring yer own percussion stuff...some bass? Uprights welcome! Maybe I'll have my bass rig on me too. Anyway, watch for it.

A good pre-requisite for this is Revivals, once a month, in Perkasie, PA. My infamous "Roman Alone" gig, where I let people sit in regardless. Let's all have fun.

In addition to these new things it's business as usual at Grumpy's every Thursday. We jam like MFr's, no joke. No jam has the freedom we offer, because as you know, freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

Don't miss Kind Of Blue either, playing lot's of classic rock these days with Mike on keys/bass. Different than guitar driven bands, with stuff like Traffic, Joe Cocker, plus Miles and the SRV-Hendrix whirlwind of stereo fusion. What did I miss?

OK go to my schedule for details, directions, and other stuff I forgot. Hey I miss you guys, and need you. I need you at Grumpy's, The Perk, Revivals, NYC...well NYC never neads anybody. But all the other places...Man! Would I love to see you!

See you soon?








This past Sunday (4/25/10) I attended the 4th annual Jazz Bridge Benefit Concert. It's an organization dedicated to assisting Philadelphia area jazz musicians in times of crisis. It helps those who are left by the wayside simply because they can't afford "good" insurance.

Pat Martino, guitarist extrodinaire, Tony Monaco, B3 maniac, and Jason Brown, native New Yorker and internationally requested jazz drummer, provided entertainment. Pat's film "Martino Unstrung" chronicling his personal tragedies and comeback was shown, followed by a Q&A and concert.

More information on Jazz Bridge at Jazz Bridge.org

Monday 4/26 I was in NYC for a rehearsal with blues great Bobby Radcliff. Man, that's hard work! Anyway we managed to catch the last set by Mike Stern afterwards, and we were all inspired. Don't miss any chance to see either of these guys, and you can see me backing up Bobby on bass in the future: May 7th at BB Kings in NYC.


More locally,
Tuesday 4/27 is the monthly Wash House Jam,
Thursday 4/29 is the weekly Grumpy's BB Q Jam,
Friday 4/30 Mad Dog at The Pig Pen, and
Saturday 5/1 Kind Of Blue's monthly 1st Saturday at The Perk.

Thanks for reading everyone!! Let's jam!








Hey good morning!


The big news is that Mad Dog and Blues Night Out has a new CD and opened for blues legend James Cotton on Thursday April 15 at The Sellersville Theater to present it. Did you miss this chance to see blues legends?

The Continental, NYC back in the day of live music
with Tim and lighter fluid

A great time at Otto's Shrunken Head in NYC on Sunday, with my old FUX cronie Tim "Timid" Sostak on bass, Jean Carno on drums. We rocked the place. Catch the next one in May, on Mothers Day. Say Hi to your mother for me. (That's a Saturday Night Live sketch, satirizing Mark Walden, so don't get all creepy on me if your Mothers has died or something. Mine has, so get your lobby group working on something else worthwhile.)

Kind Of Blue continues to get jobs despite the fact that we play no popular requests. With Mike on keys/bass parts the Doors stuff is so awesome...maybe that has something to do with it. Watch the schedule and pay particular attention to when KOB appears as a quartet with Allan Meyerson on horn and flute...man that's one smokin' night! You get rock, jazz, blues, fusion...Doors, Traffic, Miles, Hendrix, oh MAN!

Of course there's the regular Thursday night Jams at Grumpys and I will be at every one.

Some new venues for me throughout the month...have a peek at my SCHEDULE.

OK thanks for reading!!






of The Mad Dog

Hi folks!! Man it's sure been one historic snow season! I certainly picked the right time to buy a snow blower. And vacation in the Dominican Republic! But it's time to get back to business.

March prominently features Mad Dog & Blues Night Out. Harmonicus Colossus Rick "Mad Dog" Moyer has been established since the '70's and has performed for and with many of the old original masters of the blues, from Junior Wells to Buddy Guy. Mad Dog & BNO will be breaking in their new drummer Duane Martis at Lupos and Grumpy's in Allentown and McStews (formerly AJs) in Levittown. I hope you can get to one of these shows and see some old school swingin' blues.

March features a new jam. Lupos will have ONE jam a month, the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Remember that! THE THIRD TUESDAY of each month. It's a good chance for your band to audition and get a gig there. Of course there's also the LAST TUESDAY Jazz Jam at The Washington House, and EVERY THURSDAY at Grumpy's. See my schedule for times and direction links.

Last but not least Kind Of Blue returns to The Perk on Saturday March 13. Playing the Perk features Allan Meyerson on horns/flute and Mike Fossa doing Doors style keys/bass. It always brings out a bunch of The Wash House gang and we dance around and rock and try to take over the joint. Jen the manager doesn't mind...she encourages it!

Alas there is no Roman & The Heard (Otto's Shrunken Head, NYC) or Roman Alone (Revivals, PA) gig this month. Make sure you find that act in April.

So long for now, keep on shovelin'






Get Ready!
Here it comes...again!

Is the gig on? Is it off? Even I don't know! It figures that the one month I don't want a lot of jobs is my busiest ever. Snow already killed two of them, but I've also been fortunate enough to have some jobs right before the storms. However, with the news people trying so hard to scare the hell out of everybody the day before the storm the turnout has been very low, not what is expected...but those people that come out! Like these girls and Scotty & The Slammers last Friday at Lupo's. Wow...wild!

The last big snow scare, Friday Feb 5, Lupos Jam in Allentown

And then we all drove home in some flurries, stopping at the crowdless supermarkets to stock up before going home, and wake up to a beautiful winter wonderland and a day off from work.

Hey, that's better than waiting inside all night before for the sky to fall and now realizing ...you're staying inside all day and night again! So get out! While you can! See that show! The sky won't fall! It just get a little freaky. Shopping is way easier!

Ahhh it'll all be over very soon, and just in time for the weekend. I have two new Bucks County jobs on Friday and Saturday so check my schedule and be there!! Snow not included!!



End of (sob!) January, 2010

Hangin' at The Head (Otto's Shrunken Head) with Bobby Radcliff in NYC last Sunday Jan 24...


It was a rough start my Dear Readers but now the New Year is underway and I can't turn back. Broken laptop and all, it's music that's going to save my soul as it always has.

I turned on my missing-keys laptop (it's like a broken typewriter) punched in NEWS and was determined to write. I put on the headphones and started up some smokin' fusion (Mike Stern right now) and decided to start typing to see what came out...

February is upon us, looming over my shoulder like some great dark romantic beast. It is the month of Valentines Day, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, and my wife's birthday. And up until a few moments ago, a pretty slow month for jobs.

It turned around, as the I Ching tells you it always will. My wife Ellie and I along with Sergeant of Photography Don Shatto just went up to NYC to help blues legend Bobby Radcliff move into some nice upper East Side digs on Sunday, then Bobby and I played at Otto's . Ever since I got back gigs have been popping up.

Allan Meyerson, NYC, sax, flute. Allan played with Blood, Sweat, and Tears guys.
If you don't know that act look them up. They're big time back in the day.


I'm playing three or four new places this month with Kind Of Blue, and most of it will be playing some classic rock because that's fun and so requested, but still adding R&B to dance to, soul for your soul, jazz, fusion, whatever. I never know myself what the regular charts will morph into, but ....well, come out and see. Some shows we're a quartet, with Allan Meyerson on horns and flute, other as a trio, with Mike Fossa supplying the keyboards/bass a la Ray Manzarek to my guitar and my brother Jim's drums.

Mike Fossa played keys/bass with Robbie Krieger from the Doors, G.E. Smith from Saturday Night Live and many more.
He'll play anything and kick ass doing it. Awesome "keys-slash-bass."

For the first time, on Saturday Feb 6th, we'll be at The Leather Corner Post, home of some of my favorite jams. If you've never been here before I hope you make the effort to come see what we do. Allan will be there with horns, flutes, effects, so it'll be cool!

Later that week, for my Bucks County friends, the Kind Of Blue Trio will be opening a brand new big music and dining hall in Collegeville called Hemmingway's in Collegeville, PA. First we'll play the private invitation only opening on Tuesday Feb. 9, then the grand public opeing on Thursday Feb 11th. ( I have a special old friend of the Lehigh Valley to run the Grumpy's Jam for me...it's a surprise!)

Then, on that Saturday, Feb 13, before Valentine's Day (you boys didn't forget your sweethearts did you?) we'll play at Bone's Grill in Lansdale. It's a super easy stop right off the PA Turnpike's Lansdale exit. Come off the exit, turn left, and after the light its on the right.

Finally, we'll be at TGIF's Montgomery Mall spot, on a Friday of course, on a date to be announced, which I may have before I even proofread all this. But that's a nice scene there, not your typical chain store TGIF place. They've had bands on Fridays for a while and may add Saturdays. It'll be rockin'.

No matter what, you can expect to hear something by some groups you know, some you haven't heard of, and done differently than anyone else who's covering their popular hits. I bet you like it. And I bet even if it's a song you've heard a million times, it'll be a fresh take on an old great favorite.

Watch the February schedule closely, its changing as I speak...but I know some of you can have some fun by joining us so make the trip to wherever we are near you, and if you don't come to see the new places, there's Grumpy's High Octane Jam every Thursday and the regular NYC Shrunken Head and of course the Last Tuesday Washington House Super Scenes in Sellersville.

