Photo courtesy Steve Moore taken in Karachi, Pakistan
Former FBI agent Steve Moore was the Case Agent in charge of the investigation of the bombing of the U.S. Consulate in Karachi Pakistan, as seen here. Moore was fired Tuesday from his job at Pepperdine University for speaking out publicly on , in his view, the innocence on West Seattle UW student Amanda Knox, serving 26 years in an Italian prison for murder.

Former FBI agent Steve Moore fired for speaking out for Amanda Knox

Deputy director of Public Safety at Pepperdine fired Sept. 28

FBI agent Steve Moore, a Los Angeles resident, told the West Seattle Herald he was fired Tuesday after refusing to stop speaking out in support of Amanda Knox on national television and radio. He was deputy director of Public Safety at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California. His supervisors were concerned that he was endangering students in Pepperdine's Florence, Italy program.

Moore believes West Seattle UW student Amanda Knox was falsely accused and convicted of the murder of her college roommate Meredith Kercher Nov. 1, 2007 and feels his background in forensics and murder investigations backs up his claim.

The West Seattle Herald reported on Moore's recent trip to Seattle here:

Reached by phone Wednesday afternoon, Steve Moore told the West Seattle Herald that, regarding threats from Pepperdine to fire him, "They brought up different reasons at different times. They said this was taking too much of my work time when in actuality it was taking none of my work time. I think they had a short fall of moral courage. I'm not totally going to let sleeping dogs lie, but I'm not ready to say yet how I will react to my dismissal.

"I didn't take this stand because I had somewhere else to go," he continued. "I took it in spite of having no where else to go. I used to fly helicopters, and have other skills I may pursue in the job market. I am going to do anything to make my mortgage. I had the option of stopping (the media appearances) and continuing with Pepperdine when I was warned, so why would I stop now? That is how much I believe Amanda Knox is innocent. This has only encouraged me."

The West Seattle Herald would also like to clear up some confusion that has come up in certain comments posted on the above article. There is an author, also named Steve Moore, who writes about the FBI, CIA, and the 9/11 attack. Apparently some readers have mistaken that Steve Moore with the veteran FBI agent.

We encourage our readers to comment. No registration is required. We ask that you keep your comments free of profanity and keep them civil. They are moderated and objectionable comments will be removed.


Thanks Steve

Thank you Steve for all that you are doing in support of Amanda and Raffaele! Pepperdine should be ashamed to be to squeamish to stand behind you! They should be proud that you are speaking our against injustice!

Of Mice and Men

Steve Moore is a man of integrity, a man who is here to make the world a better place. He should be commended for his principled stand.

What kills me about this is all the Amanda haters who constantly complain about the million dollar PR campaign and the paid bloggers. I've been called a paid blogger and worse many times. It's all a crock. Those who speak up for Amanda's innocence do so out of conscience. None of us are paid and some such as Steve Moore have sacrificed for speaking up.

Let us take a moment to compare Steve Moore to the Perugian prosecutor in the case, Giuliano Mignini.

A year before the Meredith Kercher murder an American author, Douglas Preston, was in Italy writing a book about a set of serial killings decades ago in the Florence area. He was critical of Giuliano Mignini's actions in the case. In order to combat this criticism, Mignini jailed Preston's co-author, Mario Spezi, and had Preston expelled from the country. Mignini conducted an interrogation of Preston where he accused Preston of being an accessory to the Florence serial killings. The idea that Preston was aiding a serial killer is of course a joke.

Mignini has since been convicted and sentenced to prison for corruption in that case. He was also harshly criticized by the New York based Committee to Protect Journalists. In Amanda's case he has been ridiculed in unprecedented language in the pages of the New York Times and on virtually every US cable channel. He is a disgrace to the Nation of Italy.

Steve Moore put his job on the line to confront an injustice. Thank you Steve. There are mice and men in this world. Steve Moore is a man and Giuliano Mignini is a mouse.

That is justice! It serves

That is justice!

It serves him right.

Next time he will think twice before he helps to promote the murderess' financial interests.

Another one to join the long

Another one to join the long list of collateral damage.

That is good.

I just noticed that the killers relatives might have had prior notice.

I am looking forward to the defamation trials.

