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Strategic Workforce Development - Organisational & HR Development Consultants
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CV Profiling

Short listing / best fit & reading between the lines

Unsure of the candidate’s abilities?
Who is the best person fit?
Undecided/can’t decide who to interview?

Identifying the correct person for a role can be compared to finding a needle in a hay stack.  As a result, time, money, reputation and output can all be jeopardized.  Our HR personnel have significant experience in sifting through resumes whether it be for specific skills, potential competences or identifying plain untruths. 

We can produce a summary report for each application and predict the candidates success from strengths and weakness for the new role.

As an individual, is it time to have your resume re-vamped? Discuss latest designs and job seeking mediums.

Please contact us for further information.


CV and Resume Profiling and Evaluation

ISO Certified


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