Bring your Valentine!




Hi John(drummer)! Hey remind me to give you Jeff's (friend I'm holding up) address in jail!

January 17, 2010

Hi everyone! My holidays went real smooth...I knew it was too good to be true.

As soon as Christmas was over and I had opened many wonderful trinkets and presents that I didn't need...everything I really used started breaking.

My DVD player, my laptop, the mailing list, my printer, my phone, my kneecaps!

Well, it's a rough start dear readers, my email list is messed up, but if you want to be put on it just contact me and ask.

Hey I'm a little guy (no thanks to you Columbia) I try to play music, not my space and facebook myface and everything else. I got the myspace sites going but probably won't be much fun on facebook with everything around me in need of repair.

But what cool music! I'm at a few places from NYC to Phila. regulary, and lately I've been backed by Mike Fossa on keyboards/bass, (like the Doors guy Ray Manzerak.)

I'm telling ya, he does such a good job that Robby Krieger from the real Doors uses him. Now you know you're hearing authentic classic stuff!!

I will be starting some new jams and playing new venues. Check my schedule, see where I'm playing, and support my bands and jams and live music. Since I can't email everyone with obnoxious regularity I suggest you just check back here and find out what is new on my schedule and why and whatnot.

Hey! You're all invited to jam alongside of me. Accept no substitutions! Only my jams allow you utter and complete creative freedom for improvisation!!

Come on out and dance!





January 2010

Your humble narrator and Mrs. Roman

First of all, Thank You to all of you for being here! I had a good year and I hope you did too.

Now by "good year" I mean I am still alive, despite many hard times. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and all that. But more realistically, I had many personal defeats, and many professional triumphs. It's all part of the balance of the Universe.

On tour in England somewhere, crashing in someone's room (Bens!)

A new year causes you to reflect and look back. Go to my Biography and I'll really take you back. I went from touring Europe in a punk band to doing solo performances in the cozy restaurant up the street.

Revivals Restaurant in Perkasie, Pa, 2009...my new town

But go to Facebook, the newest trend, and I myself am taken back to .... grade school!

Facebook. OK, I'm finally on it. I guess it's the simple answer to My Space. Which was the cheap guys answer to buying an actual website domain name. Ok, I'm on it, but I was forced into it.

Back in 1996 my punk band The FUX had a "real website" courtesy of Brian Airgood (now a producer for FOX Phila.) Back then you had to know the HTML language of computer programming to have a website.

The Fux circa 2005: Me, Tim Sostak, Brian Airgood

Thank you Brian! WOW! Only company's and corporations and big label-backed bands (corporations) had WEBSITES!!

And we used it! I had stickers made up with the site on it, took pictures of everyone I could at our gigs and handed out stickers to anyone I took a picture of. You saw your picture on THE INTERNET the next day or so.

Recent Fux sticker, thefux.org. Originally the site was www.bigfat.com/thefux.
We had a lot of fans ending up on gross porn sites. But that worked too.

These stickers can be seen from Chicago to Milan, in clubs, on street signs, on tons of great bands gear and cases that we met or played for. WOW! The FUX website had hundreds of "hits" a day, thousands a month.

Then (1999?) a band we were signed to tour with said "Hey, there's a new thing called My Space for bands to network with. We're all using it."

I immediately got the free site as "Roman" and began using it to network my bands. Then I saw it being used for personal stuff. OK, live and let live. Then I saw it being used as a way for anybody, like a ... 12 year old, to also have their own website. Hey! That's not fair! I pay for a website! With CONTENT! Not personal ...dribble!

Where do I pee in this damn country? In Wales, 2003

I ignored My Space for years until finally, on a tour, I was constantly being asked "are you on My Space?" Yes, I'm on My Space, but I have a REAL website too. "But are you on My Space?" Eventually it became clear to me that My Space was the new Yellow Pages. And the new attention span of 30 seconds.

If you wanted info, you went to myspace, found the band (or grade school friend you were on the bus with in the morning) and then went from there, used it to get to their real website, and asked them to be "your friend."

Since I wanted to be found I set up My Space accounts for my band The FUX. Then for my band Kind Of Blue. Then for all the other bands I need to make a living from. I thought I had it pretty together, being independent and not having a record label set up accounts and maintaining them for me ( you don't think Bob Dylan or Beyonce' really maintains a My Space or Facebook site do you?) and having all the bands I work in on one site (ROMANMUSIC.NET) which included a web page and a my space site.

But NOOOO!!!!. Now all I'm asked is "Are you on Facebook?" Why would I be on that? You can't download music. It's very limited. It's for your personal FAMILY. Or some friends that you don't want on your My Space site.

I want to fight technology, trends, unoriginality, simplicity for newcomers to networking, and the masses. But, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

So yes, I'm on Facebook! Like every other 12 year old. But now, like every other 50 year old, grandma, mom, dad, school chum, kid...and...band.

I will use Facebook if your are my FAMILY. Or a FRIEND. Even a long lost friend or even that kid I hated on the school bus back in...1885...but if you are a band, or a legitimate promoter or venue that I need to do actual business with, please use my REAL website: this one. And my email. You want to connect?


Keep my family out of it. And actually, even my family should just use my email, I know I can't keep up with talking through a My Space site so Facebook won't have much of a chance for replies either.

Look at this site. I have music samples, website front pages along with a My Space site for actual music, photos by the bucket load dating back as far as my most recent uncrashed computer, and it's all for you to enjoy. You don't have to have me accept you as a friend or whatever.

"I love you man!" A great new "friend" on tour in Germany

It's all so extensive it's a little confusing to me. First websites. Then Myspace. Then Facebook. Twitter (don't even get me started!!) PC's. Laptops, notebooks, iPhones, netbooks....Arghhhhh!

I love you all for all that you offer and add and advance. But with several bands to need for a living, forgive me if I don't immediately reply to requests or friends or faces or whatever it's called now.

Now excuse me, I have six My Space sites to update, and a Facebook site to figure out...after I upload this REAL website!!! Man...I wonder what I'll be dealing with in 2011! A two-way wrist radio? Maybe My Space and Facebook will merge...into... My Face!


Happy New Year to YOU who has the initiative to be on a real website!!

Early communication on my first tour of England, 1999. We all called our moms from this booth.






Happy Holidays!!


Look at this poster from like, 1999 or something. I put it up every year! I can almost hardly wait to do it!

You're probably going to see it on the front page a few times between now and Christmas, in various forms with color commentary about upcoming happenings. This poster was also the basis of one of my first home-made Christmas cards that I gave out to practically anyone I saw, which has since become a fun tradition.

Hey, you might want to see some more of the old-school posters (before they were all done with clip-art from PC programs) by going to the FUX site and looking under POSTERS ! Some of them are great!

OK, check my schedule, there is action right through the New Year, but I have to get December up yet. There is the regular jams with the exception of Grumpy's, which will take place Wednesday Thanksgiving Eve instead of Thursday. I will also be hosting a Christmas Day night jam at Lupo's in Allentown. So for those without a place to go by the end of the day stay tuned for more details on that.





Radcliff's Rogues & Renegades
(a.k.a.Roman & The Heard)

Bobby Radcliff - guitar, Jean Carno - drums, Roman - bass, W. Kiss - guitar
Otto's Shrunken Head, NYC
Sunday 11/15/09

I'm sure many in the Lehigh Valley remember Will Kiss, a student of mine from a few years ago. Will made great strides with his playing by frequenting the jam scenes (that would allow him.)

It was a great pleasure to run into him at a jam in New Jersey on my way to New York City and invite him along to meet blues legend Bobby Radcliff.

It took some finagling but I managed to get Will into the club, meet Bobby, and have him on stage with us. Will is now a Bobby Radcliff fan, and even cooler was seeing the real West Side Chicago blues traditions of Bobby's going to the next generation.

Man, that's what jams are about! Wow!





Hope you had a great Halloween!


Roman & Berger Halloween Eve
Revivals in Perkasie 10 30 2009


I had a great time. I played with several different acts at several new places, from performing as a duo to playing bass for Bobby (below.) I'm looking forward to the holidays and meeting some of you at the new places (well, new for me.)

Every Friday this month has me in a different town, so be sure and check the schedule. Some of the dates are with Kind Of Blue, some are with Mad Dog & Blues Night Out.

Every Thursday is a jam at Grumpy's BBQ with the exception being Thanksgiving. As a result of the holiday we will hold a special Wednesday Night Jam. I'm sure a lot of my students will be attending so I may limit the night to an early student session followed by the adult sessions. Grumpy's is allowing us to run late that night, and I'm trying to convince them to keep their great kitchen smoking (literally) a little later than 10 pm.

OK, stay tuned to this website for more NEWS!

YouTube of Bobby Radcliff, Roman on bass, Jean Carno drums
Otto's Shrunken Head, NYC 10 18 2009









I guess 20 years of playing on my knees and hauling Marshall stacks with them took its toll. I woke up with a small pain in my knee (a regular occurrence, no cause for alarm) but it grew steadily for weeks so I finally went to the hospital. I'm still looking into it, but surgery is not out of the question. It didn't stop me from making the Grumpy's Jam, or playing all night at The Perk two days later, but it sure slowed me down. I felt like one of those "shoegazer" acts, having to stand still up there like a...plant or something. Still, I believe I was able to portray much more attitude. More than a plant anyway! Thanks everyone who helped me unload and carry stuff.

