TRMW stands for The Real Matt Wright. It’s my little attempt to assert my realness in the face of (a) the internet and (b) an incredibly common name.

This blog started out as the news updates section of my artist page at Metempsychosis, a netlabel where I used to post IDM-inspired music under the names Comma and Klunko (alternate link). This is around when I was starting college at Lewis & Clark in Portland, Oregon, and eventually I started posting about my experiences there and abroad. I graduated in ‘03, and stayed in Portland for four years after that. I got super into the amazing local music community Portland is blessed with, worked for Dave Allen, wrote for the weekly, worked freelance PR for bands, helped start PDX Pop Now!, managed Blitzen Trapper, played three house shows and one pseudo-real show with this ridiculous/great band, played records with Steve, and co-started the Holocene Music label.

Around this time the good people at Urban Honking offered to host this blog, and it lived over there for a while. Then I basically stopped blogging for a long time, before restarting here on Tumblr. (You can now find all of the pre-Tumblr stuff here.)

In 2007 I moved to San Francisco, and started doing marketing stuff at IODA. In 2010 I migrated over to the web side of the company, doing a mix of UI design and front-end development.

In early 2012, I started a new job doing front-end development at Square, where I’m currently busy building amazing things with a truly amazing group of people.

At this point I guess this blog is about pretty much everything I’m interested in: design, web stuff, art, music, marketing, culture, politics, life, life, life. Thanks for reading and please, keep it real.


You can email me at my first my name @

