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June 7, 2024

2-Year-Old Painter Is Selling His Colorful Artwork for Up to $7,000

When Laurent Schwarz‘s parents took him on vacation to Italy last year, none of them knew that the toddler would discover his passion for painting in their hotel's activity room, but that's exactly what happened. Less than a year later, the toddler has his own studio set up in the family's home, and some of his paintings are selling for as much as $7,000.

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June 7, 2024

Young Cancer Survivors Reunite for Poignant Portrait 10 Years After Their First Remission Photo

Ten years ago, three girls posed for a beautiful portrait that wound up making the rounds online and gaining a lot of praise and support for the brave girls. Six-year-old Rheann Franklin, 4-year-old Ainsley Peters, and 3-year-old were battling cancer at the time, but embraced each other to send a message: “Sometimes strength comes in knowing you're not alone.

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June 6, 2024

Stolen Painting Returned to Chatsworth House After More Than 40 Years

Sometimes things turn up when you least expect them to. Such is true in the art world too, where pieces once feared to be lost to time or theft can reappear in unlikely places. Charles Darwin's notebooks returned themselves to Cambridge University, while the FBI recovered a stolen painting with mobster ties. Other works—looted or lost—have reemerged over the years and been returned to their rightful owners.

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