Looking to the future is the next Grumpy's jam on Thursday October 15th, where you can see me hobble up to the microphone again, put down a crutch and pick my guitar. My brother Jim is on drums that night because the following night he's drumming also: Mad Dog & Blues Night Out at is there on Friday, October 16th, but I won't have it so bad then. Mad Dog is really the show, I just back him up, and I always enjoy seeing it from right there at the stage. I hope you can join me.

Don't forget to vote in the Lehigh Valley Music Awards. I was missing from the list the past several years but finally they got the nomination process rolling a little better and thanks to you all again my name is there somewhere under various categories. It's nice to have that recognition, and it's important to people like me who rely on music to make a living. It's not like I'm a blues musician at night and CPA during the day. So in addition to your support carrying my gear, thanks for your support voting. Go ahead, click and follow the instructions, it only takes like two minutes.

Lehigh Valley Music Awards Voting Site








Come over to the dark side...one of my jams!!

This is a special announcement about some last minute jammin' opportunities.

Saturday October 3rd:

I will run a very informal open mic session at a new place called Old Bethlehem Road Hotel (formerly Arianna Miles Bed 'N Breakfast. I planned on doing it alone and not posting it on my schedule until I got a little more familiar with playing solo, but it's such a cool vibe there that I had to invite you to see this place. It's awesome, and you can literally crash there if you don't want to drive! Check it out by joining me around 8 for some food and improv jammin:


Old Bethlehem Road Hotel

Original Arianna Miles webpage

OBR Facebook

The Old Bethlehem Road Hotel (The OBR)
243 Old Bethlehem Rd, Quakertown, PA, 18951
215 538-2108


Sunday October 4th:

A neighboor/student/NYC traveler Mark Lewis and his lovely wife Beth are having a backyard party & jam, but it was moved from this Saturday Oct 3 to this Sunday Oct 4th. It starts at 1 pm.

You can come and jam as my personal friend (just don't make me kill you.) More info and invitation are at

Lewis's Wurst Picnic

104 Misty Meadow
Perkasie, PA

contact me for other details or see me this weekend!!!.






Hi gang! Happy Holiday!

Well I guess summer is over, but the party is NOT!!

This month you can get a taste of everything: A Mad Dog show at The Ravens Nest and a benefit (see below), A Kind Of Blue show at The Perk in Perkasie, the monthly NYC bus trip for The Heard and local friends I&I at Otto's Shrunken Head. There's even (OMG!) The FUX performing the closing set at... a wedding?!

Wait! Don't order yet! There's the new Roman & Berger duo at the Hawkeye Country Inn, not to mention the jams at Grumpy's and the Washington House! NOW how much would you pay? What? You want more? Benny's Annual Block Party in Allentown PA! You can jam with us, bring your "axe!"

Now the best part...all these great opportunities to jam, rock, dig the blues, see NYC...doesn't cost anything! How can you turn that down? Shame on you! Support real live music.

All the directions, dates, links and details are on the schedule page, so I'll see you somewhere soon I hope!

Roman & Co

Mad Dog& Blues Night Out
lends a helping paw

After playing the Ravens Nest the night before, Friday Sept 18, The Dog is up at dawn barking on harmonica for the MDA Plane Pull in Allentown's ABE Airport!

Mad Dog performs for the event at 9:30 am! Info:

Want to have some fun for a good cause?  Do you have the muscle to pull a 167,000 pound 727 plane 12 feet?  If yes, sign up for the MDA's 4th Annual Airplane Pull Challenge at Lehigh Valley International Airport where teams of 15-20 "pull" together to help find a cure for neuromuscular disease.  Don't miss this day of food, fun, competition, and hope for those living with neuromuscular disease in the Lehigh Valley.  Contact MDA today to get involved!

The event will take place on September, 19 with a rain date of September 20.  Registration starts at 9:30 am and the event runs from 10am-2pm.  The plane pull will take place at Lehigh Valley International Airport at Gate 40 - Near the Fedex Building, 951 Postal Road, Allentown, PA 18109.  

The cost is $1600 per team and their will be awards for fastest and slowest pulls, top team fundraiser, and top individual fundraiser.  Fore more information contact MDA at 610-391-1977 or email allentowndistrict@mdausa.org





Hey kids!!!

The summer has been fun and busy, some great events, new venues, some tragic losses (the great Les Paul.) Mad Dog is releasing a new CD. I'm doing duets with Matt Berger. Trios, Matt on bass, my brother Jim on drums. It's such a blast. Thank you Lehigh Valley Blues Network, where we met so long ago!!

And of course there's Grumpy's Thursday Jam where we have all of this happening and more with no pressure, no attitudes, and good cookin' !


I've barely been able to keep up my web sites. Mad Dog, Kind Of Blue, The Heard...PA, NY, VA, DE...My Space, You Space, This space, yaaaahhhh! Twitter and Facebook?FORGET ABOUT IT! Hey, I don't have time to tell you when I shower.


September will be extremely busy for me, so have patience and I will keep getting pictures up, but you will have to just check my schedule to find out who, what, and where I'm doing stuff.

October is "Kind Of Light" so far so I'll talk to you more then (here, in my NEWS section, not on Twissler...or Face...thing!)

November and December is just around the corner, so HEY! Want some REAL, LIVE musicians at your Christmas or Holiday party? You know me, call me and I'll stick a duo, trio, or more around your Christmas tree, next to your cocktail bowl, or in your foyer.

Impress your friends. Imply aristocratic sophistication when you invite your boss and he sees a jazz trio playing holiday instrumentals by the fireplace. Separate yourself from the proletariat and join the bourgeoisie.

Your neighbors will be jealous (and maybe hire me.) Get YOUR name on my SCHEDULE page.


Meanwhile, enjoy the rest of the summer, see me in September, and let's have a Fun Fall!

You guys are great!!

Rest In Peace Les
Photo: Doc Z





Kind Of Blue Kind Of Tour

August 13-18






July 2009



Ah yes, the Whiskey Dix...
If you have ever been to Philadelphia for an Electric Factory concert you've driven by the Dix, at least looking for parking. The Dix was perfect for the fiery FUX show, they encouraged it!

Known for bikes, broads, and general rock 'n roll suicidal tendencies, The Whiskey Dix was a regular spot for the Fux, and there are a lot of cool pictures from it on the FUX website. Navigate yourself there and look for them.

I want to wish everyone a great Holiday and summer. Already the shows and jams you have all participated in have made all of us involved grateful. Please continue to check my schedule for the next happening.

OK, a favorite 4th Of July story:

I struck a deal with a label in England to tour over there and in return I would set up a tour for their bands here. Well we went over, had a great time, and I arranged for the band PANIC to tour here.

But as it turned out, it was over the 4th Of July holidays. These guys came over, and everywhere they looked they saw parties, fireworks, bikini-clad chicks at pool parties, hot rods cruising, custom bikes...big noisy Harleys. They saw this in NYC to Buffalo, Chicago to Nashville, Atlanta to Philly, and back. They couldn't believe it. It was JUST LIKE THE MOVIES!!

They were totally faked out. When it was time for them to go home they practically cried. The fact that they could actually buy Marshall amplifiers over here CHEAPER than the UK where they come from didn't help either. I think they've resented the USA ever since. Of course, the added irony: this holiday celebrates our freedom from their soggy, wet and tiny country! Har har! Jamie! Digs! We still love you! Tell me about your next tour over here .

You know, just about every foreign place I played every band just wanted to be in and play in America. Most people I hear complain about the USA have never experienced what the other options were.

Foreign countries were great, exciting, and different, but they were small, limited, and everyone talks funny. Funnier than us in Brooklyn or Georgia! They have one phone company. They have a government with a huge squash on the land. And if you drive in any direction for a good day you'll be in another country.

Those trips made me really appreciate ourbig ol' country, how big it is, how different so much of it is from each other, and all the opportunities we have, despite it's problems.

FACT: you can grow up here, raise a family, own a house, and, not only not even KNOW who is the President...much less be shot for voting "wrong."

GOD BLESS AMERICA...you fuckers!

Now y'all have a good holiday, y'hear?








Tuesday June 30
Washington House Jam



Saturday June 27
Brian Airgood, FOX producer, FUX drummer, married!!




Brian with The Fux, 2008


Accepting the Weapon Of Freedom, a FUX burner from a European tour, on wedding night.


Brian Airgood back in the day


Thursday June 25 The Last Moondance
Grumpy's Jam pays tribute to Michael Jackson

We quickly had someone iPhone a chord chart for "Billy Jean" and "Beat it" then jammed off of it for 20 minutes to start the night. What a blast!

Roger Prieto from Philly joins Big Texas John White, Roman



Sunday June 21
Kind Of Blue headlines the 2009 Lehigh River Blues Jam

Three horns, keyboards, guitar, bass and drums. Five songs, one hour. All totally improvised and spontaneous, and outta sight!

