Friday, November 2, 2007

Onsite interview @ Microsoft

It started at 13:00, Nov 1st. This is what i've been preparing for, so i drank 2 cans of red bull before i took off-_-.

First round, hr led me to an office... and the name on the door was 'Gene', it's a foreigner... Fortunately, he is a really really nice guy. I told him i didn't expect a foreigner interviewer, and he laughed and introduced himself and we started to talk. But i was still nervous until he asked me to make a reality design. I saw the question before, and still didnt think too much of it. But my instant design was good. Gene was really nice, and he laughed all the time, his accent was great, very easy for me to understand. We finished talking and he led me the way to the meeting room where next round will be held.

Second round, i felt a little relaxed after being interviewed by an foreigner which i thought went very well. Maybe i was too relax and i didn't expect the interviewer to ask questions about VM which i am current working on. His question was not very tough but i didnt answered well, i gave him some solutions but they are not what exactly he wants. After that, he asked me a regular question, and i thought and gave him a solution, using radix sort and merge sort, he was a little confused with my algorithm at first, but finally he got my idea. Then he asked me if i know hash, i said sure and he told me it is more efficient to use hash to solve it. I disagreed at first, and after discussion, i found i misunderstood the question a little... has asked me to group, but my solution was to sort -_-.

Third round, went in the same meeting room. The third interviewer didnt asked too much but two questions. The first one was to create a two-dimension array, it's too simple, and i finished without hesitate, and ... with hints of the interviewer, i found i forgot to use 'malloc'.... why was i so excited, damn. The next question was to solve an chess problem. While the interviewer was drawing the question, i was regretting, because i saw the chess before but didnt solve it. Then he describe the problem to me, which i had known, and he asked me to write code to solve. Thank god it was not me who he wanted to solve the chess but the computer. After finished this problem, he led me to waiting room and told me to wait for hr.

After about ten minutes' waiting, i got call from hr, she told me to rest in lounge, my next round interview will be held at about 17:00, which means i was forwarded. The lounge was facing south and got a great view, i love resting there. At about 17:15, hr came and led me to the interviewer, she asked me how did i feel, i said first round was good but the other two are not very good, she said i was unobtrusive, the feedback are quite positive. That relaxed me more or less.

The fourth round, which is also my final round, took placed in a Philippine interviewer's office. He came from Redmond too, as Gene did. And his accent was also great, we talked about transferring between different groups, relation between family and work, advantage work in China, then he alse asked me a problem about reality stuff, as Gene did, do foreigners always like to ask this type questions. I made a design, then we discussed, improved, considered some more situation, until he said it was finished. Then we talked more about microsoft, and he started to packing, because he's off duty, we walked out to the elevator, i was going up to check out and he was going down, so we said bye to each other. I reckon it as a great talking, but what i can do now is only waiting for news...

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