Day 1- A Special Word from Julie Arguinzoni

My Dear Sisters in Christ,

This is the very first day of “United Women In Ministry 40 Day Fast.” My heart is rejoicing with the response of the great women of Victory Outreach International to the call for separation unto God.

We must stay on the cutting edge compassionately reaching Treasures lost in darkness. If we stay close to Christ, He will continue to fill us with His love for the lost. There is power in prayer and as we separate ourselves unto God, I ask that you please join with me in prayer for the following targets.

  • I am believing for the miracles of salvation and the divine healing of the sick.
  • I am believing for our Lord to raise up laborers for the Harvest Field and church planting, fearless Pastors who will willingly lay down their lives for the sake of the gospel.
  • I am believing for our Lord to outpour His spirit on the worldwide family of Victory Outreach.
  • I am believing for protection for our Pastors on the United States borders.
  • I am believing for financial breakthroughs for United We Can, our local churches, and personally for one another
  • I am believing for our World Conference in 2011

We have been called to be trailblazers passionately reaching the inner cities of the world. May we never lose sight of our calling and anointing.

Ephesians 1:11

“It’s in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ, He had His eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, part of the overall purpose He is working in everything and everyone.”

Dedicated to Reaching a Hurting World,
Julie Arguinzoni

Purpose Driven Life Personal Reflection by- Ana Gomez

Day 1- It All Starts with God

What a way to start off a book on purpose, “It’s not about you.” In discovering what on Earth we are here for, like the front of the book says, we must get our priorities in order. It all starts with God. God is our creator. Just like every inventor has a purpose for its invention and every artist has a picture in mind of its design, God had a specific purpose and design individually for all our lives. Wow! It amazes me how personal our God is. We are not an assembly line product, mass produced without thought. We are a custom designed, one of a kind, original masterpiece. All we need to do is turn to our owners manual, the bible, to discover our purpose. So ladies, throughout this 40 day fast let us stay close to His word and experience God’s presence like never before.

Purpose Driven Life

Today’s Reading Chapter– Day 1 “It All Starts With God”
Point to Ponder- It’s not about me
Verse to Remember- “Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him.” Colossians 1:16b
Question to Consider- In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?

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17 Responses to Day 1- A Special Word from Julie Arguinzoni

  1. lila silva says:

    i just want to say im standing in the gap and i am excited of what is going to come out of these forty days i know god is going to move in a powerful way he is so be blessed today

  2. Martha Cruz says:

    A good Prayer, Worship,the Word n Fasting! What a awsome PRIVLIEGE.I want to see BIG MIRACLES in 2010!!!And it’s only gona happen when we make these 40 days a life style.

  3. char says:

    It’s so true! It all starts with God. We could never out grow the King of Kings! Thanks sister Julie & Ana.

  4. Teresa says:

    Looking forward to these 40 days of fasting, so glad god has a design for my life, he already has decided my life for me, and fasting will help me get a glimpse of the purspose he has for me, my family, my church and future.

  5. Lady Susan says:

    Realy looking forward to these 40 day of prayer and fasting. I’m just trying to come up with a plan of continuing my diet without breaking the fast or my diet. I skipped breakfast and had a late lunch with two donuts so good. But that is not going to work. Help me Jesus.

  6. Roxie Salcido says:

    Expecting Miracles, cant wait to testify about them!

  7. Rebecca says:

    What a way to start this fast with words from the mama of all mamas to get us all in one mind and one spirit:)

  8. Geneva Montanez says:

    Yes, one thing that I am trying hard to internalize is that it is not about us, and its all about GOD. PDL has been an awesome tool. I am excited about fasting and seeking God, its not easy! But so worth it, expecting God to move like never before for all of us. P.s. I need some tips from anyone taking meds that have to be taken with food. What do you eat when your fasting?

  9. sylvia loya says:

    its only been 2nd day and God is already moving, my daughter jumped on board to fast with me, so excited to have someone side by side with me, believing God for our family, church for everything

  10. char says:

    Lady Susan, I know you can DO IT! You motivate me to stay physically fit/and to Slim Down, You are a Woman of Determination!

  11. yolanda valadez says:

    so excited! to wake up this morning knowing whats in store.. something great! all i could think about all day is ultimate blessings and it all comes from GOD….

  12. Marina Hernandez says:

    Well, today was great… but I think I will be reflecting on “It’s not about you” tomorrow while we are fasting till 6 p.m… Can’t wait for the hunger pains.. : )

  13. Roxie Salcido says:

    Hello sisters, I feel a unity don’t you! Stopped by market bought my liquids. We R not with each but we really are ☺

  14. Evelyn says:

    Geneva, as a medicator, my plan for this fast is to drink water down holy ghost avena as a liquid… medicated pel/eve

    • Geneva Montanez says:

      LOL thanks Sis Evelyn! Ladies, I need a room for one night for womens convention. Does anyone have room for one extra. I will of course pay my share but I dont want to rent a room just for myself you know. Im going Monday night, leaving Tuesday night. Thanks my sistas!

  15. Roxie Salcido says:

    We Bring God glory by serving others with our gifts.Let us benifit ohters, no holding back! Going strong 2nd day in da South Bay!

  16. Hello ladies! Its been a while since I’ve not attend V/O church and maybe all this TIME I’ve put myself first thinking that this was the right n normal thing to do! I was taught this way, and I’ve been struggling a whole lot! Now don’t get me wrong, because I do serve the Lord. I work hard on one on one cases in my home with youth to get themselves organize and prepair them to live a life independantly. I’ve been doing this for 14 yrs. My struggle is… that I don’t feel appreciated many times and so I constantly battle with my mind. Any suggestions? Please pray for me. Luv u Sis. Julie/ from the Spanish Ministry W.L.A.

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