Sunday June 21 saw the end of a rain spell and brought out several great bands to conclude a three day festival in Catasauqua, PA. Kind Of Blue has played the last few years in a row, and with this years line up of great players the festival crowd hung on until the bitter end, chanting for "...one more song, one more song..."

We'd like to thank our sponsors who put faith in us having the right guys, the right attitude, and the right stuff, just like them! They are Grumpy's Roadside BBQ in Mechanicsville, PA, and The Sellersville Theater & Washington House Restaurant in Sellersville, PA

Dan Faga-bass, George Koko-sax,
Matt Roman, Allan Meyerson, Jim Roman-choke holds,
Roger Prieto-trumpet & French horn, Mike Fossa-keys





Mad Dog & Blues Night Out
New Full Length CD this summer!

Wow hey hi!

You guys are so cool! Thanks for getting to this little news site.

The latest OLD NEWS (new link) was a New Mad Dog Show, and a great time at a crazy bar called the Madison Inn with entertainment supplied by the only ones crazy enough to enter the place with half-decent gear: The Hard Lickers!

Matt & The Hard Lickers
Where abouts unknown

The Hard Lickers KILL. I mean no holds barred. Their next show is August 29, for a Harley raffle or some insane cut-throat crap. Details later.

Mad Dog is up and running with a new line-up, and a new CD. Watch for some upcoming dates and witness HARMONICUS COLASSUS. I gotta be honest. I've played with lots of blues guys, blues jams, and blues wanabees. Man, I live in PENNSYLVANIA!

But I get around, I get to NYC, and I get to sit in with a few authentic old school blues and jazz cats occassionally...and this guy Mad Dog is so old school he's a time warp. Like my friend Bobby Radcliff, they are NOT about doing your favorite Allman Bros or SRV song. They are keeping traditional blues, REAL BLUES, alive. It's an honor to have anything to do with them. watch for any appearance of them and make that damn show. I won't miss it!

Roman & The Heard
featuring blues legend Bobby Radcliff

Otto's Shrunken Head
14th & Av B, New York City
June 14, 7:30 pm

But HEY!

Speaking of jazz cats:

The coolest Kind Of Blue performance will be at the Lehigh River Blues Jam Sunday June 21st. KOB played the last few years there and each year they have more qualified musicians. It's like a ...ART, having guys that can listen and create. I won't give away the ending (I'm not sure of it myself...it may depend on YOU) but it will be a great closing ceremony, I ASSURE you. And it supports a good cause, it's outside in a new park with a new public pool (special kids and infant section) and you will se great acts the whole day through. The festival starts on Friday June 19. Look at the details and line-ups: Lehigh River Blues Jam

Be there for the Kind Of Blue Full Fusion band at Sunday 5:45 and we are closing the festival at the wonderful pre-Simpson's hour of 7 pm. WOW

Kind Of Blue
Sunday June 21st
Lehigh River Blues Festival




May 30 2009 in the hood yo

Funny right? The Hard Lickers

is something I'm doing in my spare time for fun,
and because the people are for real for real. Wow...


tell ya more about it later. Matt: THANKS MAN!
Gotta sleep..ahhhhhhh

Later bro's





Happy Memorial Day






Roman Music NEWS
5 23 2009

Lighting BBQ's with STYLE since 1996

Hi everybody!

It's an early holiday here in America and nobody is complaining. The weather in the northeastern USA is heating up, and I know a lot of you are ready to start 'a grillin' (weather permitting)!!

Thanks for checking up on the Romanmusic stuff. Maybe you're web surfing on your extra holiday time, or you're one of my regulars, or a new student, family, or friend. Either way, I'm glad you're here.

I'm NOT playing anywhere this holiday weekend, I'm visiting friends and family and hitting a few jam parties (of course!)

But when it's all over what are we going to do? I can HELP :)


Tuesday May 26
The Washington House Jazz Jam!

We only do this once a month, and it's not restricted to jazz, it's restricted to having fun. Be creative, come and listen or step up to the stage, I'll accommodate ya brutha'!


Thursday May 28
Two things:

1) Grumpy's Jam
Grumpy's Jam:
As per usual, it's a Grumpy's happening, the weekly Thursday Night Jam. But OH M G! Wait !! The Host?


I cannot be there and I personally select these guys (Albert, John, and Keith) because :

a) they are insanely great players
b) they know how to be insanely creative and jam their asses off , and
c)) they insanely don't care about "blues" or any other categories...they are there to jam their asses off!

Meet them, great them, and join them.


2) Mad Dog & Blues Night Out
McStews in Levittown, Pa
Formerly AJ's

Mad Dog Moyer has a new drummer who I really really like. They make their debut appearance at the Buck's County Blues Society's McStews, formerly AJ's, at 9 pm. Mad Dog recently was in the studio recording a new CD, and we are out working it out. You're sure to see some mistakes, AND some great vibes! I mean it! You'll actually SEE great vibes! Philly area, we are ready to SERVE you.


Saturday May 30
Matt Shelly, Matt Roman, & The Hard Lickers

My great jamming namesake Matt Shelly hosts a party at the Madison Inn,
14th & Turner streets,
Allentown, PA.

It's a Party, that's fer shure! Enter at your own risk. Survive, and you are on the way to enlightenment.
Daylight hours only, for your protection! 4 PM start


Thursday June 4
Grumpy's Jam

Holy Crap! We celebrate my birthday at Grumpy's! More important is it's my big brother Jim's Birthday too. JIM! Thank you so much for your help, support, and guidance all these years. Damn! You are alright bro!! I'm proud to be in this damn family!!!

( If you come to this jam, you will eat great!!)


Friday June 5

Snap! It's my actual birthday! I'm...let's see..I was born in 19588...wait! That's my zip code...I was born in 1858..Wait!...that makes me...151. Wait! Oh check back in June! Anyway, it's a private gig...Nestle's Corporation...don't tell them I told you!! You can't come. Sorry. Sob!





May 2009

Punk rock correction!


I'm sorry about that March news post Joe Jap! Don't hurt me :(

Earlier in this NEWS column I mentioned Freddie from The Viletones and The Blessed Mutha's but incorrectly implied that those bands were gone. I meant that Freddie is gone from them, and they were a great part of his legacy.

Although Freddie is no longer with them, both bands are still out there playing, spreading good , healthy anarchy, and doing what they do best. .

Check out the BLESSED MUTHA's for authentic old school punk. They are great live, and totally FUX approved!


Your's truly,





Happy Memorial Day






Roman Music NEWS
5 23 2009

Lighting BBQ's with STYLE since 1996

Hi everybody!

It's an early holiday here in America and nobody is complaining. The weather in the northeastern USA is heating up, and I know a lot of you are ready to start 'a grillin' (weather permitting)!!

Thanks for checking up on the Romanmusic stuff. Maybe you're web surfing on your extra holiday time, or you're one of my regulars, or a new student, family, or friend. Either way, I'm glad you're here.

I'm NOT playing anywhere this holiday weekend, I'm visiting friends and family and hitting a few jam parties (of course!)

But when it's all over what are we going to do? I can HELP :)


Tuesday May 26
The Washington House Jazz Jam!

We only do this once a month, and it's not restricted to jazz, it's restricted to having fun. Be creative, come and listen or step up to the stage, I'll accommodate ya brutha'!


Thursday May 28
Two things:

1) Grumpy's Jam
Grumpy's Jam:
As per usual, it's a Grumpy's happening, the weekly Thursday Night Jam. But OH M G! Wait !! The Host?


I cannot be there and I personally select these guys (Albert, John, and Keith) because :

a) they are insanely great players
b) they know how to be insanely creative and jam their asses off , and
c)) they insanely don't care about "blues" or any other categories...they are there to jam their asses off!

Meet them, great them, and join them.


2) Mad Dog & Blues Night Out
McStews in Levittown, Pa
Formerly AJ's

Mad Dog Moyer has a new drummer who I really really like. They make their debut appearance at the Buck's County Blues Society's McStews, formerly AJ's, at 9 pm. Mad Dog recently was in the studio recording a new CD, and we are out working it out. You're sure to see some mistakes, AND some great vibes! I mean it! You'll actually SEE great vibes! Philly area, we are ready to SERVE you.


Saturday May 30
Matt Shelly, Matt Roman, & The Hard Lickers

My great jamming namesake Matt Shelly hosts a party at the Madison Inn,
14th & Turner streets,
Allentown, PA.

It's a Party, that's fer shure! Enter at your own risk. Survive, and you are on the way to enlightenment.
Daylight hours only, for your protection! 4 PM start


Thursday June 4
Grumpy's Jam

Holy Crap! We celebrate my birthday at Grumpy's! More important is it's my big brother Jim's Birthday too. JIM! Thank you so much for your help, support, and guidance all these years. Damn! You are alright bro!! I'm proud to be in this damn family!!!

( If you come to this jam, you will eat great!!)


Friday June 5

Snap! It's my actual birthday! I'm...let's see..I was born in 19588...wait! That's my zip code...I was born in 1858..Wait!...that makes me...151. Wait! Oh check back in June! Anyway, it's a private gig...Nestle's Corporation...don't tell them I told you!! You can't come. Sorry. Sob!





May 2009

Punk rock correction!