They think they can just lie, lie and lie without consequences.

Let them prove their false statements.

In feel more of the supporters should be charged with defamation.

It is no wonder this wonder

It is no wonder this wonder Steve is out of a job.

I don't think it would be easy for someone of his caliber to find another job.

Anyway, I am glad another murderer sympathizer is getting what he deserves.

He will not be the last one.

More research is been done to make sure.

I rather have a monkey in

I rather have a monkey in charge of public safety.

Lets face it, and I have to

Lets face it, and I have to be brutally honest about it.

Anybody would do a better job than the wonder boy.

Well anybody but the

Well anybody but the fantastic judge who receives guidance from his teen age daughter.

How is the wacko lawyer going

How is the wacko lawyer going these days?

She was another gullible Knox supporter who got suck into the morass.

Is her drinking problem get better?

Anymore accidents?

Thanks Steve

Steve is standing up for truth and justice. Drivel on you nasty guilters; your feeble arguments have no merit to stand on! People with integrity like Steve are not tainted by your idiotic sophomoric insults.

Is Steve now going to use his

Is Steve now going to use his gun to make a living?

His infamous television career didn't last long.

Is his wife related to Knox or just an acquaintance perhaps?

I still can not believe that he introduced his family to the world.

I mean there was no doubt that he would be exposed for what he is.

Why would any one believe an ex FBI agent?

I confident that there are rock solid reasons for Steve to be an EX FBI dude.

Well said!

Steve Moore is willing to make sacrifices for what is right - and this shows his sincerity. We should be proud to have officials willing to stand up for justice!

Compulsive liars get always

Compulsive liars get always caught sooner or later.

Thank you, Steve

Steve is truly a hero for standing up for what he believes in. He could just have easily kept his job and backed away from his position as a supporter of Amanda Knox. But he shows real integrity and a spirit of true bravery and courage for refusing to do that. The truth will set Amanda Knox and Raffaele free. Steve knows the truth is behind him.

Pepperdine University should be completely embarrassed by their action against Steve.

Judge Heavey, not knowing

Judge Heavey, not knowing geography very well and assuming the Italy is part of King County was hilarious, but this wonder boy is even better.

Nobody is going to hire him, except for David Marriott and his fraudulent PR campaign or Curt Knox who probably has financed the wonder boys spiel.

I can wait for the court hearings of the compulsive liars.

Recognizing a hero

My above reply was meant for Phanuel, Heather, and all those who recognize a genuine hero!

I always feel good when I see

I always feel good when I see justice is done and is seen to be done.

Is the dud going to give more

Is the dud going to give more interviews?

Thank You

Thank you for keeping readers up to date with what is going on with this case. Excellent, consistent reporting, and up-to-the-minute.



Does he look intelligent in

Does he look intelligent in that photo?

I just can't stop laughing, the wonder boy is so funny.

Anybody could have predicted that he will be exposed for what he is.



Does that family really think

Does that family really think they could just keep on lying and the public would buy their lies?




Steve Moore took a public stand on the verdict in Perugia based on documented credentials: not knee-jerk vigilantism or overzealous patriotism. He should be applauded for having the courage to speak out in the interest of justice. Pepperdine should count themselves lucky to have attracted him in the first place, rather than punishing him for exercising his right to free speech. Certainly they have no basis to assert that any "Anti-Moore-ism" or "Anti-FBI-ism" in Florence would somehow jeopardize the safety of their students abroad? If anything, they should be concerned with how this unfair labor practice makes them appear in the eyes of prosepctive students and their parents.

Amanda Knox would have had a

Amanda Knox would have had a better chance in life if she had had responsible parents.

I am not surprised that she ended up a murderess.

I hope the other kids get put into foster care so that they are not under the influence of those parents.

We have seen what happened with Amanda Knox and we do need more murderers for this family, or am I not right?

Darwin Awards for Steve

Darwin Awards for Steve Moore.

Pepperdine University should

Pepperdine University should be embarrassed for not standing behind Steve Moore. He stepped forward with his knowledge and experience to help a wrongfully convicted girl. It seems Pepperdine does not value courage, purpose and the pursuit of justice. He is the perfect example to show Pepperdine students a meaningful life full of purpose. Instead Pepperdine chose to teach students that doing the right, moral and self-less thing will not go unpunished. That justice is only of value if it doesn't interfere with the university.

