What a storm of memories an old tin pan can bring churning through a moment in time.

Editor’s note: A new feature will appear on The Times editorial page in the coming weeks. Syndicated columnist Ronda Rich will join a list of columnists  Rich has been writing columns for several years and is also a best-selling author whose work focuses on the lives of Southerners. Ronda Rich Bio:

I usually refrain from commenting on the topic de jour in the media. I’m not much of a “bandwagon” person. Let everyone else have their say and when the dust has settled, I will have mine. Otherwise, you risk being lost in the noise.

I met Johnny Isakson a decade ago. Others have known him longer and can tell you about him in the detail required for the history books, in light of his announcement that he will leave the U.S. Senate at year’s end due to his health. I’m going to tell you what I’ve seen from him, and in him,…

It is that time of year again, when summer weather begins to fade and slightly cooler weather begins to take its place. Soon, the trees will begin to paint the landscape with beautiful scenes of color and hunters will begin preparations for the upcoming season. 

There’s been a bit of drama surrounding the cancellation of a community service for Veterans Day this year, and while I agree the lack of a service is disappointing, especially as this year marked the centennial anniversary of the end of  WWI, I’m not sure I agree blame should lie with the A…

Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, political speeches and other ceremonies. The Fourth of July is indeed the national day of the United States.

Last week was spring break for most school systems around the state. My two grandchildren, now living in the metro Atlanta area, wanted to come spend the week with Sandy and me. It was going to be a week of quality time with them. Unfortunately, I only had one afternoon off.

Over the past few years, I have given a lot of thought to retiring as your sheriff. I have expressed this to many of you privately.

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