I'm sorry about that March news post Joe Jap! Don't hurt me :(

Earlier in this NEWS column I mentioned Freddie from The Viletones and The Blessed Mutha's but incorrectly implied that those bands were gone. I meant that Freddie is gone from them, and they were a great part of his legacy.

Although Freddie is no longer with them, both bands are still out there playing, spreading good , healthy anarchy, and doing what they do best. .

Check out the BLESSED MUTHA's for authentic old school punk. They are great live, and totally FUX approved!


Your's truly,




Monday May 11


Have a good Mother's Day? I did! As many of you know, I like to visit my mom in the penitentiary to have her re-ink my tattoos. I hope you all had as greta a time! OK, let's look at the week!!



Grumpy's this Tuesday!!! (and any fair weather Tuesday night)

The best rib joint in town now is ready to "git yer motor running'..."on Tuesday nights. I love this place! If you ride, and it's a nice Tuesday night, here's a great trip: Bike night at The Main Gate in Allentown, then Grumpy's in Mechanicsville, where he is giving out a FREE 1/2 lb. burger as you pull up, then the Leather Corner Post Blues Jam in Orefield. (Tell the owner Al that Roman sent ya.)

Grumpy wants to encourage you to drink responsibly...by riding! Visit grumpy's on Tuesday on your scoots, Thursday for my jam, and Friday & Saturday for more live music. I say this with love: Get there you f***ers!





Thursday May 7, 2009

Hi everyone ! Last week was a lot of fun, check the pix and links below. The Washington House monthly jam was a great gathering of friends and participants, and you can see the pictures.


Roman & The Heard monthly NYC gig at Otto's Shrunken Head was once again highlighted by the appearance of Bobby Radcliff, who is patiently teaching me the ropes of getting MORE by playing LESS, and there's an actual You Tube clip of that.

You Tube Clip

Coming up are the regular Thursday Night jams at Grumpy's BBQ, and I'm happy to welcome back Sauvek on bass. Sauvek just returned from a European tour with the Todd Wolf band.

So come on out. Check the schedule and catch up with us! "...don't cost nuthin..."


Speaking of not costin' nuthin...Grumpys is now sponsoring

Tuesday Bike Nights

If you have a scoot and it's a nice Tuesday night, there's a whole circuit you can cruise and Grumpy welcomes you as just one of your stops. He's eager to have some riding company himself by offering free munchies, possibly some live music, and other treats and gimmicks to follow a constantly changing Tuesday Bike Night theme..now tell them Roman sent ya! .



Hey it's MAY

Hi you guys! Well there's some cool stuff coming up, and I need more time to spell it out, but the links are all on the schedule for now. Ahhh I'm tired....Look!

Bobby Radcliff appears with me on Sunday May 3rd, NYC



I wanted to take time to thank Mike & Eileen at Grumpys for being a major sponsor for Kind Of Blue at this years Lehigh River Blues Jam That's on Sunday June 21...but LOOK!!!

Mike recently told me he is having a BIKE NIGHT on Tuesdays' at Grumpy's.

But he impressed me by saying he's not trying to be THE Tuesday night place to go. Grumpy's wants only to be part of your Tuesday night ride this summer.

He wants to go to Maingate Bike Night, the Leather Corner Post (which has a jam night on uesdays also) and have a beer and hear music, and keep moving. In these days of severe DUI penalties, that's a good idea.

And now Grumpy's is on your stop list. You come by THIS Tuesday and FREE BURGER! I'm pretty sure...a free burger when you pull up on Grumpy's!! Tell them Roman told you about it. If I'm wrong, and you want to kill me, please use a clean switchblade. I'm KIDDING! Let's have some good clean fun: riding, eating, drinking, (in moderation like mom said) and diggin' some music.


Get your motor runnin...

head out on the highway!







April 26, 2009


Mad Dog's internet savvy niece Nikki, in Richmond, VA

"Twitter? Oh! Well! It started as something for grown-ups..."


That's what I overheard from a young and upcoming rock star teenager. That's all I had to hear. Crap! Just when I was considering it, I realize it's the latest TREND.

I don't "twitter." I'm SORRY!!!!

I don't "facebook."

I website... for the FUX back when that was hard to do. You had to know someone with HTMLP ....ABCDEFG... programming experience or whatever. I never even knew The FUX website was up until Brian Airgood, FUX drummer, Fox TV associate producer, Phila, told me I'm on The Internet! Wow!!! Thank You Brian!!! That was in 1996!!

I finally got serious about MySpace when nobody wanted to know my website address for The FUX, but instead just asked "are you on My Space?" Like it's the Yellow Pages or something. And, I guess, it pretty much is.

HEY! I was on My Space when it was invented, as a tool for musicians. Fellow touring artists got me "hip" to it. Then it turned into a very accessible instant webpage for anyone with half a brain for internet functioning ...which meant KIDS.

Kids are growing up on the internet. It's the "new math." Combine that with the fast pace of technology and they will beat you every time as far as assimilation and mastery. Of course, they're still kids, so they use it for goofy superficial crap, like you used to use a telephone for.

I loved the idea of a musicians network, but it will never truly exist, because your average 12 year old will master the options before any musically educated or experienced individual musician. Then use it as ....a telephone.

I joined myspace when it started, as "ROMAN." That was my business. Music business.

I hardly look up my original ROMAN My Space anymore. I turned it into my personal site. I have to maintain all the MySpace sites for every band I work with, PLUS the actual REAL websites for many of them. I really don't know how I can add every new twittering, facebook, sonicbids (add the others here) gimmick that the next teenage kid is going to dance around me with.

I'm a musician. I try to excel in music, not Internet mastery of gossip and gimmicks.

So I am appealing to you all who are reading: I will maintain the MySpace sites I have already started and try to keep official websites along with them, and I aim to keep all of their on the front page of this Romanmusic website page so you can go to the frontpage as a directory more or less.

To follow my dream of being a musician I try to follow advice, and keep up with technology to take advantage of all it can offer. But I found myself at a crossroads: do I stay up until dawn on my computer, or on my guitar? I choose the guitar. It makes me so much happier!

I'm happy playing, and taking pictures of the scenes to try and capture those fleeting moments, as two dimensional as the are, for my memories and yours. Thanks for being here reading this. It means you know me, are part of that scene, and in so doing support me.

I am really, really grateful. I just don't need to "twitter" to say it.







April 22, 2009

Southern Hospitality at the Richmond, VA gig


He's a Mad Dog on that harp! We're back from a great tour playing hard core bars to high class private parties. The tour was a blast but even better is that we came home and went right into the studio. Man, we went through 14 tunes in no time at all. The engineer was amazed. Of course, it has to be mastered and duplicated, but YES, expect a new Mad Dog and Blues Night Out CD to be released soon.


Enjoying some sun on Ocracoke Island, NC with Rick "Mad Dog" Moyer


There's more changes in the Mad Dog camp too. He is moving or even eliminating his main website, I am establishing a page here at Romanmusic for Mad Dog:

Mad Dog & Blues Night Out!

and there's a Myspace site:


Stay tuned for details on the new CD, when, where, etc.


My thanks to Albert, John, and Keith for covering for me at Grumpys on Thursday ( I was in Richcmond, VA.) This Thursday April 23 at Grumpys will feature Mike Fossa on keys/bass (a la Doors) and my bro (literally) Jim Roman on drums. It's an ORGAN TRIO house band! Wow! Bass guys don't worry, we have the bass gear there for you bass players to go man, go. Oh man, this is so fun...and FREE!!! Man, get out there with us and play, jam, eat (by 10 pm) or just hang out!

Grumpys Thursday Night Jam
Thursday April 23


The Kind Of Blue Trio of Fossa, Roman & Roman appears the very next night, Friday, April 24 at The Union Station Grill, in Phillipsburg, NJ (right across the free bridge from Easton, PA. W start at 8 and end at 11, and hopefully you may have sat in and done a tune with me by then. It's free, it's different and damn cool man, so don't make excuses, come out:

Union Station Grill
Friday April 24

See you soon!!






Hi kids!! Happy Easter!!



This week:

Christ rises from the dead

Mad Dog & Blues Night Out heads south on tour

Albert "Modes Master" Lazero hosts Grumpy's on Thursday


That's right gang, it's Easter weekend, kids have even more days off, and Grumpy's was packed on Thursday night. The students were out for a long night and were they awesome. Colin Wolf (age 15) and Zion Fritzinger (age 13) had everyone's attention. They really made the crowded conditions worth it. I also want to must mention Dave Zimmerman (15) who played bass on a 12 bar blues number after only two lessons!

This black cat Loyd from NYC came through and killed with some vocals

Also in attendance, Will "The Kid" Kiss with a confident display of chops and stage presence. Not to be outdone, music student Albert came up and tore through some pretty articulate improvisation. I asked him to head up this Thursday night ( 4/16) while I'm on the road, so come and see him do his thing for yourself. On bass will be Jon Bass from the Grumpy's Trio Of Doom, and Keith McGonigle on drums.


I'll be on the beach with Rick "Mad Dog" Moyer (when we're not in a smelly van, or a smelly club) down along the OBX (Outer Banks, NC) until next Tuesday 4/21 when we shake the sand crabs out of our dirty laundry and roll into a studio to finally record a new full length CD. Way overdue, but better late than never.