I am absolutely ashamed of

I am absolutely ashamed of Pepperdine University.

They should have supported his efforts instead of fired him.

Steve will have bigger and better things in his future and I stand in AWE that with his own financial needs at risk he refused to stop supporting Amanda Knox. He has my deepest respect.

Get his facts right

Moore could have some credibility if he actually knew the evidence of the case (whether he agreed with it or not). Time and again on his TV appearances, he quite clearly does *not* know the objective evidence which is not in dispute by either defence or prosecution. There are multiple instances where he has not known the timings of key events in the crime. He suggested that the forensic examination was corrupt because it should have been conducted somewhere far away from Perugia, like Rome. (It WAS conducted in Rome). He has claimed on national television that Amanda was "beaten" and that he interrogation was "just short of waterboarding" which is horrendous hyperbole which should be a major clue to his faculties of investigation. (As anyone on either side knows, Amanda's claim is that she was clipped over the head twice at that's *it* - wrong if true but a billion miles from the hysterical claims of waterboarding and beating).

He lacks judgement because Amanda's lawyers in Italy have publicly disapproved of his presence because he's actively harming her chances. Worse, for someone who would help someone on an *appeal* he says he hasn't even read the judges's 400+ page written report so he doesn't actually know the case against her which is what he's *supposed to be fighting*. Moore is all talk and no substance. His judgement and knowledge on the case should be a major warning flag to those who support Amanda that this is a guy who doesn't actually back up his claimed (but mysteriously unclear) credentials. He's just a guy who has been revved up by the PR story for her defence who is trying to make a name for himself. And hurting Amanda Knox's chances while he does it.


As a homicide investigator for thirty plus years, I can safely say that you have not read the facts. Knox is innocent.

"Steve Moore took a public

"Steve Moore took a public stand on the verdict in Perugia based on documented credentials:"

His credentials?
He was a low level operative.

It is entirely clear to me why he never progressed to a higher position.

He has not the brain of Judge Heavey or Anne Bremner.

It is completely inconceivable how a fool can go on national television empty handed and make absurd and false claims.

Do I believe the 19 Judges and 6 jurors or a person who seem to behave like a complete fool.

How could any sane person employ him?

What was he thinking when he irresponsibly introduced his family on TV?

There was no doubt that his suicide mission would fail, why does he what his family going down with him.

He is just another Knox agent in a long line of very ordinary sock puppets and he will not be the last one who will ruin him/herself for the murderess.

re Steve Moore

Mr Moore is a man of the utmost integrity and honesty.
I am appalled at Pepperdine Uni. for sacking Mr Moore.
They should be supporting him for speaking out in this case. He is on the side of the truth and the truth is, INNOCENT!

"Contact Submitted by Guest

Submitted by Guest (not verified) on September 29, 2010 - 11:38am.

As a homicide investigator for thirty plus years, I can safely say that you have not read the facts. Knox is innocent."

Amanda Knox can not be innocent, her DNA is on the murder weapon.
She is a compulsive liar which she might have learned form her three parents.

The lying seems to be a family thing.

You are most likely just a relative of the killer.

It is well known that the killer's relatives wall paper the Internet with lies and it is starting to annoy people.

The dishonesty that I see is breath taking.

Her relos will be disappointed because the killers appeals will fail and that is good.

Here she would be appealing the death penalty.

"Mr Moore is a man of the

"Mr Moore is a man of the utmost integrity and honesty."

How do you make that out?

His knowledge of the case is appalling and his only sources of information is the infamous family.

Get your facts straight

Do you believe that Pepperdine would have hired him if he didn't have proper credentials? You may not have read the full article or you would know that your assertion about 'low level operative' is based on a poor set of Google search skills.

Do you really think, at all?

Do you really think that your constant posting of lies will suppress the truth forever!

"I am absolutely ashamed of

"I am absolutely ashamed of Pepperdine University.

They should have supported his efforts instead of fired him."

You can't be serious!
Aline themselves with liar and con artists.

Of Mice and Men

Interesting OPINION, PhanuelB.

