Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Frankenstein close-reading Questions

Chapter 5
1. Describe Victor’s monster before he animates him.
2. What was Victor’s attitude toward the creature he had created?
3. What was Victor do when his monster came to his bedside?
4. What had become of Victor’s dream?
5. Why is it significant that the first thing Victor sees the next morning is the church and its high white steeple?
6. What does the arrival of Clerval cause for Victor? What might be the significance of this?
7. How does Victor behave when he and Clerval are in his room, and what does it tell us about Victor’s state of mind?
8. How does Clerval show his loyalty and friendship to Victor?
Chapter 6
1. What changes have occurred in Ernest during the duration of Victor’s absence?
2. How and why did Justine Moritz become part of the Frankenstein family?
3. Why does Justine leave Frankenstein’s family and why does she return again?
4. What is your impression of Victor’s little brother William?
5. How does Victor feel when he introduces Clerval to his professors and they show their instruments to him and talk about chemistry?

6. How did Victor pass the time during the winter he spent with Clerval?
7. What does Victor realize his pursuit of knowledge has been for him?
Chapter 7
1. What horrific news doesictor’s father give Victor in his letter?
2. Why is Elizabeth especially affected by William’s death?
3. What does Victor realize about William’s death and why does he come to this realization?
4. Why does Victor resolve to remain silent about the murderer?
5. Who is accused of the crime and why is it particularly difficult for Victor’s family?

Chapter 8
1. What incriminating evidence is there against Justine?
2. Why does Justine confess to having committed the crime?
3. What was the effect of Justine’s confession on Elizabeth?
4. Why does Justine admit to committing the crime?
5. Why does Victor feel “such deep and bitter agony”?
6. Why does Justine die in peace?

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