Hello my friends, happy springtime.

Man the last trip to Otto's in NYC was beautiful. It was a gorgeous day so Ellie and I ran up there early. First stop was McSorely's Old Ale House , one of the oldest taverns in NYC.

Only beer is served, either light or dark. Women weren't allowed in until they took it up with the Supreme court in 1970. And glasses of beer are served by the fistful, two glasses for every one you order.

There are wishbones on a chandelier that haven't ever been touched since soldiers going off to WW I put them there during their last meal. It's full of great history, check it out.


Next was a walk through St. Marks, by way of the crazy shops, eateries, and historic St Marks Church. The church and it's courtyard are one of the oldest untouched properties since the Dutch settlement of New Netherlands, or New Amsterdam, or you might know it now as New York City!


Finally it was time to board the pirate ship Wood, Frank Wood's Wind Down Sunday at Otto's Shrunken Head with Roman & The Heard, featuring Bobby Radcliff. Man if you haven't seen this joint, you're missing a real NYC scene. Not to mention seeing Bobby sit in with us, playing great traditional Chicago blues. Man, he had just played Terra Blues on Bleeker the night before for top dollar, and now he was here showing us how it's done. What a great experience playing behind him. There's some sound clips on the Roman & The Heard MySpace site from past sessions.


See ya there May 3rd!










Old PUNK! Oi!!

In a dark club past midnight wearing sunglasses with
Freddie from The Viletones

Here's the punky news:

Freddie re-emerges from a dark demon infested past to write new material for a new show!

I gotta tell ya, this is a great person and fun guy, full of history and experience in punk. Freddie lives in Philly now, deported from Canada (thank God!) and is putting together his latest act.

I'll tell you when, what, and where (it'll be Phila. PA area) as I find out myself, but his last production with The Blessed Muthas is a local (Phila.) success ...great f***in' old school punk sounds. The real thing, classic!

Stay tuned and don't miss Freddie's next gig.

On the subject of punk, a FUX update:

Brian Airgood, latest FUX drummer and FOX Phila. sports producer, is getting married! Yikes! Who the hell in punk does that!! (Guilty!) Congratulations Brian!! See you in hell!

Scott Kelly, original FUX drummer, still works with me in Mad Dog & Blues Night Out. We're doing a small southern tour in April and coming right back into a studio. Watch for Mad Dog's new CD in the summer and catch him where ever you can. Don't bring cops.

FUX bass player Tim is currently playing with Power Valve, an industrial-ish band that makes it's way into movie scores and video game soundtracks. They are doing a local Allentown PA show in April at Crock Rock. Again, don't take these unique moments for granted. Go see it, support it, and be able to say you were there!

The FUX have been out of the public scene for a while but will be back together on special request for a private show in August or September.

Man, I'm getting old...but at least everyone else is too!!

Thanks! See ya soon! Don't forget to come out to a Grumpy's Jam where I hold court and hang out every Thursday night.

Join my mailing list to find out new stuff as it happens: romanuwr@aol.com:

Ahhh...the good old FUX "glory days"






Last minute job: Saturday March 21

I hope you can join me!!!

Stefano's Sicilian Grill in Bath, PA
5364 Nor Bath Blvd
Northampton, PA 18067
(610) 262-8760

Mike "Man Of All Keys" Fossa will help me entertain as a duo at Stefano's Sicilian Grill in Bath, PA. We will compliment the fine dining atmosphere with standards and favorites. As is typical of the finer establishments there is no cover and less formal relaxing in the bar area where we will perform, so just come in and have a drink and enjoy. It's smoke free, hassle-free, and..FREE!


Sunday, March 8, 2009
Bobby Radcliff, Roman at Otto's Shrunken Head, NYC

HEARD it yet? Click! Go to "Got The Blues About My Heard"



It was a nice weekend and all of you who were with me know it. And thank you for joining us.

Thursday the jam at Grumpy's was made unique by Mike Fossa on organ playing the bass lines also. He had an amp suitable for the bass players too so if he does another Grumpy's jam (April?) don't miss it. A great bass player, with chord accompaniment! In addition we had my brother, Jim Roman, on drums, supplying the funk beat you need when playing in James Brown cover bands in Philly. What a...FAT set!

Friday we took the Roman, Roman, & Fossa Firm over to Union Station Grill, Phillipsburg, NJ, across the free bridge from Easton, PA. A unique set of super smooth, jazzy blues, covering Miles to Hendrix. Even subtle spacey stereo effects (on Wind Cries Mary for example) seemed to fit the ambience with much appreciated results.

And then my weekend came to a close in NYC by meeting blues legend Bobby Radcliff for some laughs and riffs at Otto's Shrunken Head. Bobby is continually coaching me and sidemen (and side woman) EH Otto on bass and Jean Carno on drums on playing blues...REAL blues...the old school no-frills way. Listen to an example on the Roman & The Heard MySpace site, select "Got The Blues About My Heard" and, if it's loaded yet, you'll hear us on that Sunday March 8 set.

What the hell, why not stop by the Bitter End All Star Jam afterwards and sit in with Mark Greenburg and Dave Fields, whose special guest included Delmar Brown! After a sitting in on a few songs there I was just too tired to stop by Fat cats, whose jazz jam starts around 1 am. Man, I had to get some sleep.

OK so I'm done sleeping! Let's jam! Meet me at Grumpy's on Thursday!!








Happy Holidays! Snow days that is!!

Here in the I-95 Northeast corridor of the USA it's a day off because of a blizzard! For me anyway! Regardless, I want to thank you for joining me.

Again, Thank you so much.

I haven't been able to send out emails for a while now and I am asking for your help in establishing a fresh new email list.

Whether you're an old friend, student, or jammer, just email me and allow me to include you in the new list. I will send out a notice every once in a while of a jam or job that you may be able to enjoy and quite possibly participate in if you play.


Email me (and tell a friend)

and just let me know you're OK with it by saying ADD ME

If this hyperlink does not work please copy and paste it. Yell at me later. I'm a guitar player, not website genius :(


Thank you so much,




Hi! Still reading? Well I'm still awake!(it's 2:16 am with snow still coming!) but I'll talk a little!

First, I'm sorry. This sucks, the whole email list request.

I've had a growing email list since I started Uncle Wagon Records (UWR) in 1996. I started it primarily for the punk band The FUX. We had an honest - to - God website and that was quite a trick then. Now any 10 year old can have one with a MySpace or whatever thing but back then you had to have an HTML programming genius or something like that to design one.

And we did. Friends in the know put a FUX website together out of love and anarchy. I'll never forget you Brian, coming up to me and saying "You know you guys have a website. I made it!" (Brian went on to play drums for The FUX in 2008ish)

We toured and collected thousands of email addresses. I continued to add them as I became involved in other bands: Mad Dog & Blues Night Out, Kind Of Blue, Signal to Noise, Roman & The Heard. And that came from all over the world.

And I did it all with my simple AOL email option. But now it's too much. There's email address' from Chicago to Milan, Philly to Frankfurt. But worse, and what stopped me from sending out those emails (and cute and/or weird pictures) was that someone on the list started repeatedly telling AOL that I was SPAM.

They don't like that! Their job is hard enough. AOL sent me a notice saying they would close my account. So I stopped using my huge email list with AOL. I researched a free email program and used it for a while (last year) but it went out of business.

Now I'm back to square one. And I have some cool stuff I think you'd like to at least know of. And lots of groups and labels, etc, are in the same boat. All kinds of services are available for a FEE, or free with obnoxious advertising.

I refuse those popular or professional servives...and advertising. I ask your personal invitation of agreement to be contacted.

If you live in the Philly-NYC area I have regular stuff to tell you (but I won't be obnoxious about it) If you live beyond that in the USA I may be able to inform you of a tour occasionally. If you like to hear OR PLAY rock, punk, jazz, blues, or fusion, you have nothing to lose by getting my harmless occasional notices.

Regardless, I won't be annoying, and I am NOT spam. I appreciate your interest and respect it. I want to have a smaller list of only those interested (or just curious), no harm done. And I don't want to invest in a program to do it. I don't need another monthly bill for an email service.

Join me. I have a few things coming up, not a lot, not too much, just enough that you may enjoy getting out see to when it's available. So contact me, in the subject box write ADD ME (or something similar) by clicking on:






Grumpy's Jam Feb. 19 2009

A former student Justin Royer got accepted into Music School in Hollywood, California,
so we celebrated at Grumpy's.

Justin was a regular at Grumpy's Thursday Night Jam, using the opportunity to work out his originals with friends, and learn from and play with other jammers.

He always brought supportive friends and family. Good luck little brother, we'll miss you!!
Remember me if you get on TV!

Grumpy's is the place to be now on Thursday, for jazz, blues, rock, fusion, jamming, learning...anything.
I hope to see you soon!!





Well lets see...it's slow... but I had to express my amazement at the last Grumpy's jam: two little kids, Zion (age 13) and Colin (age 16) doing incredible blues and jazz riffs all over the place. Man, I wanted to cry. Thank God they have the opportunity to be doing that. I envied them. (My life at 16 years old is documented and available from your local authorities.)


