Susan K. Warren, MBA, Ed D. Candidate
Workplace Improvement Consultant


Susan K. Warren is currently writing her dissertation after completing all of her course work for her Doctorate in 2010. Susan’s true passion is Employee Engagement and Workforce Development. She is completing her Ed.D. in Adult Education with a cognate of International Studies at Northern Illinois University. Where she has completed four study abroad programs: Brazil, Taiwan, Korea and Hungary. She has an MBA from the University of Chicago and earned a BS in Education from Illinois State University.

Susan retired as Postmaster of Peoria, IL on January 2, 2009. Susan served as a manager for the U. S. Postal Service for the past thirty years in Operations, Human Resources, Marketing, and Training and Development. For at least twenty years she was the installation head and project manager with ultimate responsibility for the resources under her control. Susan received numerous awards for her contributions to employee workplace performance, customer service, environmental achievement & diversity.

Susan is an active member in ISPI, AHRD, AAACE, ASTD, NAPS, Rotary International, NAPUS, NLPM and serves on the Continuous Improvement Committee for the Peoria Workforce Board.


  • International Member, Academy of Human Resource Development

  • International Member, American Association for Adult and Continuing Education

  • Treasurer and Past President, Heart of Illinois Chapter, American Society of Training and Development. Held each office with progressing authority for the local chapter.

  • Former Member, Rotary International, Serves on Community Services & International Committees (2010)

  • Member, Peoria Workforce Board Continuous Improvement Sub-Group

  • Secretary-Treasurer for National Association of Postal Supervisor Branch 255 and former National Officer / National Training Director for that organization

  • Member, trainer and featured speaker for National Association of Postmasters (NAPUS) and the National League of Postmaster (NLPM) named 2007 Postmaster of the Year by this organization


U.S. Postal Service

  • Postmaster, Peoria, Illinois.(Beyond running operations, Susan routinely appeared on TV & Radio.  She was the featured cover story for Peoria Woman Magazine and you can read that interview here)
  • Manager Midwest Center, Headquarters Facility, William F Bolger Management Academy, Oakbrook, Illinois.
  • Manager Training, EAS 21. Field Division, New Orleans, Louisiana.

  • Manager of Retail Sales and Services
  • Manager of the Postal Employee Development Center (PEDC)

Detailed Assignments / Projects

  • Voice of the Employees (VOE) Coordinator

  • Remote and Coding Site Manager

  • Manager Task Force for the Redesign of First Line Supervisor Training, Washington, DC

  • Manager of Employment and Development, New Orleans, LA

  • Manager of Personnel, New Orleans, LA

  • Acting Postmaster, LaPlace, LA

  • Acting Postmaster, Monmouth, IL.

Illinois Central College

  • Instructor for Personal and Professional Institute


Doctoral Candidate. NIU, MBA. University of Chicago, Illinois. Bachelor of Science in Education. Illinois State University.
Associate Degree in Arts and Sciences. Illinois Central College. East Peoria, Illinois.


  • Recipient of the John A. Niemi Scholarship for International Studies (2010)

  • National Diversity Award from the USPS (one of ten nationally recognized)

  • 2001-2008, Special Achievement Awards for achievement in leading the Central Illinois Cluster with employee initiatives

  • 2007, Inducted into the Zeta Gamma Chapter of Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars

  • 2007, Inducted into the Delta Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi Honor Society for Contributions to Adult Education

  • 2007, Illinois State Postmaster of the Year by National League of Postmasters

  • Facilitator and District Coordinator for the Dr. Covey's "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People and Oz Principle: Accountability Training certified through Partners in Leadership

  • Benjamin Award, the Highest Marketing Recognition Given by the USPS - for Four Years

  • President and Coordinator for Clean Cities in Peoria, IL. - Presented with Illinois State Governor's Excellence Award

  • Honorable Mention, White House Closing the Circle Award

  • Received National Pioneering Award for Department of Energy

  • Business Associate of the Year, for the ABWA, Peoria Charter Chapter


  • Presented a paper that she co-authored as lead at the University of P”ecs in P”ecs Hungary.(2010)

  • Wrote a proposal and presented at the AAACE National Conference (2008) Denver CO.

  • Wrote a proposal and presented at the AAACE National Conference (2007) Norfolk VA.

  • Co-authored a peer-reviewed paper published in the proceedings at an International AHRD conference in Bangkok, Thailand (2008) entitled Exploration of Workplace Learning Experiences through Guided Experiential Learning Events.

  • Co-authored a peer-reviewed paper published in the proceedings at an International AHRD conference in Beijing, China (2007) entitled The Demographic Analysis on Organizational Learning: A Literature Review.

  • Co-authored the article; A transformational learning event: Reflecting on the 4th Asian Conference of Academy of Human Resource

  • Development; Human Resource Development International, Vol. 9, Issue 3 p. 429-436 9 (2006)

  • Wrote a proposal and presented at the AAACE National Conference (2006) Milwaukee, WI

  • Co-authored and presented peer-reviewed paper published in the proceedings for AHRD conferences in Taipei, Taiwan (2005)

  • Authored and presented a peer-reviewed paper; Seoul, Korea (2004)

  • Authored and presented a peer-reviewed paper for the 2002 Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, and Community Education.

Click here to request Susan's entire CV