How important is marriage?

There was an intriguing article on addressing the issue of a federally funded ad campaign to promote the value of marriage in our society. Looking past the dominant theme of where out tax dollars go, I tried to soak up how the topic of marriage was being handled by the author. She claims that recent preliminary studies show that about 30% less people per 1,000 are getting married now than in 1986. This is surely a result of the “test drive” mentality of marriage which has developed in the last 50 years or so into living together as a prerequisite to marriage itself. As a Christian it is sad every time I hear more news about failing marriages in our country, but if anything it does encourage me all the more to be a more Christ-like leader and lover to my family with the expectation that someday marriage will be perfected when the ultimate Groom will come for His bride and set all things right.


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3 responses to “How important is marriage?

  1. Mike

    Just passing by.Btw, you website have great content!

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  2. It is painfully painful to realise and watch the decadence that has encapsulated the christian marriages.We all know that those marriages not established in Christ Jesus is heading for the rock.But why is christian marriages falling into the same category?.Well.I believe as you have said that until jesus comes,we may not have perfect marriage.But presently,lets demonstrate to the world the true picture of holy marriage through our own marriages.God bless you.

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