But Grumpy's isn't a "kids jam", it just so happened that it was a Thursday night in front of a Friday off from school, so those two students were able to attend. It's a special night for them, so I want to thank their friends and family for bringing them and supporting them, and I want to thank my friends and jamming family for stepping down for a night to support them also.

I also want to thank Todd Wolf for making a very special appearance and really playing some well done originals, and let's wish Suavek, Todd's bass player and your temporary house bass player a Happy Birthday. Suavek, you're getting older, and you just keep getting cooler!

I was happy to let them sit in a little bit extra since it's a special occasion for them, but now it's back to business at Grumpy's with the Adult Swim, let me see you there on every Thursday!!!!!





February is upon us with unpredictable weather, Valentine's Day, and business as usual: Thursday Night Jams, Tuesday jam at the end of the month at The Washington House.

Nothing extra special for Kind Of Blue this month, but Mad Dog is going into the studio to record new material with his current band. Watch for new music from both acts this coming spring.

March brings a special appearance of Kind Of Blue at The Union Station Grill in NJ as a keyboard trio again, which went over quite well last time. Hope to see you there, it's a good vibe, believe me. It's good people, that's why we're there.

Hey, in NYC: This was A GREAT TIME! And it's FREE! With COOL people! I hope you can join us next time, we may have a gang going with us, contact me for details about the next appearance of Roman & The Heard
at Otto's, NYC, Sunday March 8.


Here's a few pictures and links:

Roman & The Heard
Featuring Joy Ryder

Super-Shrunken Head-Bowl Sunday

Otto's Shrunken Head 14th & Av B, NYC
See more pictures and get more info on more cool Shrunken Head fun!

Frank Wood



Super Shrunken Head Bowl Sunday February 1st
Roman & The Heard, NYC

Super Bowl Sunday I'll be in NYC tossing a shrunken head for a long drive. That's right, it's Roman & The Heard at Otto's Shrunken Head where music mixes with blues, rock, total anarchy, creativity, and non-stop entertainment during America's most sacred day of football, beer drinking, chips, and expensive commercials. The Heard's single 7:30 set will feature Jean "Acid Rays" Carno on drums, Otto "Electro Harmonix" on bass, and often we have Bobby Radcliff showing up to tear into a solo like a chainsaw. Rick "Mad Dog" Moyer on harp has been showing up lately too.


Tuesday January 27-Wash House Jam

I host the jam at The Washington House Restaurant next to the Sellersville Theater. It will be in honor of Fat Tuesday, New Orleans, Mardi Gras, beads, drinking, music, food, fun, who knows what will happen. But you can come and jam, that's a given.


Thursday January 29-Grumpy's BBQ Jam

The weekly Thursday Night Jam at Grumpy's BBQ from 9-12ish. You can jam on anything you want, we'll do our best to accommodate you. This week will feature the stoic Suavek on bass and Keith McGonigle on drums.




Speaking of Mad Dog Moyer: he has recently scheduled a recording session for February/March. Finally a new MAD DOG & BLUES NIGHT OUT album! I'll be sure to leak out the details




Wednesday January 21

I'm not into politics.

In fact, when I was on tour in Germany with The FUX, I was shocked to be asked on a regular basis "Is your music Fascist, or Antifascist?"

I didn't even know what that meant!

I was glad I lived in country where I didn't even have to. Where I lived you weren't targeted for your political opinion. You didn't even have to have one!

But I watched THIS Inauguration. The only one ever in my life. I feel it was one of the most significant things to happen in my lifetime. For other generations, it was the invention of the PC, or the TV, or the car, ...whatever. I witnessed this, and you did too: a black family in the White House.

This, from a country that sent black people to fight Hitler's racism in WWII and then made them use the kitchen entrance to a restaurant when they came home!

I love America. I learned that when I saw other countries, and actually had the option of living there.

I learned then that we had the best so far. Anyone bitching about the USA obviously was never stuck in those countries I saw.

I'm sorry for the commentary. But now we have even cooler hope. It's encouraging. America is free thought, which translates into MUSIC for me, and MUSIC that the rest of the world envies, copies, and wants, like jazz, blues , and rock.

YEAH!! God Bless America, and GOD BLESS ROCK 'N ROLL.

Thanks... I feel stupid now. I'll stick to playing guitar...




All of this is FREE!! Just GO!!

Thursday!! January 22


Grumpy's BBQ

Mechanicsville, PA

9 pm - 12 am

FRIDAY!!! January 23rd

Kind Of Blue Trio


jazzy fusion freaky cool stuff you should know but will at least totally dig with

Matt Roman-guitar, Jim Roman-drums,


Mike Fossa-super-keyboards! (OMG!!)

Union Station Grill Phillipsburg NJ (right across the free bridge)

8pm - 11 pm




Saturday January 10

Hello Northeastern USA!

Thanks for checking in. I'm snowed in right now, so it's a good time to tell y'all what's scheduled for the upcoming week.

Of course there's a jam every Thursday night at Grumpy's (above). EVERY THURSDAY I will try to accommodate ANY request by ANYBODY to do what THEY want to see happen. Just PLEASE tell me clearly if you have plan. Meanwhile...

Kind Of Blue goes low-key with some restaurant jobs on the next two Fridays: Friday Jan 16 in Kutztown, at Season's Grill, and Friday Jan 23 at the Union Station Grill in Phillipsburg, NJ.

You may be interested in these two nights because it's good players at low volume, starts and stops early, is in a nice atmosphere, and doesn't even cost anything to walk in and check it out. You have nothing to lose, not even sleep.

Each of the nights may feature different players, so most likely you will hear different out-of-town guests performing different material or different takes various standards.

Friday the 16 in Kutztown will be a four piece of Allan Meyerson-sax, myself-guitar, Suavek Inside and my brother Jim Roman-drums.


Friday the 23 in Pburg, NJ will be a trio of myself-guitar, my brother Jim-drums, and special guest Mike Fossa on keys, laying down the chords and bass line, Doors style. I like to include guest musicians and friends, so come on out and join us.

Well time to shovel out...hope to see YOU...SOON!!!


January 8, 2009

Hey it's time to jam! Let's do it! If you live near me in the Allentown or ABE area you can DO IT with me every Thursday night!!
Grumpy's Info

That's right, the holidays are over and the Grumpy's Thursday Night Jams are back!!
Grumpy's Info

Join me and guest celebrities and play with us! Anyone can play! Any style! Any format! NO format! I I I never know what I'll do next...it depends on the first chord I hear you play.
Grumpy's Info

Every Thursday night at Grumpy's BBQ!! The best ribs and greens within 50 miles! Look it up, it's true! Find your way to Grumpy's! Or don't! Watch TV or somethin'!! We'll play anyway!! We all meet EVERY RIB SMOKIN' THURSDAY!!! !
Grumpy's Info





Band pages on Romanmusic

Roman & The Heard

Kind Of Blue

Hi everyone. Well I'm using a new website program, learning it slowly, and trying to transfer four bands and countless jams worth of information on to the Romanmusic.net site.

Eventually it will be more efficient, with each band having a website accessible from this single domain. Myspace links are available now.

Some info for the Romanmusic band pages just may not be there yet, but it will be eventually. . .meanwhile thank you for many years of support and patience!!





Tuesday December 15

I only have 4 shows scheduled between now and New Years, and two are jams that you can do with me:

Thursday Dec 18 jam at Grumpy's, Mechanicsville, PA
This will feature the great Charles Fambrough on bass, and drummer extraordinare Gary Rissmiller trying out a cool new style of drums made locally.

Sunday Dec 21 at Otto's, NYC
This has a great line-up: the great Bobby Radcliff joins me on guitar, Mad Dog Moyer plays the harp, Suavek plays the bass, my bro from Jay & The Techniques Jim Roman on drums. What a gang! One set only, 7:30, then we all go up to Rockefeller Center, see the tree, and hit Macy's to look for a shopping miracle on 34th St.

Tuesday Dec 30 jam at the Washington House, Sellersville, PA
Join me after between Christmas and New Years to calm down with some soft, soothing, smooth jamming

Wednesday Dec 31 prior to New Years Eve, at Seasons Grill, Kutztown PA
More calm but beautiful music from 7-10, enough time to get back home (or wherever) for the Countdown and celebrating a little more extremely.

See the NEWS item below or SCHEDULE for some links!


OK, what's with the whole JEW thing? Shlock Rock is a long standing band with ten years and 30 CD's that entertains the Jewish community all over the US. They play popular songs with a Weird Al Jewish spin on all the lyrics, like "My Menorah" (La Bamba) and "Humentashen" (Satisfaction)

When they wanted to play Allentown they were short a guitarist, so my name came up, they sent me a set list, and I had one night to review the songs.

In typical bandleader fashion, dozens of songs were thrown at me that I wasn't told about. I did my best and faked the rest, and quite successfully I might add. I was told I was the man and picked up some students in the process.

I felt a little awkward at first but immediately saw Glen Wasserman's wife Phyllis, met others who made me feel totally at home, and enjoyed experiencing some of the Jewish heritage and culture. It was fun!!


Shlock Rock

Roy, Roman, J-Rap, Steve, Lenny

Sunday December 14, 1:30
Jewish Community Center, Allentown, PA
22nd & Tighlman Sts.
I subbed for this show and was welcome back!

