Encounters with the Nagual  -  Conversations with Carlos Castaneda

includes the Rule of the Three-Pronged Nagual

Book Cover

Carlos Castaneda instructed author Armando Torres to reveal THE RULE OF THE THREE-PRONGED NAGUAL four years following Carlos' departure.

This book contains THE RULE, as well as other teachings Torres gleaned from Castaneda and other sorcery practitioners.

Carlos stated: “I am heir to certain information. It is an aspect of the teachings that concerns me so deeply that I can't explain it to the others. It should be said through a messenger. While I was watching how the spirit danced with you on the edge of the avenue, I knew that the messenger is you." 

"Said in sorcerers' terms, the Rule is the diagram of the Eagle's commands, an equation which correlates the effectiveness of actions with the saving of energy. In the practical sphere, such a combination cannot produce anything but a warrior.”  

"The Rule is complete, and covers all facets of the warrior's way. It describes how a nagual party is created and nurtured, how generations are connected to form a lineage, and it guides them towards freedom. But in order to use it as a key to power, we have to verify it for ourselves."

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First Light Press
