Thursday, September 6, 2007

Getting Started With Webkinz Recipes

For those of you who may be new to Webkinz World, I thought it would be appropriate to give you a little overview of working with webkinz recipes. To keep your pet healthy and happy you need to feed him/her regularly. There are various food items available in the W Shop for you to buy for your pet. However, to make your pet even happier you can use these regular food items to make recipes that create special items. These special food items will raise your pets care meters higher than the normal food items.

In order to make these recipes you will need to buy the appropriate cooking source. There are three items to buy, a Stove, a Sandwich Maker, and a Blender. A Grill and Cauldron are also available to use for recipes made in the Stove. Each of these three types of cooking sources will make recipes characteristic of their source. So for example, to make Fruit Slushie you will need a Blender. To make Zazzleoop Soup you need a Stove, Grill, or Cauldron. For a Birthday Party Sandwich you'll need a Sandwich Maker. You get the point.

Once you have your cooking sources you'll need to have your ingredients to start cooking. Each recipe requires three food items. Again, these can all be bought from the W Shop. And remember, you need to use the correct cooking source for the recipes to work. So if you want the Fruit Slushie mentioned above you need a Blender, not the Stove or Sandwich Maker.

So, you have your cooking sources and food items from the W-Shop. Lets get started on whipping up your webkinz recipes! Lets make a Root Beer Float to start. For this recipe you'll need Cherries + Ice Cream Cone + Root Beer. Go to your blender, click on it to bring up the blender window. Now drag and drop your three food items into the blender window. Click Blend and walaa! "Congratulations! You've Made Root Beer Float." Now, to make recipes with the stove/grill/cauldron and sandwich maker just follow the same process as with the blender.

Discovering new webkinz recipes are a lot of fun and there are just tons of recipes to keep you entertained and busy! For beginners I hope this has helped you on your road to being a master webkinz chef! =) Have fun and when you make your first recipe be sure to come back and comment here to let me know =)

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