Well I hope you're all ready for the Holiday Season. HEY! That doesn't mean have your Christmas shopping done, or spend a lot of money, or stress out over relatives and proper social etiquette, or...whatever...all the stuff I usually worry about..

It means that this is a great time of year, a time when people are especially cool...a time when you can put your guard down and let yourself smile. This is the ONE time of year when even the grouchiest person has that inclination to smile :)

So if there's someone out there that you feel bad about, owe an apology, or feel awkward around, then this is the time of year to NAIL that crap and FIX IT: Give them one of my Xmas cards! (I have yours for you by the way... yes YOURS! Ask me for it when you see me!!!)

The "Holiday Season" means a lot to me now. More than it used to. It's not about just a reason to drink. It's not about a reason to spend. I don't know. It's about people. It's spiritual (not to be confused with religious) but I'm rambling on...next I'll be blabbering about politics, and that's against my religion, which I never discuss, because it's against my politics. (Just get one of my Xmas cards.)

What the hell am I talking about? Since when is this an editorial? Time to get back to music! Focus Roman!! Time for a picture!

Wow! Look at that!! Me, my brother JIm, Will Kiss, a great student of mine played that gig and is now with Media 5 playing all over as FUTERFADERS . Oh did you miss that show? Too bad. You could have said "I knew that kid when..."

I'm TELLIN YA! Get to the action that will become the FUTURE! See the few, the proud, the ones that are happy to sit in on these sessions. Ahhhh.... Just stay home then!

Yo check this out: a jam, at Grumpy's. Wait, this is no ordinarily jam. Suavek from the Todd Wolf band on bass...yup! That's this

Thursday, December 11. Grumpy's.


Oh, not good enough? Next one after that then:



Gary Rissmiller, drums. Charles Fambrough, bass. All there to see Gary test the moves on the newest freaky drum set in action, Stavent Custom Drums. These are a new, patented design that are going to be an amazing thing. Gary jumped all over the chance to do this gig just to get his hands on these. Man, I can't even say it all now...next news letter.

Kind Of Blue plays some nice restaurants: Seasons Grill in Kutztown New Years Eve, and HEY! only from 7-10 pm so you can chill with smooth music and still ring in the New Year at your favorite spot afterwards. They also return to The Union Station Grill in Phillipsburg in January, 23rd

Oh My God! Did I forget to tell about Roman & The Heard in NYC on December 21st? Me, Suavek, Jim Roman, Bobby Radcliff, Rick "Mad Dog" Moyer!!! The Big Tree? Rockefeller Center? Macy's at 2 am? You better check back for details!

Happy Holidays!!






Friday November 28

Well ...I'm FULL...and my wallets already EMPTY...how about you? I hope you had a great Thanksgiving Day Feast and had much to be thankful for, as I'm sure you do. Why, you're HERE, aren't you? I'm thankful you're here! Thanks for joining the fun.

Did you do "The Black Friday" ritual? Man, that sounds like some Dark Ages voodoo doesn't it? I guess it is...to your WALLET!

AW who cares. Live life! Besides devastating debt and overindulgent eating and drinking there's great holiday traditions musically, and I hope you can join me in some of them:

1) Harmonicas Colossus Rick "Mad Dog" Moyer blows the cold right out the door as he heats up the Summit Bar & Grill in Macungie, PA. That's Saturday, Nov 29. Mad Dog on harp and stories, Bear Claw on drums, Wal Tar on bass, yours truly on gee-tar

2) Lehigh Valley Music Awards Monday December 1st. It's crazy, it's chaotic. It's confusing. What the...? Don't complain, it's a labor of love, and it will never be an organized, smooth-running, seemingly fair and unbiased event. That's the BEAUTY of it! Despite so many complaining that it's "lacking this" or "they should do that" and "this is stupid!" they all show up. And they all shut up when they get an award, an acknowledgement, no matter how silly the particular award design is. (One year it was a paper with Dollar Store stickers on it..yeah, no lie!)

Further down the line are Grumpy's Thursday Night Jams, a Wind Down Sundays (Dec 21st) at Otto's Shrunken Head, NYC with Roman & The Heard followed by a visit to The Big Tree (Rockefeller Center) and Macy's (Miracle On 34th St.) shopping at 3 am (open 24 hours as of that night). You never know who is in The Heard, often it's great NYC talent. And of course, Macy's and the Big Tree...well, if you've never seen it, you really should. C'mon!! Let's go!! You waiting until they bomb NYC for good? Call me...I'll TAKE YA!!




November 24, 2008

First let me apologize, I'm still learning this new website program so I don't have all the pictures up. When I get a little more time with my website designer I'll have the big complete photo galleries up to speed again. Meanwhile I'll post one or two photos from the events here in the news or on the front page, and a little later on they'll all be in the Gallery.

This Tuesday November 25 is the jam at The Washington House in Sellersville PA. There is no jam Thursday at Grumpy's in Allentown, PA because of Thanksgiving, but be sure too see me with Mad Dog & Blues Night Out at the Summit, in Macungie, PA on Saturday November 29


Roman & The Heard featuring Bobby Radcliff
Ottos Shrunken Head, 14th between Ave A & B, NYC (11 23 08)


Man what a fun night. To be playing with blues legend Bobby Radcliff in NYC is a real honor. To add to the credits, Dave Dreweitz from pop punk band WEEN was in town and played bass. That's Dave's friend Jean Carno on drums, who is basically the house drummer at Ottos. This is a great scene. All kinds of pro's and unique and creative acts. Go there!!


Kind Of Blue featuring Allan Meyerson
New Scotland Yard, Hoboken, NJ (11 18 08)

This was a great night too, to a degree. Despite the tiny space (and an embarrassing hissy fit by someone who shall remain nameless) we had a great time, complete with panning stereo amps, presenting a "new" kind of blues for the "New" Scotland Yard. That's Allan Meyerson blowing, and big bro' Jim Roman (Jay & The Techniques) on drums. We may or not be back in January, stay tuned to find out.


OK kids have a great Thanksgiving and keep coming back. Remember to check out all the links and myspace crap available from the front page!! See you soon I very much hope!!


Happy Holidays!!





November 14

Cute chicks get us the gig

Tuesday Nov 18
Kind Of Blue performs at Hoboken NJ's New Scotland Yard. This is traditionally a blues venue but Allan's beautiful daughter and her pretty friends easily convinced the new owners to try something new. I hope you can join us. You can ride up with us too, we'll leave the Allentown area around 6, meeting in Hellertown around 6:30

Suavek is back and don't you forget it!!

Thursday Nov 20
Back from constant touring with the Todd Wolf Band, the illustrious Suavek will be joining us on bass at Grumpy's Thursday Night Jams. Suavek was key in forming Kind Of Blue and it's great to have his technique and creativity back. It's also the last jam for November, as the next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. Come by and get into it! Starts around 9-9:30




November 10, 2008


I just got back from the Dominican Republic and WOW was that one of the most beautiful spots on earth. Of course so is New York City, but in different way.

Anyway I'm back and gearing up for the holidays. I want to thank Don Shatto for helping me with the new site, Albert Lazerne, Ray Grimmer, Dan Andree and Keith McGonigal for keeping the Grumpy's Thursday Night Fusion jam going, and all of you who are hanging in there trying to follow what's going on.

Briefly, in addition to the jams, I (Kind Of Blue) will be in Hoboken, NJ's "new" Scotland Yard throwing down a new "kind of blues" Tuesday Nov. 18th.

Then Roman & The Heard, featuring a who's who of NYC hep cats, will be at Otto's Shrunken Head Sunday Nov 23, a great way to get primed for the Thanksgiving Holidays.

And the Lehigh Valley Music Awards are coming up Monday December 1st, Kind Of Blue will be performing. Don't miss it, I have a new freaky set for you. Also, you can vote for your favorite local artists (to a degree, and despite some confusing terms) at


At the Punta Cana Airport, and yes, THAT'S their airport facility below! No windows, grass roof.

OK see you at the jams and stuff, let's create some new sounds!!!!


November 2008

Hi everyone and welcome to Romanmusic.NET! Finally a website address you an say in one breath!

I'm sorry for the confusion with the last site, misdirecting everybody and all that...but I've finally secured a domain that I'm in control of and I think you can count on some consistency from now on.

All my activities will be accessible from this site: jams, photos, gigs with Kind Of Blue, Mad Dog, The Fux, The Heard, and any other miscellaneous happenings.

Please bookmark the new address and visit often, I'm very happy to have you back!!

See you here and on the scene,





Old Front Page:

Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski opens the 2008 Lehigh Valley Music Awards
Monday December 1, Allentown Brew Works, Allentown, PA

Morning Call Newspaper Pictures

Newest Kind Of Blue member: Allentown Mayor/Drummer Ed Pawlowski !!

"After starting the program with a proclamation honoring the awards' 10th year, Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski got behind the drum kit with Kind of Blue featuring Roman for some jazzy Christmas tunes. Like his tenure as mayor, Pawlowski's performance on the skins was solid but subdued and understated." - Morning Call article. MORE

Roman, Mayor Ed, "award winning" Allan Meyerson