&name1=William Margolin&title1=&desc1=Bill Margolin, who began as a West End House Camp camper in the 1950s, followed by many years as a counselor, has been the full time Executive Director of West End House Camp since 1973. From 1974 to 1995 he also served concurrently as Executive Director of the West End House Boys and Girls Club in the Allston section of Boston. Bill grew up in Boston and is a graduate of Boston Latin School and Bowdoin College. He is married and currently lives in Randolph, Massachusetts.&photo1=&name2=Steven Lepler&title2=&desc2=Steve Lepler, whose family has been affiliated with the West End House virtually since its founding, began his affiliation with the organization in the 1960s as a camper, then as a counselor and small crafts director. Starting in 1998 he returned to became the Assistant Executive Director. In October of 2008 he expanded his role to be the Director full time year round. A native of Brookline, Mass., he is a graduate of Brookline High School, Oberlin College, and Northeastern University with a Masters in Applied Behavior Analysis. During the winter seasons until recently he worked for a human service agency providing training and consultation to parents, teachers, and staff. He is married, with two children, and lives in Sharon, MA.&photo2=&name3=Ryan Wilensky&title3=&desc3=Ryan Wilensky, the youngest of three brothers to attend West End House Camp, began as a camper in 1987 at the age of 9. He spent 6 years as a camper and 7 as a counselor, leading most of the sports programs as a veteran staff member. Ryan is a graduate of Stoughton High School, Indiana University, and Simmons College where he received his Masters in Teaching, and currently teaches at Foxborough High School. He also has a great deal of experience coaching basketball at both King Phillip Regional and Foxborough High Schools. He became the Director of Operations for West End House Camp in the fall of 2007, working part-time in the off season and full-time during the summer. He lives in Foxborough, MA with his wife and two children.&photo3=&name4=Staff&title4=&desc4=The strength and excellence of West End House Camp lie in the staff -– 40 dedicated individuals, most of them former campers, who devote eight plus weeks each summer to ensuring the safety and happiness of the campers under their care. We view our counselors as Youth Development Professionals. During the off season the administration is in frequent contact with the staff, and during the summer months staff meetings ensure the constant exchange of thoughts and ideas so very vital to the success of each season.&photo4=&name5=Medical Staff&title5=&desc5=The Health Center, located in the main portion of the camp, is supervised by a licensed professional who is available 24 hours a day. The building itself contains an examining room, where the medical records and all medicines are also secured; a private area for campers who may need special medical attention; a supervisor's bedroom; and a bathroom. The long screened porch that faces the volleyball court and the gymnasium is a perfect "waiting" room for campers. &photo5=&name6=Maintenance Staff&title6=&desc6=A major key to the operation is the maintenance staff (John Fredette and Steve Chamberlain). Under their watchful and capable eyes, the physical plant remains in outstanding condition. They constantly inspect the many buildings and facilities which comprise West End House Camp, and through their diligence and many skills the camp has always remained in near perfect condition. They also check on the camp regularly during the winter months, ensuring that Mother Nature does not take a toll on our wonderful facility.&photo6=