How to donate

Why should I donate to the Fuchsia Foundation?

A donation to the Fuchsia Foundation will be used for specific, innovative projects such as the hair donation brochure, thank you cards for people undergoing cancer treatment to send challenge grants such as those described on this web site. Knowing where donated money is being used is a benefit of a small organization such as ours. This is in contrast to making a donation to a general fund of a national organization or a local organization where the donor has no idea how or where specific contributions are used. The projects undertaken by the Fuchsia Foundation make a difference to people undergoing treatment for cancer and cancer survivors and their families. They also make a difference to you because you will know that you have helped people in some fundamental way to gain control and to feel empowered, no matter what their health circumstances may be.

How do I make a contribution to the Fuchsia Foundation?

If you are an individual or a company, you can make a check payable to the Fuchsia Foundation and send it to:

The Baltimore Community Foundation
2 E. Read Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21202

Note: If you are sending a donation from a foundation, please make the check payable to the Baltimore Community Foundation, and indicate that it is for the benefit of The Fuchsia Foundation.

Please complete this form and send it in with your donation.

You can make a credit card donation of $25.00 or more to The Fuchsia Foundation by going to the special link they have set up for us at

How else can I contribute to the Fuchsia Foundation?

Do you own or work for a company that would like to sponsor a product or an event that could benefit the Fuchsia Foundation? Need an excuse to have a party? Have a party to benefit the Fuchsia Foundation! Contact us and together we can think of ways that you can participate in our activities.

How to contact the Fuchsia Foundation?

You can send me an e-mail at or call me at 410.653.8417.



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