
Keeping things simple

Using TransactionScope for handling transactions

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Implementing transactions from C#/VB code today might seam easier than ever before, but the path to easier and effective transaction handling has many traps on the way. Microsoft made the life of developers seemingly easier by implementing the TransactionScope class in the .net framework 2.0. I say seemingly easier because you sometimes might find your self baffled by the way your code will behave.

The TransactionScope class uses MS Distributed Transaction Coordinator to manage transactions, so before you start using the TransactionScope, make sure you have DTC running on the Web and Database server and that you have granted enough security permission for the DTC to be able to communicate on thoes machines.

So to get started with TransactionScope, here is a simple code example that seams perfectly OK.

using(TransactionScope outerScope = new TransactionScope())
    // Execute query 1

    using(TransactionScope innerScope = new TransactionScope())
            // Execute query 2
        catch (Exception)



Now if query 2 which is inside of the try/catch block, rasies an error you will catch the exception in the try/catch block and handle it, but here is a supprise the application will throw an ObjectDisposedException on line 15 when you try to complete the transaction. This is because the DTC has already caught the exception and although you have handled it, the TransactionScope objects where already disposed by the .Net code and the transaction has been rolled back. Notice that I have said “objects” this is because both of the TransactionScope object have been disposed as they are a part of the same transaction. This is just one example where you might seam surprised that the code is not behaving as you would expect.

The TransactionScope implements something that is referred to as an “Ambient transaction”. This is the transaction in which all database queries are executed. When I say all queries I mean all queries that are executed between the creation of the TransactionScope object and the calling of the Complete() method, including all method calls and their method calls and so on, that are executed between those two lines. That means that you don’t need to handle the transaction in every method that participates in the transaction unless you want to.

You can control the manner in which a method participates in a transaction quite easily. Here is a piece of code to demonstrate:

using(TransactionScope outerScope = new TransactionScope())
    // Execute query 1

    using(TransactionScope innerScope =
          new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required))
        // Execute query 2

    using (TransactionScope innerScope =
           new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew))
        // Execute query 3

    using (TransactionScope innerScope =
           new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress))
        // Execute query 4


This demonstrates the use of the TransactionScopeOption Enumeration to control the way some piece of code will participate in a transaction. The enumeration consist of three options Required, RequiresNew and Suppress. The default options for the TransactionScope constructor is “Required” which states that an ambient transaction is required for this operations, if non exists the transaction will be created. The options “Suppress” states thata the this TransactionScope will not participate in the transaction and therefore all database queries are executed without a transaction. The option of “RequiresNew” states that a new ambient transaction will allways be created and become the root transaction.

There are further options that can be modified when using the TransactionScope class by using a different constructor TransactionScope Constructor (TransactionScopeOption, TransactionOptions) that takes the TransactionOptions struct as a parameter here is an code example.

TransactionOptions options = new TransactionOptions();
options.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1);
options.IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.Serializable;

using(TransactionScope scope =
      new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, options))

The TransactionOptions struct has 2 properties Timeout and IsolationLevel. The first is self explanatory the timeout prior to completition of the transaction. The second one is more important, I would say my self crucial to effective handling of transactions. The IsolationLevel Enumeration consist of several levels of isolation: Serializable, RepeatableRead, ReadCommitted, ReadUncommitted, Snapshot, Chaos and Unspecified. With the “Serializable” isolation level being the strictest and “ReadUncommitted” begin the least strict form of isolation.

Serializable means that all transactions occur in a completely isolated fashion; i.e., as if all transactions in the system had executed serially, one after the other. That means no other transaction can be run until the one running is completed. This type of isolation should be used very carefully since it can cause massive timeouts etc. if used with long lasting transactions.

RepeatableRead is a step down from Serializable isolation level, where multiple transaction can run at the same time, but all data read during the transaction can not be modified (exclusive row/page locks) and volatile data cannot be read.

ReadCommitted is a further step down in isolation where the transaction allows for reading and modifying of data that has been used in a select statement, but volatile data cannot be read or changed by other queries.

ReadUncommitted is the least strict isolation level where the transactions can see uncommitted changes performed by other transactions, allowing for dirty reads.

More on isolation levels on Wikipedia.

That sums up the basic use of the TransactionScope class with more to come 🙂

Written by Luka Ferlež

August 5, 2008 at 17:04

5 Responses

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  1. Waow loved reading your article. I added your rss to my blogreader.


    December 11, 2009 at 22:53

  2. Really good article

    Naresh Kumar Murthy

    September 30, 2011 at 7:47

  3. Not a Reply, but a question related to multiple threads.. If you spawn multiple threads and start a new outermost TransactionScope on each one, and they run concurrently, when the second one starts, does the global Transaction object in the second thread know not to enlist in the ambient transaction that the global Transaction.Current would return ???

    And (scenario TWO) if you launch multiple threads inside of a parent outermost transaction, how does the global Transaction object in all the threads know that it SHOULD enlist in the ambient transaction that the global Transaction.Current would return ???

    charles bretana

    November 12, 2011 at 1:42

  4. […] you are using TransactionScope for handling your transactions then the ambient transactions you open with the TransactionScope […]

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