Wisconsin CHMM Chapter Meeting Minutes

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bluemound Gardens Restaurant following the Earth Day- Underwood Creek Parkway Clean-Up. 


A big Thank You goes out to Tracy Toltzman for organizing this event!


Meeting called to order by Sonji Carter at 11:45 a.m.


Members present:  Mark Steinberg, Peter Madden, Sonji Carter, Cheryl Moran, Liz Schuller, Tracy Toltzman, Jeff Nettesheim and Dan Brady.


·         Operating Committee Updates

Website Changes

Webinar Interest – folks like the idea.  Perhaps this is a way to participate in training put on by the EPA.


·         CHMM Secretary Elections

Two people were write-in votes during the regular election.  These two people have been asked to provide the Chapter with a Biography, which will be put out to the membership for another vote.  Follow-up will be done to get this completed before the end of the fiscal year.


·         CHMM Exam Overview Course

We are planning to hold a 3-day CHMM Review Course at SC Johnson in late May or early June.  To date we have 5, perhaps 7 people interested in this offering.  We need to get the word out in the FET newsletter and it was suggested that a separate email be sent to the membership with this course offering.  It has been determined that optimally we have 8 people register for this class in order to break even.


The Academy is offering the CHMM Exam every other month, which means this course would come right before the June testing opportunity.


·         ACHMM Leadership Workshop 2008

As a reminder this event is scheduled for April 23-25, 2008 and is being sponsored by Harley Davidson. They have generously offered to cover half of the expense of this event. The facility tour on April 23rd was filled to capacity and the Leadership Training is also sold out, reaching the maximum capacity of 80 attendees.  This include the 13 members of the Academy that will attend from around the country.


·         ACHMM 2008 National Conference

Scheduled for Sept 7-10th, in Minneapolis , MN.  As President-Elect, Liz Schuller will attend the conference on behalf of the Chapter.  The hosting Chapter has requested volunteers during the conference.  Anyone interested should          contact the ACHMM office.


·         Committee Reports


-          Champion of Excellence Award.  Matt Redmann has submitted for this award

-          Honor Roll Award – Cheryl Moran is completing the application necessary to apply for this award.  Both are due by April 30th.

-          PS – Chemical Audit Program.  This has been slow to get a response from the Sciense department at one of the Milwaukee Public Schools, but recent contact has been made.  Peter Madden has offered to help with this project.

-          Reminder notice to all Chapter members, to find out about all the educational and promotional materials that are offered by ACHMM Please check out the ACHMM website at its web address:   www.achmm.org



Jeff Nettisheim wants to get an early start soliciting presenters for upcoming training sessions.



Nothing to report



·         Other Business

Miller Brewery offered to sponsor a facility tour.  Cheryl Moran to follow- up on this in an effort to offer the Chapter a meeting in late June 2008.  More to come on this.


Thank You to all of the chapter members and their families that came out on a beautiful day and help with the Earth Day Clean-Up event.


Meeting adjourned 12:45 pm.

Meeting minutes respectfully submitted by Elizabeth Schuller