Tosh.o Blog

1. Yes the page is complete
2. Title of the page is “Home of the Web Redemtion, Video Breakdown, other viral videos and puke!”
3. Last post was Thursday, March 3.
4. Aimed towards people interested in humorous videos and pictures, non-conservatives
5. The videos and pictures are internal links, the other links are external.
6. Yes outside sources support information

1. Comedy Central created the page. Their logo is at the top.
2. You can facebook like the posts, tweet them, comment, or share through a social media. No contact information.
3. Yes makes it clear that comedy central is the creator. It has a list of “friends of Comedy Central” at the bottom with internal links to other comedy websites.
4. Comedy Central is sponsoring the site. Yes is it clearly stated with logos.
5. It is .com. It is not an educational page or government page.
6. Yes, the blog is through comedy central’s homepage.
7. Yes the site is accurate. It shows who posts each video or photo.
8. There is no print version however there is a television show on comedy central that includes some of the videos and pictures.

1. The website is very organized and not too cluttered. It has a lot of links to other websites and many social media links.
2. The sentences are not complete sentences however the writing style is appropriate for the content. It has Daniel Tosh’s voice in the writing and his sense of humor.
3. The site is user friendly. The headings are appropriate for the content and the navigation is useful. The navigation to other links are other comedy blogs and websites.
4. There are only sounds if you play the videos. The photos and videos make up the content.
5. I am a fan of comedy central and Tosh.o and have viewed this blog before.
6. There are very few advertisements on the website. They are organized seperately.
7. I only have Internet explorer and could not find the coding for the website.

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