This is an archived SimAUD Conference website from 2012.

To view the current year's conference, please visit the SimAUD website.

Call for Submissions

We are pleased to announce the third year of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) at the 2012 Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim'12) in Orlando, FL, USA from March 26-30, 2012.

Researchers in simulation, architecture, urban design and planning, HCI, ubicomp, infoviz, etc., engineers, software developers, managers, educators, and business professionals who develop or use modeling, simulation, visualization, validation, or interaction techniques or tools related to the built environment are invited to participate and present original papers, data sets, and videos (More information).

All submissions are peer-reviewed and considered for selection by the Committee. All accepted submissions will be published in the ACM Digital Library. The conference is run in collaboration with ACM/SIGSIM and is sponsored by The Society for Modeling and Simulation International.

Areas of Interest

SimAUD topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Whole System Simulation and Analysis
  • Post Occupancy Performance Evaluation
  • Building Comfort and Energy Performance
  • Design Tools and Methods
  • Materials, Components and Innovative Systems
  • Multi Disciplinary Optimization
  • Simulation Performance and Scalability
  • Design and Decision Support
  • Energy Performance Simulation and Analysis
  • Intelligent Building & Building Lifecycle Management
  • Sensor Network and Building Performance Monitoring
  • Visualization of Simulation-based Data
  • Theory and History of Environmental Simulation and Controls

Submissions Types

Research works can be submitted in several categories:

  • Papers & Notes
  • Data Sets (With Note)
  • Video Showcase (with Extended Abstract)
  • Work-in-Progress
  • Lingua Franca: Invited Papers, Data Sets, and Videos

Learn more.


Important Dates

Abstracts Deadline: November 18, 2011

The Abstract submission should be a short paragraph describing the topics to be covered in the full submission (to be submitted one week later). The Abstracts will NOT be reviewed and are simply to help the Committee to begin to recruit the number of reviewers needed in the appropriate sub-disciplines.

Submission Deadline: November 25, 2011 December 2, 2011, 5:00pm EST

This is the date when papers (archival format, 8 pages maximum for full papers, 4 pages maximum for short papers), data sets, and videos must be submitted. At least 3 reviewers will be assigned to each submission. The review process will be double-blind.

Acceptance Notification: January 8, 2012 January 22, 2012

Authors will receive their peer-review feedback and acceptance decision by this date. Accepted and conditionally accepted works will then have a short period of time to integrate reviewer feedback before submitting the final Camera-ready deadline.

Camera-ready Due: January 29, 2012 February 5, 2012

At this date, final submissions of accepted works are due.

Conference Presentations: March 26-30, 2012

Authors will present their works at the venue in Florida, FL, USA during the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design. See you there!


Submission Types

We invite research works in several categories:

Papers & Notes

Papers and Notes are archival publications (archival format, 8 pages maximum for papers, 4 pages maximum for Notes) of original research with a focus on Architecture and Urban Design in modeling & simulation, visualization, ubiquitous computing, human-computer interaction, or other related fields. Papers present significant contributions to research and practice in the SimAUD areas. Notes present brief and focused research contributions that are noteworthy but may not merit a full paper. The submission of accompanying video figures is strongly encouraged as most papers benefit from the succinct communication of a video.

Please to refer to author's package for submission templates.

Papers, Notes, and accompanying video figures will be archived at the ACM Digital Library.

Data Sets (With Note)

Data Sets are archival publications (collection of ZIP files together with Note) of original data together with a Note (4 pages maximum) that outlines the history of the data set, its value to the community, and instructions on how to use it. For example, a Data Set submission may include a detailed Building Information Model (BIM) of a real or virtual building that would be of use to the SimAUD community for simulation testing or cross-validation. Another example would be a conceptual model of a process or event expressed as CD++ DEVS nodes. Other data sets could be point clouds, sensor data, programs, models of HVAC units, fridges, escalators, geothermal, etc. Many scientific communities suffer from a lack of access to high-quality detailed data sets and algorithms. At SimAUD, an accepted peer-reviewed data set is recognized as a significant contribution to science and is considered as equivalent to an archival contribution (in the form of the accompanying Note). By providing a Data Set track, we hope to encourage researchers and practitioners to share their data for the greater good of the community.

Data in Data Sets will be archived at and the accompanying Note archived in the ACM Digital Library.

Video Showcase (with Extended Abstract)

Many architecture and urban design projects communicate visions of a proposed future. Video is among the best ways to communicate these visions. We invite video submissions of high-quality scientific visualizations of architecture or urban design projects, interactive design decision support systems, compelling animations of construction simulation, and more. Submissions of high-quality videos for peer-review are invited for exhibition at the SimAUD symposium.

Files for Videos will be archived at and the accompanying Extended Abstract archived in the ACM Digital Library.


Starting with 2012, SimAUD welcomes Work-in-Progress submissions. These are peer-reviewed non-archival publications that have not reached completion level necessary for jury review and acceptance as complete papers. They give overview of research in progress and / or thought-provoking work relevant to the SimAUD community. Authors benefit from the in-person feedback from the symposium attendees.

This submission category aims to attract attention from a broad range of disciplines covering a spectrum of topics and methodologies. We encourage submissions from all SimAUD communities that use or develop modeling, simulation, visualization, validation, or interaction techniques or tools related to the built environment.

Work in Progress submissions can include, but are not limited to, the following types of work:

  • Methodologies and Tools - new methods, processes, techniques, and tools for modeling, simulation, visualization and / or validation.
  • Experimental or other types of evaluation relevant to the SimAUD community.
  • Briefings - accounts of case studies or designs of innovative application, user interface, or system.
  • Reflections from Practice - lessons learned, conclusions, or principles derived from practice, backed by thought-provoking and well-substantiated analyses.

While the submissions in the Work-in-Progress category will be included in the 2012 SimAUD proceedings, they are not archived publications. That means that these submissions are not considered to be prior publication of the work. Authors can resubmit them in different and / or future venues.

Please to refer to author's package for submission templates.

Preparing and Submitting your Work-in-Progress Submission

Work-in-Progress submissions are not archived publications (4 pages maximum) of original research with a focus on Architecture and Urban Design in modeling & simulation, visualization, ubiquitous computing, human-computer interaction, or other related fields. They give overview of research in progress and / or thought-provoking work relevant to the SimAUD community. They have not reached completion level necessary for jury review and acceptance as complete papers or notes. The submission of accompanying images or video figures is encouraged as most submissions benefit from the succinct communication of a video.

The submission should include:

  • A focused description, and if appropriate, analysis of the work
  • Potential impact of the work to the SimAUD community
  • Recommendations for future research and application in practice

Lingua Franca: Invited Papers, Data Sets, and Videos

In order to help bring together diverse disciplines we aim to establish a common language of perspectives, case studies, techniques or technologies. One way to start this process is through invited works. The Committee may internally evaluate and invite certain papers, data sets, or videos to include in the symposium outside the formal peer-review process. To nominate research that you believe would be beneficial to building this new community, please email any of the committee members with suggestions.


Last updated: Thursday, June 16, 2011