This just a basic to compile and setup psyBNC, you can use this step to run another version. you can get pre compiled psybnc @

–> downloading psyBNC to your shell (ftp, wget or lynx.. which you prefer)
–> untar and compiling, follow below command

[sentabi@best]$ tar zxvf psyBNC2.3.1.tar.gz
[sentabi@best]$ cd psybnc
[sentabi@best psybnc]$ make

–> create psybnc.conf

After ‘make’ stop without any error, it mean that you have successfully done compiling it. You now need to create psybnc.conf that hold psybnc listen port. For this example i will choose port 12345, you can specify any port greater than 1024 that currently not used. Open your favourite text editor (pico, vi, emac, joe..etc), paste this and save as psybnc.conf


–> run the psyBNC

[sentabi@best]$ ./psybnc

psyBNC then will goes to background. Now open your IRC client and connect to your psybnc host and port. It will ask you a password that will assigned for you. For command, type /bhelp

Precompiled psyBNC

Normaly SunOS/Solaris doesn’t have compilers like gcc / cc so you aren’t able to compile psyBNC by yourself using above steps, so we will use precompiled psyBNC that compiled on SunOS on other box that have it.

I also use precompiled bnc/eggdrop for quick run so i don’t have to compiled it every time i wan’t to run it in new box. So i just uploaded already compiled binary and run it on new box. Quick and saving time. Please take note that SunOS precompiled will only run on SunOS platform and will not run on others. Linux precompiled for linux, AIX precompiled for AIX and the rest. For this example we will use psyBNC2.2.1-precompiled-SunOs5.6.tar.Z that you can found in my ‘IRC Wares’ section.

–> downloading psyBNC to your shell (ftp, wget or lynx.. which you prefer)
–> uncompress and untar

[sentabi@best]$ uncompress psyBNC2.2.1-precompiled-SunOs5.6.tar.Z
[sentabi@best]$ tar xvf psyBNC2.2.1-precompiled-SunOs5.6.tar
[sentabi@best]$ cd psybnc

–> create psybnc.conf and run it

Open your favourite text editor (pico, vi, emac, joe..etc), paste this and save as psybnc.conf


[sentabi@best]$ ./psybnc

Done! Quick and much simpler than using original psyBNC.

Setting up crontab

To keep you bot or bnc/psybnc running 24 hours you need to setup a crontab. I will show you how to install it.

–> First you must set up chk script for each bot/bnc you run on your shell. For bot a chk script for it is botchk located in scripts/botchk and for bnc a chk for it is bncchk. Edit it to fit your need and save it.
–>we want to set the script executable

[sentabi@best]$ chmod +x scripts/botchk

–>At this point, it might be wise to test if you have everything set up correctly so far. Kill the bot, and run the botchk script

[sentabi@best]$ kill -9 `cat pid.EggBot`
– If it works, it will launch your bot

–>Next step is to set up the crontab. Open your favorite editor with a new empy file called “cron” in your home dir.
– For each bot you run on your shell, add one of these lines:

0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /home/myhome/egg/scripts/botchk1 >/dev/null 2>&1
0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /home/myhome/egg/scripts/botchk2 >/dev/null 2>&1

– Save and exit the editor, and install crontab to use the file you just made.

[sentabi@best]$ crontab cron

– This cron will check for every 10 minutes if bot not running. If it still doesn’t work, you may not have access to crontab on your shell, so check with your admin.