Others have suggested that since Moore's double dipping job at Pepperdine was *to protect their students in countries abroad, including Italy*, he well deserved to be fired after some of his ill advised, erroneous and eyebrow raising stupid statements on National TV.

Additionally, he is far from shy embellishing his credentials since:
1) the "confession he got from the day care shooter was in fact a case of the perp actually walked into the FBI Office and told the receptionist he wanted to confess
2) He asked to be reassigned due to inability to cope with stress during his last years before his unusual, very early retirement.

Sorry, but my admiration seeks more deserving avenues.

Have you also, per chance noticed the latest "problems" of others you have similarly gushed about in your long and wide travels as an cyberspace cootie with your agenda blinded blatherings.

Like maybe Judge Heavey, TV talking head Counsellor Bremner.

Just sayin......

Thanks to Steve Moore !! You

Thanks to Steve Moore !! You have show the highlest level of integrity and personal sacrafice. The world needs more people in the world like you. People who are willing to step forward to help others even at personal cost. Amanda Knox is fortunate to have gained the support of such and honorable man.

"Do you really think that

"Do you really think that your constant posting of lies will suppress the truth forever!"

The truth was published in March.

Amanda Knox is a killer.

Read the Massei Report and the Micheli Report.

"Thanks to Steve Moore !! You

"Thanks to Steve Moore !! You have show the highlest level of integrity and personal sacrafice."

Your brain seems to be as dysfunctional as wonder boy's brain.

A Zola for our time

The safe, bureaucratic mode of action is always to avoid controversy, don't go out on a limb, etc. etc. But there are some people in this world who can't live with themselves unless they do the right thing. Steve is one of those people. Emile Zola was another... he wrote "J`Accuse!" and he paid a steep price for those words. But he was right. And Steve Moore is right. And in the end, Dreyfus went free, just as Amanda and Raffaele will go free.

I have a hard time believing

I have a hard time believing any former FBI man would have family that was so easy to trace. (as per your last article, Mr. Shay, wherein Mr. Moore claims someone contacted his daughter/wife) Does that not strike anyone as extremely unlikely? Further, Mr. Shay, you mentioned in your last piece that Mr. Moore was instrumental in obtaining a confession out of a man. A quick search online tells us that the man in question turned himself in and confessed. Perhaps a little more information on that case, as it seems contradictory to Mr. Moore's claims.

I am not doubting he is what he claims to be, but with these two simple examples, I can certainly understand why he is no longer with the FBI.

Pepperdine was correct. They offered him the option of resigning. He chose to be fired. He is on record stating that he would allow his OWN daughter to room with a convicted murderer. How safe do you think mothers and fathers would feel sending their child to a school with someone in charge of student safety making a statement like that? They will take their money elsewhere, and with good reason.

Steve Moore got to be the

Steve Moore got to be the most deserving Darwin Award recipient in a long time.

He even tops the worlds best investigator, Paul (What is a high school diploma?) Ciolina.

I have to be brutally honest,

I have to be brutally honest, but Steve Moore could not possible even make the D-team, no chance at all.

I have to be brutally honest,

I have to be brutally honest, but Steve Moore could not possible even make the D-team, no chance at all.

Is Moore going to Italy any

Is Moore going to Italy any time soon?

He needs a defamation law suit just like the other compulsive liars supporting the killer Amanda Marie Knox.

I had long predicted that

I had long predicted that Moore with the brain power which he displayed on TV is going to be known as a public fool.

"A Zola for our

"A Zola for our time
Submitted by Charlie Wilkes (not verified) on September 29, 2010 - 12:00pm.

The safe, bureaucratic mode of action is always to avoid controversy, don't go out on a limb, etc. etc. But there are some people in this world who can't live with themselves unless they do the right thing. Steve is one of those people. Emile Zola was another... he wrote "J`Accuse!" and he paid a steep price for those words. But he was right. And Steve Moore is right. And in the end, Dreyfus went free, just as Amanda and Raffaele will go free."

Hello Charlie,

Candace Dempsey never deleted your posts.

I personally do not sympathize with the killer and if I were you, I would distance myself form the unethical agents working for the killer.

...and that includes the dunce.