Chat room

This is the chat room you can chat and put your E-mails on here so feel free

16 Responses to “Chat room”

  1. Wacko meet me sometime soon!

    Wacko jacko – Talk to me on meebo when i’m avalible

  2. anyway Wacko Eamil me my email is

  3. hi i need a fre account thaTS 50 Days old plz if u hav one send it to with the e-mail

    Wacko jacko – Good work lol i dont want anyone putting others or there accounts on this wordpress so insted do it by e-mail! 😀

  4. Hello?Hi!>:) Your under my control!JKJKJK

  5. hi great website

  6. HI!

  7. Plz meet me right now on mammoth at the ski village right now! I am Supergace

  8. vatmaking unexhibitable lepton syncopation pertinaciousness nonintellectual torpedineer thermatologist
    RBS, Inc. of Lewisburg

  9. do you have any more backrounds


  11. hey ppl any cheats


  13. no cn’t think of any… do u guys no any hiding places???

  14. no

  15. If anyone has any clubpenguin cheats that wrok could you give me them? I’ve been surfing the web looking for cheats but most of them don’t work so I just decided to go to a chat room and ask around.Please don’t give me any cheats that you know don’t work I’m sick and tired of all that crap.If you give me a cheat (THAT WORKS) I will thank you like a billon times,so please.

  16. i need a membership penguin’

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