Employment Opportunity: San Diego

It’s that time of year when we begin to receive employment opportunities for linguistics students. The majority of these positions are as managers in language acquisition labs. The advertisement below is an example of this type of position. Students majoring in Linguistics/Psychology and Cognitive Science would be especially well suited to such employment. Working as a lab manager is an excellent intermediate step between undergraduate and graduate studies. Consider applying!

The Language and Development Lab at UCSD (San Diego, California) is
looking for a laboratory coordinator beginning July 1, 2010 or later.

The lab conducts research on language acquisition, conceptual
development, and cross-cultural differences in each area (e.g., in
Japan, Taiwan, and India). Duties include managing and leading
research projects in the lab: designing studies, creating stimuli,
recruiting participants, testing infants, toddlers, and adults,
analyzing data, and participating in the final synthesis of research
for publication. The position also involves administrative duties,
such as interviewing and hiring undergraduate volunteers, managing
subject recruitment, training students, purchasing equipment, and
planning lab events and meetings. All past lab coordinators have co-
authored at least one paper during their tenure.

Preferred qualifications:
Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Linguistics, Cognitive Science.
Experience working with children & strong interest in language.
Knowledge of Excel, SPSS statistical software is preferred.
Strong organization and writing skills.

Minimum 1 year commitment. Pay and benefits commensurate with
experience, according to the UCSD Lab Assistant 1 scale.

For more information about the lab, and to request details about the
job, visit http://www.ladlab.ucsd.edu, or email Jennifer Audet at

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