Thursday, May 17, 2007

Effective C++ / More Effective C++

Title: Effective C++ (2nd Edition) / More Effective C++
Author: Scott Meyers
Pages: 443
Format: PDF
Size: 5.51Mb
Effective C++: This exceptionally useful text offers Scott Myers's expertise in C++ class design and programming tips. The second edition incorporates recent advances to C++ included in the ISO standard, including namespaces and built-in template classes, and is required reading for any working C++ developer. The book opens with some hints for porting code from C to C++ and then moves on to the proper use of the new and delete operators in C++ for more robust memory management. The text then proceeds to class design, including the proper use of constructors, destructors, and overloaded operator functions for assignment within classes. (These guidelines ensure that you will create custom C++ classes that are fully functional data types, which can be copied and assigned just like built-in C++ classes.) The author also provides a handful of suggestions for general class design, including strategies for using different types of inheritance and encapsulation. Never doctrinaire and always intelligent, these guidelines can make your C++ classes more robust and easier to maintain. --Richard Dragan --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

More Effective C++: Proven methods for improving program efficiency, including incisive examinations of the time/space costs of C++ language features Comprehensive descriptions of advanced techniques used by C++ experts, including placement new, virtual constructors, smart pointers, reference counting, proxy classes, and double-dispatching Examples of the profound impact of exception handling on the structure and behavior of C++ classes and functions Practical treatments of new language features, including bool, mutable, explicit, namespaces, member templates, the Standard Template Library, and more. If your compilers don't yet support these features, Meyers shows you how to get the job done without them. More Effective C++ is filled with pragmatic, down-to-earth advice you'll use every day. Like Effective C++ before it, More Effective C++ is essential reading for anyone working with C++.
Download: Effective C++ (2nd Edition) / More Effective C++

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Anonymous said...

link to books is not valid. please check.