Welcome and thanks for dropping by!

You’re probably here seeking help with organizing and productivity in your personal or professional life. Your time is precious! Let me explain why you’re seeing something other than what you expected.

Many things have happened since I started Minding Your Matters® in 2002! The world is a much different place and my life has taken its’ own twists and turns. Over the years, I’ve been blessed to serve a variety of clients, who have bravely shared part of their lives with me, in order to achieve their organizing and productivity goals.

My experiences and training, along with some soul-searching, have created a new passion. In 2019, I started shifting to a virtual coaching model in which I help optimize your life after a medical diagnosis. Ambitious people contact me when they feel overwhelmed and out of control because a health condition impairs their life. I help clients optimize their time, manage their paperwork, and create a space they love. This is accomplished virtually with individual coaching sessions, support between coaching calls, personal development exercises, and curated resources.

To reflect the totality of the work and coaching I do, I decided to rebrand to JaniceRussell.com.

Given this information, here are your options:

If you’re a current or past client, please contact me at 919-467-7058 or via email so we can figure out the best way for you to get the organizing and productivity outcomes you desire.

If you are beginning your search for organizing and productivity help, thank you for taking the first step in making positive changes in your life. Here are some choices to point you in the best direction for you:

  • Janice Russell. If you are going through health-based life-disrupting circumstances, check out my Overwhelm Slayer Coaching Program™ to see if it would meet your organizing and productivity needs. This virtual coaching program is for you if you have a medical diagnosis (new or evolving) that impairs your life.
  • Institute for Challenging Disorganization (ICD). If you are looking for a professional with specific training or credentials in chronic disorganization, which is often present with brain-based conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, Hoarding Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress, Traumatic Brain Injury, etc., then the ICD is a great place to look for someone. I’ve been a member since 2002, and will continue to be a member to get the premiere training that helps me best serve my clients. You can also find many free resources on the website.
  • National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO). To become a professional member of NAPO, specific organizing and productivity coursework is required. Some members choose to pursue applicable credentials. I’ve been a member since 2002. My most recent contribution to NAPO was developing and presenting a webinar entitled Introduction to Life Transitions.
  • North Carolina Chapter of the NAPO (NAPO-NC). Same requirements as NAPO, with all members located in North Carolina. I’m a founding member of the chapter.

We’ve come a long way!

To 2018!

Contact Us

Phone: 919.467.7058
Email: admin {at} MindingYourMatters {dot} com

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